15 Nov Why do you give your power away?
Do you have patterns that keep repeating in your life? Like getting caught in drama or conflicts with your boss or your wife? Do you know that relationships bleed in every aspects of your life! If you are living with someone that you do not love but you are in it because of fear and insecurity, this aspect of unhappiness and incongruence will also exist in other shapes or forms. We are unconscious of this repeating pattern because we are so busy looking at the other person as the one that has a problem. But what about you? Did you magnetized this situation? Did you ever think that you are the magnet of anything that happens in your life?
These mirrors are giving us our own medicine when we are open to receive it. If you catch yourself judging the other person or playing the victim that you cannot move on, we need to shift our consciousness.
First, know that every creation is within you. If you are not happy with another person, then, there is something about the other person that triggers you. Reaction is a huge sign that you are not in your power. It means that there is some void or something from the past that got triggered that you needed to see. Does the other person remind you of your parents or someone that had caused you pain? Most wounds from the past recreate other stories in different timelines and people. Until we see the other person as our teacher to know what is it about us that created this situation, we repeat this story line of being a victim. It is never about them, it is always about you.
The way you react is a sign of your progress. How much do you know yourself? What are your insecurities, strength and weaknesses? The truth will set you free. Because whatever the other person is saying it is not about you. It is about how they perceive the world they are in.
It is wise to know that when we are suffering, in conflict, drain and waste our energy is a measurement of our maturity. How we empowered ourselves? Power is about knowing our own self, claiming our values and knowing that we are powerful beings of Light. As you become aware of this, we do not take others drama. We have a higher perspective, we see problems as opportunities to change.
We are mature enough to know, that nothing that the other person says will affect our wholesomeness. We are content, peaceful and happy. Our peaceful mind is a sign of being empowered. When we have inner peace we are in alignment with our Higher Self.
How can we maintain this state of mind? By being attuned to who we are and our true authentic self. Who are you? What do you allow in your energy fields? Are you true to yourself? These questions will help you find clarity and focus on what you want to create with your life.
When you find yourself in conflict with another person, know that you co-created this. To find clarity and redirect yourself to your own inner self to understand how you are conditioned. This gives you the opportunity to see the unconscious and become an observer of your creations. A harmonious state of mind is achieved when we are congruent with ourselves. We co-create with the universal energy. This brings to us what we have inside. If we are in alignment with our highest good, we create stillness around us. The external is a manifestation of what is within us. This is the code of how we function within.
How to create a congruent life?
- Know yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, patterns, values, beliefs and shadows?
- Journal and be consistent. Taking notes on what triggers you and your reactions will help you find out about yourself.
- Accept where you are. Keep an open mind and heart to what comes up. You can be going through some an emotional release.
- Spend time with yourself in silence. Walk in nature.
- Create a sacred space and anchor your Higher Self into your body, ask to reveal to you what you needed to change.
- Forgive all that has harmed you and forgive yourself. This helps you clear your fields with any lower vibrations. Your heart is pure and clean.
- Be mindful of your thoughts. You create what you think of. Remain vigilant with your words. Keep them in the higher frequencies of love and light.
- Do not speak ill of others. You are one with all that is. Be pure in all your intentions, thoughts, words and deeds. They all go to your Akashic Records, the accumulation of your soul’s journeys in all timelines, dimensions, space and realities. You want to have a clear record of your existence, to vibrate higher in your ascension process.
- You are here to prepare for your return home. Your home is your soul. When you have this trajectory, you know that this timeline is just another aspect of your Being. Be conscious and aware of your destination.
- Be bold to face fear and change your situations for the highest good of all. Life is a constant change, we evolve and learn from our experiences. We are impermanent sentient beings living in uncertain times. Turn to another chapter of your life, where you are empowered and living your authentic life. Create a new template for your evolution of consciousness. Be happy and peaceful.
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