12 Aug Why do you open your Akashic Records?
Why do we want to open our Akashic Records? We want to open our personal soul records to understand the roots of our unconscious state of mind. When we incarnate, we forget our true essence. We become attached to the egoic mind structure that dictates false identification of the 3D matrix. We were imprinted with our environment, DNA from our ancestors, past life karmas, and our own fear and survival defense mechanism. There are layers of conditions and situations that we need to release and clear from our unconscious state to return to our home, wholesomeness, and soul. This is the process of ascension within this planetary avatar physical body suit. Our body holds the light and expansive soul that it inhabits. The force of life.
The records give us a bigger picture and expansive state of mind. We become detached to lower vibrations and emotions. We become reconnected to our higher self. As we progress with our records, we grow exponentially with our awareness. Our manifestations become accelerated, co-creations with the divine grace. We relearned the ways to be more open and receiving the divine substance frequencies. Everything becomes a fractal part of our holographic matrix. The shadow integrates with light particles. No more fear, judgement, or rejection. We learn to fully accept our shadows and forgive ourselves and others. In developing self-acceptance, we become wholesome. This soul’s journey is our path to illumination. As the sunset kisses our mother earth, they become one in the symphony of love.
We are returning to our 5D matrix consciousness. We become attuned to what we consume and how we are functioning as a multidimensional being of light. It is a process, and we need a lot of kindness, gentleness, and compassion towards our own selves to give love to others. Taking care of our body, mind, heart, spirit, and soul. It is a holistic reprogramming of our existence. The process of purification leads us to a space of experiencing darkness. We call them shadows. If we feel separated from our own shadow, we will not find peace within. Acceptance of our shadows become the first step into reclaiming what we lost.
These fragments of the body, mind, spirit, and soul. We experience these fragments when we are traumatized. Our emotional body feels the painful experience. The spirit leaves our physical body; the spirit wants to free you from the pain of the body. It is a natural state of defending your own existence, to leave the painful emotional body. The mind is the recorder of the experience, it gets stuck in the ether and recorded in your Akashic Records which is the hub of the wheel of life. When we are going through suffering, we forget that our soul is fragmented. We must call back and reclaim our sovereignty. To anchor all fractals back into our body. Then, we will feel more at home within our self and grounded back to our physical body so to speak. This is the work of purification; it is like a fire igniting those aspects of us that we deny. The stage of acknowledgement is the act of courage to face our shadows and follow through with examining our life patterns.
What are the patterns that sabotage you? Writing them down and opening your records to ask for assistance with the Masters of Light can help rebuild a new template of your wholesome self. This rewires you and integrate your left and right brain into one unified field. Knowing your triggers, reactions and lower vibrations helps you to redirect back to oneness. By shifting your vibrations and awareness into love and compassion. You become at peace and in a state of bliss. This is tapping into your highest potential and highest good of all beings. You clear the records that are not in alignment to your higher self. As you evolve, you become a conduit to serve others. Reading for others is a privilege and is a calling to honor.
Opening the soul’s records of others helps you to grow more. Understanding someone’s journey in the eyes of the Source helps you lighten up the burden that yourself is also carrying unconsciously. You become astute and fearless. As you open to receive the blessings of divine grace, life becomes lighter.
As I evolve with my records and others, I became clear of what I want to co-create with God/Source and other galactic human beings. I prioritized myself. I learn to manage my time, energy, and vibrations. I know my self-worth and respect my life and others. I became free of victim consciousness. I live in joy, love and peace. These are the fruits of studying your Akashic Records. May all sentient beings be free.
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