12 Jan Unveiling the Truth
We are layers of unconscious hungry ghost with desires to inject venom for others. This is nothing but vicious cycle of karmic bond. We are bonded with darkness. We like to bring people down to see them crawl and so we can feel good about our disposition. This action stems from greed, insecurity and ignorance of your magnificent Light.
I can smell this around people. The way they talk and recklessly use words with venom. They are not aware of what they are bringing in the conversations. They are polluting the room of their shadows. Energetically this vibrates in lower frequencies. It can poison your system if you are not aware and protected. Like EMF, you are in this quantum soup and vulnerable to this infection of our souls.
How can we discern the truth? Listen to their words, intention behind it, question this in your mind and then scan how this feels in your body? If you feel sick in the stomach and heaviness in your heart, you are plugging toxins in your soul. This does not belong to you, transmute this by invoking the Masters of Light like St. Germain and the Violet Flame and Archangel Michael. We always have support from the Ascended Masters, Atlantis Archangels and Benevolent being of Light to help us in our ascension process.
In the transition of the Golden era, there are a lot of distractions, shadows and fear that will resurface in our collective. Because we are paving the way to our ascension, we needed to release the things that are not serving us. No stones left unturned. We are in a huge shift of our evolution to being true authentic rainbow warriors of Light. This golden era is rising up shining its Light into our consciousness. Remembering our soul codes. We are embodying the divine feminine Goddess within unapologetically speaking her truth. To deliver what is necessary to implement this shift, we need to remain in stillness. This is the core essence of your power. Align with the unified field with the universal resonance of divine prime Creator.
More things will be revealed to you as you listen to the signs of times. It is imminent to happen. They are showing their true colors. Do not be hypnotized by what you see, the truth lies within. Focus on your heart space and follow your passion in the energy of flow, ease and grace. There is no time to resist, open your heart to what is being presented to you. You hold the key to love and abundance. This is your heart, when you love what you do. It flows like your blood running into your vein, it is unstoppable and it is divine designed.
What feeds your soul? What makes you thirsty of knowledge? Are you sharing your wisdom? Are you a gatekeeper? Do you allow others to poison your vibrations? Are you aware of your calling? Are you awake? Are you wasting your precious time? Are you a master of your soul?
These questions can help you navigate to your true compass. When you are in the fog of confusion, you are lost behind the mask that you wear. You pretend to know or see but you are blind to your own truth. You waste your time and energy to help others when you cannot help yourself see the truth. Wake up my beloved children, you were born to rise up and be a master of your soul.
What does it mean to be a master? Mastery is focusing on what gifts you are born with and co- create this blueprint with the pure intention of anchoring this golden Light into our consciousness. You are not here to be in a cycle of pain, sufferings and karmic bond with your human DNA. You are here to experience freedom from illusions and ignorance. We are here to co-create with the Divine design of our magnificent galactic Light.
To be a lighthouse where others can remember their return to home. Returning is rewiring your neuro-pathways. To create a new template of our hybrid system, we need to burn all these impurities from our thoughts, words, actions, intentions and vibrations in the Akashic Records. To reinvent a new galactic soul is to purge the old egoic self that was running on monkey mind. Be mindful, steadfast and still.
Simplify your life. Less is more. You are the core center of your life. Things and people around you have no control or power over you. You are the master, who allows things to penetrate in your soul. You are the gatekeeper of your heart. You have the key to your sacred space. In order to have inner peace, you have to be centered in your core values. Integrity is being true to your self. When you have given power over to others, you denied your truth. You became a slave of others agenda.
Your mind and heart is your mastery. This alignment is important to mastery. Design your life according to Divine will, surrender things that you have no control of. You are given just this moment, how you are going to use this time is up to you. Waste your life away or be a master of your soul. At the end of our time, you will see your life’s review and how you created a life filled with love, light and peace. Or you have created a life filled with fear, shadows and ego? This examination of your conscience will determine your outcome. Right here, right now write your mastery of the soul in the Akashic Records. Face your shadows, embrace your power and be the master that the universe is here waiting for your declaration. Be this magnificent Star of the universe. Namaste!
Photo credit: instagram:@pinkkilla
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