12 Jan Galactic Warrior
We have come here to assist human beings in their transition into a higher dimension which is the 5th dimensional body. This is an alignment of your higher self and soul’s essence to the creative Source of all that is. Your divine mission is to assists humans who are unconscious of their true essence. This is the ascension process towards a universal completion of your star seed history in the evolution of humanity’s consciousness.
We are approaching the golden era that is in alignment to the collective evolution and radical transmission of higher light frequencies that our planet earth is now receiving. We are receiving transmissions of higher electrical frequencies from many portals such as solar flares cosmic radiations, cosmic rays, and other planetary and star alignment that we are going through. The wisdom and knowledge of the cosmology of the multi-verses that you are remembering are fully encoded within your trillion of cells. When you receive the activations and initiations to these Galactic Masters you will resonate with the higher frequencies of light.
As an ambassador of the Intergalactic confederation of light, fully galactic human conscious being, you are connecting to the multi- levels of communication. You have signed into an agreement in your soul level to help others access their galactic heritage. To gain access is to first understand your multidimensionality. The planet earth exist with malevolent and benevolent force of light. In the history of the Great Galactic Wars since the beginning of the Lyran foundations.
This had been the reality in your galaxy, war timelines exist as above so below. There are beings here on earth that exist to serve themselves. Understanding the ways of manipulation and control will be your guidelines to know the path of illuminating your collective mind. It is like a web of deception and delusion.
Your mind is in the air, there is no space and time in the astral. When there is an imprint of cellular memory of this tantric waves of sexual experiences, you will be attached easily by this malevolent force. The desire and craving of your body like how the sex addict feels is hard to resist. But when you sign up for ascension, it means that you are letting go of this distraction and interruption in your acceleration towards your highest joy. We develop holes and drains in our auric fields when you experience sexual trauma. Your soul is fragmented. It leaves fragments in the trauma timeline and dimension. It is alive in the cellular memory. This becomes a portal or means by which the malevolent force can have access to your creative source of energy which is the kundalini fire.
This powerful tantric electricity is what the “reptilians negative entities” want from the human souls. They want us to stay in this human karmic cycle and not gain access to our cosmic inheritance which is the power of our sovereignty. Most humans here on planet earth had been succumbed to these sexual interferences. Some are being sexually abducted either in their sleep or with others who are unconscious of their attachments. Some are carrying their genetic codes that needed clearing in order to completely embody their divinity.
As a sexual victim myself from my ancestral bloodline this became a direct interference from the reptilian malevolent race. I had this agreement in my soul level that I will experience their presence and attack in my soul essence. When I had a NDE while the sexual molestations was happening in my two year old body. I was taken away and summoned in the Intergalactic High Council of light to assist in the clearing of the mass domination of the reptilian race agenda here on planet earth.
Coming back into my planetary body was a divine appointment to assist humans from being exploited sexually that causes mental health illness and that can lead to suicide. This insidious cycle of harvesting human souls has to be eradicated from our collective. It is happening in various ways through interference with our electro- magnetic fields, Schumann resonance, chemical and virus warfare that is prevalent right now in our space. How can we assist others in their awakening? To fully embody your divine galactic human blueprint to its highest soul’s embodiment and serve others with pure love and light.
Steps in remembering your divine essence:
- Creating a sacred space in the morning when you wake up. Being grateful for your life and blessings.
- Meditate with the Benevolent beings, spiritual teams and guides that you invoke.
- Put on the blue cloak of Archangel Michael for complete protection. Draw in you aura and visualize a deep blue cloak. Pull the hood over your head and zip the cloak up from under your feet to your chin. Feel and know yourself to be completely protected.
- Holes, confusion or any distortions attract the negative reptilian overlay. Claim your divine birth right. “I call upon my higher self and the Source of creations to renounce any agreements or contract consciously and unconsciously from any malevolent reptilian race that are not serving my highest good. I asked that all portals that are open, any demonic influence to be release and clear completely and permanently. I ask divine intervention, divine grace and divine unconditional love to flow within me right here, right now. I claim my divine inheritance for my soul’s highest embodiment, highest joy and peace. Thank you, thank you and thank you. And so it is. I ask the Lords of the Akashic Records and Gate keeper and Lords of Karma to rewrite my Book of Life to its highest light. Amen.”
- Continue to create a strong relationships with the Archangels, angels, Ascended Masters and benevolent Galactic Masters that had come to your spiritual league. To develop and know their souls mastery and incorporate their positive attributes to your incarnation.
- Discipline, determination and focus on your divine purpose to live a spiritual legacy in this lifetime.
- Surrounding yourself with strong, positive and authentic spiritual people will help you stay grounded and attain higher consciousness.
- Stay humble, pure and practice compassionate wisdom in all that you do.
- Master your energy and soul. Ground to mother earth, plant kingdom, animal and mineral kingdom.
- Respect and see others with light and no judgements.
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