07 Mar Value your worth
You do not feel you belong to someone, deep inside of you there is a void that does not feel complete. Unconsciously, you created a wall that will not let others in. You magnetized people that are not respecting you or devaluing your existence. In your mind, “they think I am stupid.” They truly do not know who you are and how capable you are to surpass all these things.
The roots of sufferings are from your infancy. The foundation years of trusting your prime care givers was broken. Suddenly, you are in a different world. Disoriented to who are these new people around you, where are your parents? We are unaware that these infants have their own innate knowing the people that surrounded them with love. Once this is broken, there is a void in their hearts. Deep sadness that they were not good enough to be validated. Not worthy of true love.
As you go through your adulthood, people proved to you the brokenness that lies within you. People cannot be trusted, abused by others, sometimes betrayed, abandoned and the cycle of pain continues unaware of these wounds of the soul. The walls are getting thicker. You worked so hard to justify that you are successful. The only way you know is to isolate yourself from being intimate to others. This is safe, unable to feel loved or love your own self.
You question your big dreams, unwavering with doubt. How can I bring this in fruition, do I have the right to this vision? A message that you receive, “dream big my child. You are given this vision because it is yours. Claim this, you have the birth right to this incarnation.” Time for a change. Your heart needs unconditional love from you. The harshness that you put upon yourself had melted down. It is time to face the truth. No one can abandoned you. You have abandoned yourself.
The lesson of this timeline is to create a new chapter in your Akashic Records. To be loved, to value your worth and trust that the universe rejoices that you are born. Your value is not upon others opinions of you. It is yours to value your life. To understand that you had come here with a divine mission. To shine your light in the midst of darkness.
You do not need to defend yourself, all you need is love. There is no more struggle and know that everything is given to you. We live in an abundant universe. You are born like a star. Ground yourself to mother earth and she will nourish your soul and you will be planted like a strong tree firmly rooted upon the earth.
Fully accept who you are, with all the waves of ups and downs. You made it through the tidal waves. All you need to do now is to ride these waves. Be strong, hold on tight to your dreams. The people that are coming are working with you when you let go of fear and allow love to enter your dominion. Everything has its season. A season for love.
This is the calling to co-create with the Creator/Source of all that is. Your life is like a tapestry of moments interwoven together to offer this life back to the Source of Light. A full circle of your 5D body. You have come to realized that you are bigger than what you think you are. A high priestess in ancient timeline, one that fought the war and now is back to overcome the illusion of separation. It is enough to fight. It is time to understand and assimilate the lessons of your book of life.
Know that in every problem is a solution that is seen behind the naked eye. Ask and you shall receive. The eye of Lord Horus in your Third eye chakra will help you dismantle and lift the veil of separation. You will see with these eyes of love. Beside you is Archangel Michael who is the cosmic protector, he will fight for you. You do not need the walls anymore. Open your mind to be clear from any fear, open your heart to receive love and open your soul to the new chapters of your book of life.
Ascended Master El Morya that holds the divine wisdom and divine will of God is here to assist you in your directions. To focus and have a strong discernment of your ways. Wear the cloak of protection and love. In this lifetime, you had experienced the loss of parents. In the Source of life you are always a child of God. You have full validation of the Source. As you prepare yourself in this ascension, you will return home to where you truly belong. As you look upon the stars, there you are. You are home, my child. Be free and create a joyful life filled with harmony, peace and perfection in God’s eyes. You belong, never abandoned and free. Be loved. Om
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