20 Nov Threats and discordant thoughts of others
I received an information about someone who was sending me a curse and black magic. He used the suicide of my son as a result of my bad karma. In his message in Tiktok, he told the viewers that I created a curse on him and as a result my son killed himself. While listening to my girlfriend about his accusation, I was bewildered. I saw her reactions and she told me, that I should report him to the police. I was in my center and realized that this discordance has no power over me. I felt my, “beloved Mighty I AM Presence” around me. I called the consuming Violet Flame of Saint Germain while she was showing me the video. I did not tell my partner right away as I know he was super sensitive regarding this type of news.
I contemplated and told my soul sisters as I want them to be aware of this message, to be cautioned because this person was actively participating in our meditation circles a while ago. I also told my children about this person. As I am sleeping, I asked the protection of the League of Angels and to take me to the etheric retreat of Saint Germain. I was awoken around 4 am and decided to read The Ascended Master Light, By the Great Cosmic Beings written by Godfre Ray King. I knew this incident is something that I needed to address. As I read the discourses, I felt this innate power and expansion of Light in my heart. The Radiance of the Ascended Masters Light Octave is palpable and super strong.
I created a sacred space, lighted a candle and smudged myself and my partner who is asleep in bed. I sent forgiveness and compassion to this person’s Higher Self and ask Archangel Michael to cut any cords, entanglements, karmic imprints of threat, fear, paranoia, curse, black magic between our souls. And I visualize this is happening with the blazing sword of truth of Archangel Michael. And so it is. I also put myself inside the tube of Violet Flame with my Higher Self integrated with my physical body. I opened my Akashic Records and asked this imprint to be rewritten with the power of the Great Cosmic Light for protection and forgiveness.
If you asked me fifteen years ago, I would have different reaction with this situation. I would be threatened and in fear of my reality. I would be angry at this person and I will feel hurt badly. But right now I am in a different disposition. I feel the outpouring love, power and wisdom of the Threefold Flame of the Divine Grace in my reality. I do not have any resonance in lower vibrations such as fear. I have no reactions but of love and compassion for the soul of others who are experiencing pain. This is the result of studying and dedication to the discourses of Saint Germain. I have been reading these discourses faithfully for years now and I can see, feel and think of various ways that I have changed. True transformation of my body, spirit, heart, mind and soul. I am so blessed to reach this peak of my existence. My understanding of what is real and what is created by human discordance is so clear that I can feel the vibrations of the thoughts of others when they speak. This innate knowing created a strong barometer within me. This wisdom gave me a guidance of where I am, what I need to do and see when things are chaotic around me.
This is the mastery of your reactions and where you put your attention. Fear is an illusion, it needs light. To put light in a discordant situation, you need first to recognized that you are a powerful mighty being of Divine Light which resides within you, the “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence!” This powerful protection of the Octave of Light is beyond this earthly realm. It is the Source of all that is, it the Cosmic Blueprint. When we read the words of the Ascended Masters we receive these transmissions within the Light Pattern of our Sacred Geometry which builds the Light Codes of our human creations. In this field of Light, we co-create with the Masters of Light what we want to experience here on mother earth. The discordance of others will dissipate from your realities, you are surrounded with loving humans that will be loyal to you and love you in eternity. We are eternal souls, when we see others who are harmed and harming us as beings that needed more love and Light then we can feel their calling for our Light. Sending your Radiance and Transformative Light will help cease any borders. There is nothing that can harm you, only when you allow this separation between you and others. When we see others as our mirrors, we can then be free of their discordance. Because we are choosing to see Light in all aspects of beings. The shadow can only be realized if we shine our Light upon this, we are multi-dimensional beings. Let’s keep our attention to Light and know that you have power over all dominions with this power granted upon us. This Divine Grace and Blessings will shine over your life and creations. Be at peace.
Photo credit: https://www.lancereis.com
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