31 May Waking up to oneness
We as human beings have the illusion that we are separated from others. Unless we have lifted the veil of separation that resides in our third eye chakra, we cannot feel and see that we are one with others. We can ask Lord Horus, to bestow upon us this divine gift of clarity. To ignite the fire of our third eye and purify our thoughts from being judgemental and critical of others. See others with compassionate eyes.
Let us see others beyond their form and image. Let us humble ourselves from being superior than others. Let us be wise when choosing our words that reflect others. Let us remember that we are one. What we speak about is what we are inside ourselves. Let us be aware of this wisdom.
What we talk about is what we are inside. Speak kindly about others and your cellular level of consciousness will be kind to you. Know that we are one. No one is separated from this Divine Oneness. Let us treat others with respect, honor and integrity. Let us love with open mind and heart. Let the fire of Divine wisdom consumed our hearts. Purify our thoughts, words, emotions, intentions and actions in our Akashic Records. Let us unify to live harmoniously in this world.
It is time to be a voice of our freedom and truth. Our ancestral line age have a lot of things that are kept hidden dark secrets. Let us become the voice to speak the truth. It is time to be a messenger of love and truth. This brings freedom from all bondages and karma that we inherited from our ancestors. Let us free ourselves from illusions and fear of our truth. Our voice is the message of the peaceful warrior. It is time to be, just be your self. There is no one to please, no one to judge but be authentic to your own self.
The sacred teachings taught us to know our own self. This path is being egoless, dropping down to the heart and feel. Feel those emotions that kept you small. That made you feel alienated from others. This is the first step to true freedom, by honoring our own deep emotions that we ignored. There are a lot of things that we kept under the carpet. We never told others because of fear of being rejected. These emotions are deeply hidden from our emotional body. Like the ocean so deep, let us swim to those hidden parts of ourselves. Let us know our shadows and ask these dark hidden emotions to reveal to us the wisdom and love that we deny our own selves.
When we acknowledge our shadows we become lighter, fear dissipates in our consciousness. Self-acceptance is necessary to feel complete. Our fragmented thoughts about our own self will find inner peace. Being egoless state, we become one in our spirit. We let go of things that hinder us to feel one. We learn how to navigate with our own thoughts and bringing them consciously into a cohesive unified thought of we are one.
When our emotional body is balance, our thoughts are unified. We feel at home with our own self. It creates a space of unison and harmony. To be harmonious within our own inner landscape is the first step in helping us to be one with others. Without harmony, our outlook in life is fragmented. We see negativity about others. We don’t see beyond the form. We see brokenness and fear. But the truth is that we are all in this quantum soup of existence. So what we see in others is also how we feel abut our own self. Practice compassion and kindness towards your self and you will find that this will be your own state of mind and purity of your heart.
We are all one in this field of duality, paradoxical to our true essence. In the spirit, there is no boundary and no separation. We exist in one unified consciousness. As we awaken to our true essence, we become aware of our own true existence. We become more gentle, kinder and compassionate to those who are still asleep. We let go of our judgement about others. We become an observer of our own thoughts of separation. We acknowledge that we are in the same field of consciousness. Once awaken, we cannot go back to our old ways. We shine our true Light, celebrate our joy and welcome the new earth of oneness!
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