04 Jul Trajectory of our souls
To create the trajectory of our souls is to tap into a higher level of consciousness but first, we must examine how our mind functions? What is our default? What are our entanglements? Why are we complicated?
Our mind is the trickster archetype it leads us to confusion and chaos. Clarity is attained through simplicity of the mind. By dropping down into our heart and feel what does not feel good is telling us what does not align to our highest good. Simple yet we complicate our lives, because we are in the ego. We try to deny our feelings so we can escape in our mind. We block this flow of love that wants to come for us to receive. We are imbalance in receiving and giving love. We become confused on what is meaningful and what we allow to block this flow of love. We are clueless to our own creations.
As we awaken up from these distractions we are connecting to our creativity and passion in life. Creativity from the divine inspiration directs us and gives clarity to our meaningful purpose in life. When you are connected to the Source, nothing can disturb you. Your ego becomes your ally, when you are the Master of your path. Clear your path from trivial things. You are here to experience both Divine union and being human.
How can you integrate your Higher consciousness into your body’s consciousness? Your body is a map of all your ancestors vibrations. Nothing is hidden, all is seen in divine eyes. Open your third eye chakra and ask that all will be revealed to you. Feel the vibrations in your body. When you feel pain in certain parts of your body, that means there is a misaligned energy flow that is creating this stagnation. When things are clear there is a flow of abundance and joy in your presence. There is no lack and resistance just flowing with divine guidance and feeling the Divine presence in your lifetime.
You are one with the collective and you have the power to see your vibratory world. Your trajectory is the map of the future where you can collectively feel, see and taste this sacredness, divine incarnation and peaceful loving compassionate sentient being that you are. Our Shakti ignites within, the fire of the divine love to purify our body, mind and spirit. Allow the flow of this river of consciousness to wash away all your sorrows, blockages and confusion. Be present, behold thy love to your sacred heart.”
You are transitioning to your Divine Self, the galactic and cosmic body of Golden Christ consciousness. We are one ascending into divinity, return to home where all the angels commune. You are remembering your true essence. You are experiencing stillness in the midst of challenges. You become a fully conscious being with full capacity to channel the divine grace to help others in their path. The enormous challenges are here to create your new template to what is real. All entanglements are now clear, released from what is not true. Your sacred heart is your compass to detect, feel and know what is real. Things that do not vibrate in higher levels of love, joy and light are but shadows of light.
Allow the Masters of Light to help you release and embrace the truth for what it is. Accept the things that you cannot change. Believe in what is sacred. Be and walk in this divine path. Open your life to service for those who need your Light. You are a powerful rainbow sacred warrior of Light. Shine your Light spectrum for those who are still in the dark. Darkness dissipates in Light.
The trajectory of your soul is the map where you needed to focus your attention. With this you will quantum leap into something more powerful than your linear time is presenting to you. This is the North Star of your destination. Know that you have this capacity to co-create your divine blueprint in the Akashic fields. With the assistance of your own spiritual guides and Masters of Light you have the map plan out for you to access by listening with your whole being, body, mind and spirit.
What do you want to see in this map of paradise? Go back to your childhood and ask what gave you joy and love? This is a direct connection to your true nature. As a child I lived in the paradise island of the Philippines. I found so much love and joy in nature. Swimming in the Pacific ocean, breathing in the smell of salty waters and climbing the beautiful Plumeria tree. I was in awe of the flowers and vibrant energy of the sun. This for me is magical and gives me tremendous love and passionate zest for life. Right now, this is what I am doing co-creating this paradise times of my childhood life. This is the trajectory of my soul. To live in bliss with nature and write from channeling divine wisdom from the Masters of Light.
We all have the power to co-create magic in our lives when we totally surrender our lives into divine service for humanity. Collectively we are being called back to our true essence. Like a child full of wonderment, let us live and open our eyes to this momentum. Let us bring our own trajectory for our enlightenment to rise up. It is our collective awakening that will anchor this Golden era. It is time to rise up!
Photo credit: https://unsplash.com/@devondcs
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