01 Jan Tzolk’in the Timekeeper of the 9 Dimensions
Dec 31, 2021 I spent my day walking in the snow for hours. I wanted to feel the sacred ground. I was grateful for all the living beings. As I started my journey, a little bird walked beside me tweeting, it was a sweet surprise from the messengers. I see the animals as messengers from the unknown mysteries of life. They are our guardians and foretelling us of what we need to pay attention to. Such a delight to have this bird beside my walk.
I was attuning to the Galactic Center as I heed the calling of these Masters The Tzolk’in that reveals the codes of time. I received this activation when I was studying the work of Barbara Hand Clow, a powerful Indigenous channel, astrologer and brilliant mind who I met on 2015 in a convention center in Vancouver which I was a part of.
Listening to Barbara is like travelling in the universe. She describes the planets movements as if they were beside you. It was a profound experience to be with her. Ever since then I read her books. It widens my comprehension and understanding of what is multi-dimensional living in my planetary body means? My map are my own experiences here on mother earth and lady Gaia leads me deeper the more I create relationships with humans, animals, plants and crystals and mineral kingdom. I self-recognized that everything is a part of my holographic matrix. As a Pleidian channel myself, I also realized that I have to speak more of my star lineage.
When someone asked me if I was from Pleides many moons ago, I had this electrical energies all over my body and I knew there was something about that word. It was an activation a remembrance of where I came from. I listened to countless hours of the works of Barbara Marciniak.
And my channeling started to flow like a river of my consciousness, I felt the words of my wisdom keepers. My lineage is mostly from the Pleides which bring us love, beauty, sensuality, arts and sex. In this lifetime, I also recognized my resistance to accepting that I am a very sexual being. And because of my karmic imprints of sexual abuse, I felt guilty of pleasure.
The spiritual patriarchal conditioning that sexuality is a forbidden fruit. The hierarchy knew the magnanimous power of the kundalini, they want to control and keep it away from humans. Sexuality became twisted and hold us back from accepting our powerful connections to the tantra of divine energies. The true version of love, pleasure and sexuality can be attain when you gain freedom from negative beliefs and old programming of control and manipulation. To be incarnated here on mother earth is sovereign. We are beyond this egoic mind, we are fractals of creation and Creator. What a marvelous way of seeing when we clear our mind from false beliefs and fear.
The Milky Way is the home of the Ninth Dimension and its Keeper is Tzolk’in. The Galactic Center vibrates in a very high frequencies of the Ninth Dimensions. The Black hole is the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is the source of time waves, we can experience this brief alignment during Galactic Winter Solstice. According to physics, everything in the universe is omnicentric, which means realities unfold from the centers. We are in the Geocentric center of this complex whole, which is expanding. Our nervous system are designed to feel the cosmoc via this axis. The great mystery is that our bodies and minds are now being activated by the full potency of the 9D black hole. The infusion of high-frequency energy from the Galactic Center that is pusing down into the vertical axis, like a tunnel or wormhole moving out of the black hole which symbolizes the old universe.
The Galactic Center shoots out 9D galactic synchronization beams form other galaxies the connectors of the intergalactic system. The Milky Way received the big galactic Synchronization beam during Harmonic Convergence, August 16 and 17, 1987, which was joyously awaited by millions of humans who had heard about the Mayan calendar. To higher dimensions, our world is becoming more radiant, yet many humans are struggling with this pure high energy.
The Tzolk’ins created the Mayan calendar to orchestrate Earth’s evolution. They align with specific time waves by working with all Keepers of all nine dimensions.
The message:
Benevolent Beings of Light, we are here as you asked for help in understanding to what is going on with your timelines. You had been hijacked for eons of lifetimes. Manipulation and control is an old tactic as you can see. Those whose eyes are closed is till believing that you are going to die of disease. The dis ease that they are putting to your hologram is palpable. Your mind becomes attached to the entanglement of fear. Your emotions calibrated low in fear of survival. You are eternal soul. No one can put a deadline in your existence. But if you keep listening to the social media rooted in fear, soon you will see yourself lying down in the hospital bed. This is your participation in the collective fear. It is time to rise up through intentional living. What does that mean?
It means to vibrate in a higher frequencies. When you are being controlled, it is time to break through. Live in the center of your galaxy. Your central nervous system, you have the access to the galactic center, the black hole is sending you frequencies to enter the new template of the new human. This human is fully equipped and super conscious of its own map of consciousness.
What do you want to see in the future? How do you want to feel? These simple questions will co-create with you, your possible highest outcome and potential. This is the secret of the universe, creating from the future timelines. Whatever you see in your material world was once a vision of a human. Visualize your life in the etheric fields, you are given the codes and keys to your Akashic Records. These sacred recordings of your journeys will help you mapped out where you want to be. Your higher self is your director of your life. Without this you will be lost in the collective fear. Stay in the center of your galaxy. Your spine holds the cosmic light, this golden liquid light is meant to be anchored to mother earth. To create a strong gravitational fields around you. Being centered, focused and divine driven to understand the universal laws of creation.
Your divine time is eternal, your planetary body is finite. Use this time now, quantum jump into your true essence, magnificent, radiant light. Fractal light of the creation, as you work diligently devoting your time in understanding your existence and blueprint. You are gifted with divine grace to flow with ease and love. This timeline that you are entering will train you deeper into knowing your galactic blueprint. It is time to collectively rise. We are waiting for you. Your incarnation is sovereign, you have the birth right to feel powerful, grounded in humility, purity of intentions and love. May you continue to communicate with us, we the keeper of the Ninth Dimension of the Galaxy Center. Welcome aboard. Blessings of universal light in your new template of being galactic human.
Reference: Alchemy of Nine Dimensions By Barbara Hand Clow
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