27 Jul Vulnerability is a portal
I woke up at 0444 and realized that I have to listen. Opened my email and I stumbled upon an invitation for entities clearing. I felt my body. I felt like I was ran over in the train tracks. Where is this coming from? I realized I was trapped into another portal. This happened to me when I opened and become naked in public in social media. It is not my way of expressing but this time there was an entity of revenge, defiance and rebellious spirit. I asked my higher self to clear these old imprints from pain and suffering of sexual abuse that no longer serve me.
“I ask these spirits of revenge, defiance and rebellion to go back to the Source of love and light. To be transmuted into the sacred fire of the Violet Flame. To go all the way to the core of mother earth Gaia and be renewed. To be cleared away from my energy centers. I ask the power of the Diamond shield portal of the sacred heart of Jesus to protect me and guide me through all these sufferings of the death of Buddha. And so it is. “
When you are going through the grieving process, your defense mechanism is down. You send a lower frequency of vibrations in the energy field. The predators are hovering around us. Unconsciously these people are carrying these entities in their systems. They are hypnotized by the pleasure of the body blocking them from accessing their soul wholesomeness state of being. They are fragmented spirits and became attached to this body of pleasure and sexual addictions. Their craving is insatiable. They have no resistance to pleasuring themselves with lusting for another body. This is the world of sex addiction. The darkness is hidden as people can judge, but judgement do not help these humans.
They need compassion, understanding and therapy to help them see back their light within. I feel that their sacred sexuality is tainted with pleasure of the body. It became a thrill seeking adventure to gather and be in the pool of seduction and lust. This is a vortex of energy where you can get easily entangled because of human desires. We are so vulnerable, we can get numb to our pain and to feel our body we succumb to lust.
This is an entrapment of the egoic mind. It makes you believe that you powerful in this domain and that you are indestructible. You lose your sense of decency. You become self-oriented focused on what you can get from the other being. Like a vampire looking for another drop of blood in the midst of the night. Like a thief in the night these entities are creeping in your home, your thoughts filled with their lust and your body craving for touch. You pleasure yourself as you are experiencing this portal of lust. This is suffering!
But you cannot see the void in your soul because you have filled your body with lust. The hormones are taking over the physical domain without knowing that you are lost in this deep dark hole of sex addictions. Wake up my beautiful beings of light. Rise up from the dead body of lustful thoughts. We are here as your guide to carry you out of the quick sand that trapped you in to that pool of your DNA ancestral patterns of sexual abuse.
There is no more time to stay in that field of lust. You are here to fulfill your highest version of your incarnation. Do not be attached to your body as this is mortal. The eternal soul is the work that you are carrying in this collective awakening of human beings. It is pure and clear work of your experiences from darkness into light. You have gathered the weak and now it is time to empower the lost souls. To deliver them from this trap. The trap of pleasures and lust. Be vigilant, carry the Diamond Shield of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Death and sex are portals. When you experience darkness of the grieving heart, you are vulnerable and weak. Sexuality is tantric, it is healing to be in your body and electrical currents are activating your kundalini energy. Sexuality and spirituality resides in one channel. They channel through the kundalini energies. When someone is grieving, their fragment of spirit leaves the body. Unaware of this situation, the body becomes a perfect target for entity. It is being human. Then the karmic cycle begins with the entanglement of these entities in your systems.
Clearing, purifying and purging is a shamanic way of healing. Smudging with herbs like sage, palo santo, yerba and many other ways of implementing clearing with these plants. Surrounding yourself with crystals and wearing them. Detoxifying with Himalayan salt in your bath before you sleep. Fasting or eating only vegetables and fruits. Your system needs a reboot. Recalibrating into a new template of your renewed self. Your soul fragments are being reintegrated back into your body. No more suffering with timelines free of karmic bonds. You are in a transition of a cosmic loop incanated as a star being from the galaxies. Remembering your true essence. As a light worker we need to be always on guard what portal are we entering into. To have a strong discernment and ask for spiritual guides to bring you clarity, focus on your divine mission with integrity and empowerment. Be courageous and move beyond the past, this is the current download and it shifts your quantum fields into a new you. Be you in all times, authenticity is the expression of your soul hologram. Don’t deny any attributes of your incarnation, integration and acceptance are the keys and codes to experience the paradise template. It is here, choose the lighted path. Be a torch of light for those who are in the dark. Do not save the world, be free of any responsibilities that are not yours to carry, leave them to the Elohim.
Know that everything is light. The shadows that were shown to you is a portal that needs light. You are a messenger of light. Do not contaminate your pure heart and soul. Be free and truthful to yourself. All is well when you vibrate in this wisdom. It is time to gather and harvest the fruits of your labour. Do not be disturbed. The light is paved before you. You trigger a lot of unconscious people judging you for your body. It is their judgement that separate them from the pure hearts. Let it go, it has nothing to do with you. You are the mirror that needs to be cleared from dust. It is you who is called to do this work for the benefit of all sentient beings. Be free from any harmful thoughts. You are precious shining brightly among the stars in heaven. You are my beloved child. You are a star!
Posted at 00:34h, 30 JulyI love this! Profound and I’m sure many of us that have experienced sexual abuse can resonate. Thank you for sharing your downloads 🙏