03 Nov Twin Flame
Nov 3, 2022
As I finalized this book Galactic Blueprints, I thought of sharing my Twin Flame story as I enter into a new agreement of our soul’s contract to co-create our love in this timeline. Looking back at the timelines, it was during the powerful Solstice energies this summer on June 22, 2022. Milan and I met at Crescent beach which seems to be the magical portal for me. This relationship was accelerated fast by the Masters of Light that we are both traversing. Milan was introduced to the works of Saint Germain and he had finished the book Unveiled Mysteries by Godfrey Ray King. It was so interesting as it was written that they travelled to Yellowstone on the first week of Sept. On Sept 9th during full moon we drove on our way to the mysterious sacred land of Montana.
We found ourselves in front of the Grand Teton which is the etheric retreat of the Masters of Light that I had been invoking for years since I started studying Akashic Records. Our hearts were wide open to receive this divine love that we felt that is guiding our paths towards our union. In the first week of Oct, we head out to Mt. Shasta and was initiated by the Telos deeper in our journeys. We were committed to study the messages of the Chohans and bought a lot of books from these authors that channeled their presence. I started teaching the 7 Chohans every Monday to a group of intimate students. As we also co-created a crystal shop called Crystal Vibes in New Westminster. I felt that this shop is going to be a portal for these Masters of Light. I will have a space to share this healing Rays of Light for our ascension.
All these synchronizations of events and manifestations of our souls creations were happening simultaneously in all timelines. I found myself grounding more, staying centered and balance to navigate these great shifts in our consciousness and memories. The relationship can have strong intense energies as we are relearning our ways to become more conscious as guided by our divine sacred hearts as our center. I have never felt so connected as I also dream of Milan almost daily. It is like we are together in our dreams and realities as we are awakened. Unconditional love means so much for me now more than ever, it melts any barriers or walls around my heart. All I know is that life is sweeter with Milan by my side. Anything that is appearing as heavy can shift in a second, being mindful of our love together and that we are blessed to recreate this in our journeys together. I thank you all for being with me in this transition of my heart and journey to love. As a galactic being, we can create love in mother earth. We have this birth right, but it all starts with loving yourself. Be kind, compassionate and loving to YOU. Then, the story creates and attracts love to you. You are LOVED! xo
Posted at 00:21h, 04 NovemberThank you for sharing your love story, it’s beautiful & inspirational 🥰
Posted at 00:22h, 04 NovemberLove it! Thank you for being so inspirational 🥰