24 Jan What does it Truly Means to be Spiritual?
What does it truly mean to be spiritual? I was confused in the midst of my relationships with my girlfriends, I was betrayed. It actually had nothing to do with them. I do not go there. When I attract certain situations that trigger me, I take my dear time to reflect and do a self-inventory. I ask questions in my Akashic Records, where are these imprints coming from and how can I clear them and find the lessons? This is how I evolve myself, by not blaming and projecting to others, but examining my magnets that attracted this.
In my examination, it took me back to when I was 15 years old. At that time, I was experiencing guilt and shame due to the illegal abortion that was performed on me, on behalf of my family. I did not want to have an abortion. I wanted to keep my baby but my family decided what to do in my life and kidnapped me. This hellish day, when I almost lost my life, broke open my heart. I lost trust. I lost faith in my own family and friends that betrayed me. My best friend gossiped about me and from that day forward, I did not want anything to do with women.
Then I developed friendships, I chose to open my heart. But out of the blue, I thought I had paid my karma, until one day I got hit in the back again. What is the lesson? What are the things that I do not accept within myself? Who are the people that I surround myself with? These questions came into my contemplation and the answer came to me last night.
I was invited to celebrate a beautiful lady’s sobriety of one year. It happened to be that she was my son Theo’s friend. She messaged me that my son made a difference in her recovery. I went because she mattered. As I was sitting in the room full of addicts anonymous, I was touched by an angel. Listening to all of them made me realize that we, as a society, take for granted how blessed our lives are. We are not struggling with this kind of darkness. I felt my son’s presence and felt the pain that these people are going through.
One thing that dawned on me was the vulnerability, rawness and how honestly they shared their lives with each other. The deep connection that they made broke open my heart. What does this mean to me? What is the difference between their friendships and my own crowd? I found clarity on what it truly means to be spiritual!
Spirituality is about being vulnerable, raw and open with each other. With all relationships and contracts that we make with each other, we need to be in integrity. You share your heart, soul and true feelings. You do not hide, closed up, or tell another person about how you feel for another human being. You face each other and say it as it is; even if it hurts. This is the raw deal.
I thank these true earth angels, they directed me to what this means to me. I have a clear mission about who I want to serve and help on my spiritual path. This means to me that I care and I am truly blessed to find earth angels in my life. Thank you universe, thank you my son for directing me to my soul’s service. This is a divine appointment. Thank you.
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