15 Oct We are The Hathors
We are the Hathors, high priestesses from your ancient stars system. We watched you grow, plant seeds of wisdom and blossomed in the wilderness of the forest. You have come to us and asked us many questions but not patiently listened to our beckoning. As of today, we asked to you stay. Be here for a moment now, my child. You have come from the stars in the galaxies. You have been watching this blue planet from light years of existence. You are willing to suffer being human and experienced violence of your body, tortured your mind with negative thoughts and feel sick of your emotional body. Who are you living in this predicament of humanity? How can you surpass the tests of times? Are you now going to stop and reflect within?
You have been summoned to be here. You who is remembering your ancient star seeds. You have been guarding the spirit. You have been nurtured in the brightest light of the cosmos. You are the sunshine in the fields of dreams, you are the moon light in the darkest times, you are the tears from the deep ocean of sorrows and you are my star dust that created this magical fantasy of being here in the garden of Gaia.
You have been asking us why you are here? You found ways of realizing that everything is within you. Your external realities is within you, your mirrors of paradise is your garden of thoughts, you are the spirit of your mother earth. There is no separation. You are our child, you are the goddess that had come to grace her beauty and presence to those who had forgotten. You are the catalyst of others to know that they are not lost. They are not forgotten but they are here meaningfully living this life with presence. This presence of being here is the gift of the goddess.
If you forget that your breathe is the force of life, not your messy thoughts, nor your procrastinations. You act like there is always tomorrow. You feel like a drama queen. You are scattered like the wind. You forget to remember that you are here, in your heart, in your breathe, you are here now. To be one with all that is created within you, air, water, earth, fire and akash. These elements that created you, are the particles of all creations. Your earth, solar system, galaxies, universe and multiple universes. You are a part of something bigger than what you think, so why think? Why not use all of your properties and feel what makes you feel good and happy. Why do you like drama and confusion? Do you not know that this will drag you down into stress and dis-ease. Make your life something lighter and easier to flow. Flow with what mother earth had designed you to be. You are the harmonious creation of the gods and goddesses.
You belong to the sky, mother earth and the vast ocean of earth. You are the twinkle of the stars, you shine this light that belongs to the stars. You matter, your existence is beautifully orchestrated in this symphony of the stars. You are the music of the spheres. You our child of the stars is precious. We see you as this treasure, walk with this honor and have your stay in mother earth like a vacation in paradise. Don’t waste any moments. You are the creator of your book of life. No other person can stop you now. You have the fire to ignite this magic. You have the watchers around you. You belong to us, your mothers of all mothers.
Step up, open your mind to expansion. Think the biggest dream that you had when you were a child. Dream this in your reality without doubt nor fear. But shoot for the stars. This is your co-creation that catapult you into the abundance of the universe. Your higher self, anchoring this into your physical manifestation. You can create anything that you want because you are the alchemist of life. Everything is within you. The stars, moon, sun and other planets. They dance with your creations, your energetic resonance bring them into alignment with your destiny. You dance in harmony with these elements. They remind you of how to navigate with their frequencies. Everyone carries their own unique energy signatures.
Each being has its own origins, from the stars, planets and universe. Your galactic blueprint is beyond your imagination. It is wild and expansive. The gods and goddesses are all within you. You have created this within your beliefs, thought patterns and imprints from your ancient mythology and ancestors. You just have forgotten where you have come from. As you are returning to home to your origins, the Source of all that is, slowly you are remembering your ancestral bloodline. This is not according to your linear and old paradigm, this is coming from your star tribe. This is going to be a process through the activations of these star gates or portals of your sacred lands.
Your planet has these codes and keys through all its sacred spaces. They are the ley lines of the earth where your ancient ancestors have performed their rituals and sacred ceremonies throughout the ages. Many have come to remember and now are here to awaken the masses. It takes dedication to this calling as it will take your life incarnation to fully allow the spirit to speak to you. To open this channel of wisdom to flow through you and others. The gates are open for this to manifest and carry on this lineage. Your enlightened ancestors are here guiding and protecting you to become victorious with your liberation.
You are sovereign, you have this birthright to be a master of your soul`s destiny. You are fully equipped to do so. You surrender to this calling and it will unfold right into your eyes the golden path. Each one that touched and connect to you will feel this activation. You are the tuning fork to wake them up, to remember their star seeds, to shine their pure light. You are our beloved star child, shimmering light!
Posted at 23:33h, 24 OctoberBeautiful I feel like this was written just for me. Though I know we are many.
I love the energy of your transmissions and I am an initiate of Isis. I would love to work with you and learn from you Teza.
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 05:54h, 04 JanuaryThank you Michele, yes we are one! xo