26 May You are a living library of all your thoughts
Our own perceptions are the true foundations of our realities in the current timeline that we are traversing. We are multidimensional beings of light, and it is important that we fully understand our standing point of view. Our thoughts create our words, they are the vibrational frequencies of how we perceive our world. We are co-creators of everything around us. When we stop or pause, we can recognize the roots or foundations of our words. There are layers of beliefs, patterns and concepts that were deeply embedded in our DNA, and cellular level of consciousness and memories. We can get into a habitual pattern where we became unconscious, and we don’t ask our own self where is that thought coming from? Because we are running like a machine. When we become more conscious of the patterns on how we are navigating through our mundane lives, we will start to shift the way we think. We can be cognizant and aware of our beliefs when we become responsible for our own realities. Examining our thoughts, patterns and beliefs can take a lot of deep reflections and inner work but it is all worth it to help ourselves create a new life and know that we have the power to do it!
I love doing the inner work of transformation and how we can assist each other in our walk of life. It is necessary to rest your busy mind and feel your emotions when you come into a crossroad. It is important to pay attention to where we put our energy and how we can learn from our own ways of perceiving the world within and around us. The inner self magnifies what is in front of us. We need silence, reflection, and journaling to connect the dots and see the bigger picture of our life.
Being introspective of how we feel inside, we become super conscious of how we react and respond to outer stimulus. When we can master the way we behave and respond to others, we can have the power how to navigate in times of crises. We can see that a problem becomes a door of opportunity to explore instead of feeling helpless and contracted. It becomes a solution to the problem. We are oriented to find solution and answers instead of being in fear mode. Fear can be a wall to stop us from growing and learning. When we are strongly rooted to creating solutions, we become founders of new visions. We can tap into the trajectory of our desires and longing. The life that we want to have. We can have the harmonious fractals to create a new timeline in the midst of confusion.
Disagreements or conflicts can rise between two people when the intention for growth is not deeply rooted. We must establish a strong trusting foundation for us to grow in a progressive way that will bring fruition to our dreams. We have to fully communicate what we want to create and establish in order for us to have a prosperous project. Without this foundation we can be lead astray and become scattered in creating a new project. We need to become coherent, open to receive and give our ideas and thoughts without the feeling of being judged. We can be free from any assumptions, we can trust and know that everything that we want to co-create can exist in peaceful, harmonious and unified ways. Collectively we can co-create a world of peace, it starts within and how our perceptions are coming from. Let’s be conscious of our thoughts and how we are expressing ourselves. Together we will be in perfect unison towards co-creating our universes that reflect peace, harmony and unity.
Archangel Raziel expressed this in the message that we received. “We have the keys and codes of creation, within us are 36 trillion of cells that are embedded in our cellular level of memories and consciousness. Our body is the map of vibrations and frequencies that will help us tune into how we are align. Each physical organ plays a unique powerful purpose in our incarnation. As our hearts hold the highest frequencies and magnetic force in the universe. It is our heart that holds the sacred wisdom of the ages. To remember that when we open our hearts to receive love, we are opening our hearts to give love. These energies of balance, symbiosis and co-existence resides within our bio-logical systems. Everything is in harmonious synchronized motions. When there is a mis-aligned energy in your body organ or if you are experiencing physical illness. It is a manifestation of misalignment; it’s aim is to direct you to know what emotional codes or thoughts you have imprinted in your body. There are layers of intentions, thoughts, emotions and words that are residing in your body. They sometimes act as a wall, a defense mechanism to hide your truth. Your radiant light is a true bright light, a spark of divine creation. You are sovereign, a divine child of creation.
You are receiving the attunement and activation in your third eye chakra to help you open the veil of separation and see the oneness of all that is. We are participating in God’s divine kingdom or Source of all that is. The Universal Laws of your holographic nature is within you, around you, above and below. It is a soul’s hologram and everyone that comes into your space is a messenger of love or fear. But the truth is there is no shadow, it is only light. When you have reached the point of total surrender and embraced the all the shadow aspects of your being you will begin to understand who you truly are. Then the flow of love and light that is in your body, mind and spirit that resides within you can align with your Higher Self or Soul.
Do not be disturb and be still. Listen and be open to this guidance. The divine resides within you. All is sacred. The moment you start to be afraid or have anxiety, you have lost the unification of all your thoughts, words and emotions. They are imprinted in the Akashic Records of your Book of Life. They were recorded in all timelines, dimensions, space and realities. It is the mastery of your blueprint that holds the key to your book of life. You are privilege to know the difference. You begin to tap into the divine mind of creation. You are a living library of all your thoughts.
Let your actions follow your conscience, be brave and face your shadow. Because your shadow will lead you to your light. The light will shine and illuminate your mind. All the things that do not resonate in higher frequencies will dissipate, those that do not serve your highest good will live your energy field. It is your resonance to the highest frequencies of God’s love and light that will enhance your life. You are a messenger of love, compassion, kindness and gentleness. In all your ways remember you hold the key to your ascension. No one will do it for you. Become accountable and responsible for everything that you think, speak and do. We are here as your divine counterpart. The divine mysteries are imprinted in your cellular level of memories and consciousness. Be true to yourself, speak the words of love, compassion and kindness. Let go of any judgement or any feeling of fear and separation. You are never separated, and you are always eternally guided and loved beautiful beings of Light.
Angel blessings,
Photo credit: https://unsplash.com/@javardh
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