03 Aug Hidden sexual addictions
Listening to clients with sex addictions, I realized there is much work to unfold about this illness. It does not stem from this body form but it is an interference of an entity that vibrates in lower vibrational frequency. It can be passed on through our DNA, environment and it attacks you like a viral infection. If you are unconscious of this interference of the malevolent force then you are caught off guard with what is happening within you, your psyche, thoughts, emotions and where your hooks are. It is an invasion of your being. It is a living entity that its intention is to feed on your energy system or soul.
Who are the perfect victims of this phenomena? People who are experiencing lower frequencies of our consciousness such as fear, survival, shame, guilt, craving, lust, pride, apathy, anger and many more emotions that bring us to a lower vibrations. We are vibrational beings, electro-magnetic light bodies. This is our innate fractal of the Source of all that is, creations/God or universe. We are living in universal laws of creations. When we are misaligned to our highest version which is love, we co-create illusions of fear within and around us. Because we are holographic, every aspect of our being is a fractal of the whole being or the macrocosm of the universe.
To make it simple, we are living according to our own perceptions. If we see ourselves with low self- worth or value, we vibrate in this field of experiences. We are disempowered because of our own innate beliefs. We follow others beliefs, looking for validation and we are predators of those who are weak. This is the bio-feedback loop of our own vibrations. We create more pain, suffering from within and around us.
We cannot judge others as we are all one. In order to help and become compassionate for those who are suffering in this vibration of addiction. We have to start with this intention, “how can I serve others who are going through this illness?” To be a voice, an expression of love and live in authenticity is like a bridge to those who are in the dark.
People lives in shadow of our own sexuality, we either prostitute ourselves or hire prostitutes who can help us survive the world that we are living in. We compartmentalize our sexuality from our intimate relationships. We stay in our marriage without intimacy because of survival. We hide our erotic and tantric selves.
Others do not respect their body so they hide it in the dark, they receive attention for lust and desire from others and thrive from this pool of energies. This is the illusion of sexual energy. It can trapped you into a dimension of unconscious people. They inhabit the world of darkness. How do we help this people live in their authentic truth? By being ourselves.
I became a trigger for a lot of people by exposing my authentic sexual goddess. Others deemed me as crazy, addict or prostitute. Needless did they know that I am a mirror of their own judgement. They are judging someone who have a pure intention to lead others from darkness into light. I have the courage to unveil this taboo of sexuality. I am here to bring back the sacred in sexuality. We are full of judgement that we forget to look into our own eyes, who are we to judge? Instead of having compassion for those who are lost, we seem to know everything and unconscious of what is hidden beneath this cover. Don’t judge a book by its cover!
I contemplated and asked the universe or God, what is it that I am doing right now? The answer is simple, plain truth. I am here to experience truth, freedom and liberation. I have the courage to expose the hidden sexual addiction of our human. How I can help navigate someone who is a sex addict? This illness has layers of falsehood. It starts with our cellular memories, when we were in the womb of our mothers, beyond this incarnation, past lives and divine blueprints of our own Akashic Records.
How as a multi-dimensional being of light can release all the layers of humiliation, shame, guilt within our body and its cellular memories? How can we fathom this intervention that someone needs to go through a process of understanding, attain wisdom and clarity to its wholesomeness? We start where we are, to acknowledge that we as collective has a problem. To accept yourself without judgement is a huge step into authenticity. To be able to release body shame and guilt, to free you. This is the a huge leap in my healing and teaching. To help others accept who they are, be free of shame and be wholesome in their sexuality. Thank you so much universe for this co-creation. Namaste!
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