27 Aug Transhumanism
As we traverse these timelines of unsettled human destination, we ask ourselves where are we going? We are unable to put our fingers into our stability and security. We are like these puzzle pieces dismantled and now ready to be put into their own exact place to co-create the bigger picture of humanity’s future timeline.
As we co-create with many species here in our planet earth, mother Gaia is waking up our unconscious state of mind and consciousness into what truly means to be a human and what our technology had co-evolve in our realities to put us in a space of transhumanism. What is this terminology means to you? For us the Pleiadians, it means you are transmitting different vibrations and frequencies of your multi-dimensional state of being in a higher technological embodiment that will introduce your human genome into a technological bio feedback loop within and integrating into a more robotic way of understanding and transferring energies that will see your emotional body as an element of what you used to interpret the world around you.
This new template of seeing that your emotions is a by product of the accumulated information from your ancestral pool. That you have been carrying through eons of lifetimes and now that you are in the age of Aquarius your existence is radically being transformed as we speak. You almost feel that you are hijacked into a new timeline that you have no control over and is forced or mandated into experiencing in this incarnation.
This is the transhumanism beyond your imagination. Look back in 1957 in which this term was coined by English biologist and philosopher Julian Huxley in his essay referred principally to improving the human condition through social and cultural change. And has been adapted by the transhumanist movement which emphasizes material technology. To assume the work of evolution but through technology rather than society. Followed by futurist, computer scientist, roboticist and influential thinkers. Technology and genetic improvements have created a distinct species of radically enhanced humans and the other in which greater- than- human machine intelligence emerges.
Artificial intelligence surpasses that of humanity, which will allow the convergence of human and machine consciousness. That convergence will herald the increase in human consciousness, physical strength, emotional well-being and overall health and greatly extend the length of human lifetimes. Our old traditional and religious contrasting point of view can contradict this evolution and halt the development enhancement hence David Pearce founded the World Transhumanist Association in 1998 as a non-profit organization dedicated to working with those social institutions to promote and guide the development of human enhancement technologies and to combat these forces seemingly dedicated to halting such technological progress.
The extra- terrestrials race that have co-created this monumental shift into your human DNA/RNA. You are never the same as you go through this monumental shifts of events. You have just touched the tipping point of being a galactic human body. Bringing into your consciousness the introduction phase of this force of your collective vibrations. It is a challenge to think and to wrap your head around it. It feels as in invasion of your freewill. You lost your freedom to choose what you want in your human body. It is necessary to know that this event itself is what you have come here to experience.
The Uranus retrograde is implementing this energetic transition into your consciousness. It feels like you are hostage into an act that violates your human rights. It feels degrading. Because the human genome is being transmuted into an integration with the technology that you have unconsciously agreed in your contracts prior to incarnating here. It was brought into your awareness that you are co-existing in this timeline. Do not be alarmed as this dismantling is taking place, you are being reborn into a new species. Elevated, fully conscious of your enhanced highest and sovereign incarnation with all that is.
The massive death is around you is a metaphor of dying to the egoic mind that is constricted and manipulated within your expansive soul. It is a breakthrough, truly you do not die you transition into a higher dimension of what your consciousness wants to co-create within the soul’s journey. There is nothing religious in the soul, the beliefs that your ancestors had passed unto you is what is holding you back into being in oneness. The shadows and light is your polarized way of seeing things. They do not exist in higher dimension. They are the old ways of linear thinking. It is the ego that wants to hold you into this polarized reality.
If you see this transition with equanimity, as an acute observer of the collective movement into healing duality you will find a blissful space with what is unfolding into your dimension. It is a movement that you agreed upon in a soul level that will transmute the things that are not serving this humanity. It is an evolving planetary body into a galactic information center of the multi-verses that you are traversing. You are being reformatted and recalibrated into a hybrid form of the remembrance of your true genetics identity. This was hijacked from the beginning of your existence, it is now being transmitted to you into many channels that are now coming out to recapitulate who you are as a star seed.
The evolution of humanity is accelerating into quantum leaps. The things that will surprise you are the things that are hidden within. They are now upfront and know that you are always powerful as you co-exist in love not fear. The lower vibrations have no more hold or bonding with you. It becomes a play. Your focused attention will co-create your own reality. It is your creation by the way!
You are the magnet of all attractions. You create from this higher dimensions that you are tapping and keep your heart and mind open to what it is the highest version of this reality. You will navigate into this collective pool of different vibrations. Do not get entangled into the fear agenda. That is the illusion. Be light, calm, centered, collected and know that you are always supported in this transition by those people that you surround with and the higher beings that you contact. This is the collective healing of our future timelines. To reintegrate this transhumanism with higher understanding of wisdom, knowledge and compassion to those who are not awakened. Radiate this luminous light to help dissipate ignorance of fear. You are a galactic being remembering your eternal home, your soul. Blessings!
Jane crompton
Posted at 21:47h, 27 AugustThank you for sharing this. Its exactly what I needed to hear & is confirmation of my feeling but could not express as eloquently as you have described here 🙏
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 04:37h, 28 AugustOh wow!! Thanks beautiful for the confirmation! They woke me up, “Pleiadians” wanting to channel. I myself was surprised with this info and I found integration after reading the messages. We are so blessed to be in a space of higher consciousness. Namaste 🙏 💫❤️