16 Jul Universal challenges
Things that do not make sense, showed up into our realities and we cannot help but wonder, how did this just happen?
We are living in uncertain times. Our perceptions about things that are happening are sometimes not the true essence of the situation. Our discernments can be misguided and what are we suppose to do in this type of uncalled realities?
These are universal challenges that we need to acknowledge. Stop, have some time for personal inventory and self- reflections. In this Mercury Retrograde, full moon and lunar eclipse energies, we are bombarded by confusing emotions that can trigger our deep unconscious state of mind. Observe your triggers and what makes you tick.
Stay center, be focus and let go of emotions that does not serve your highest good and others. We are in a quantum leap of manifestation. Everything accelerates as we continue into our ascension process. We are releasing a lot of energies that are dense and heavy for our light body to shine its Light to others.
The purification state is like a roller coaster, the more peace within, the ride will be less sickening. Our attachments are shaken to the core. Letting go and totally surrendering to what the universal energy is giving us. Slow down. Grounding our birth right to mother earth as we anchor things that needed to be integrated to our wholesomeness.
Things that make you feel separated will be in your energy fields as we co-create this unified consciousness. There is no separation, we are all one in union to the golden path that we thread. Ask yourself, why do I feel this way? What are these emotions that needed some clarity? What am I learning? What do I need to integrate? These questions can lead to our directions to life.
At the end, it will always point back to love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. This bonds us and what seems to be separated is actually united. So take a look at what makes you feel separated. Forgive that person and realized that in many lifetimes you probably were the one who hurt this person. No barrier to unconditional love, forgive and let go. Move forward to the new templates that are rebirthing this new energy.
Nothing is personal, everything that happen is a fractal of the whole you. So when it triggers, it means a part of you wanted to integrate. Be free of drama and confusion. There is a clear blue skies after a storm. This storm is passing by only and stillness is in the horizon.
Show up where you are called and let your Light shine through. This is the golden era, we are the light workers that will infused love in darkness. Anchor this powerful Light within and know that you are loved no matter what choices you have to make. Our filters are our perceptions, make them count and realized that this is the path we choose. Our soul chose this catalyst and what we needed to learn. Have you learn what your lessons are? What your soul wants to experience is being revealed in many layers. Keep accessing your Akashic Records and investigate the rest of the signs.
You are guided, protected and loved no matter what circumstances you find yourself. There is only one you. You matter. You are a child of the sun. Remember to ask and it shall be given to you. There is only perception to begin with, perceive with great values and worth to your self. Self- love is the best sign to maturity. When you are confused, that meant that you are not in alignment with your energy center. Waken up your Kundalini and feel the rising fire within.
The love within is your ignited path to freedom. True freedom is being able to feel what you want and be okay with the rest of yourself. Grieving the lost fragmented parts of your spirit. They are hanging in there for you, waiting till you call them back home. When all your energies are back, watch as you tap into your reserves. Then you know that all is in a flow, these energies are all interconnected. All we need to understand is the integration of aligned energies for the highest good of all beings.
We forgot that our traumatic past had created this void in our hearts that we try many times to fulfill. But only the divine love can fill this void, through asking and creating a declaration to what is..that makes our world go around and around. We are one.
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