10 Nov The War in our Head
In these tumultuous times of our lives, we are surrounded by sufferings. The war can bring this in the air and our mind is not peaceful. We are one organism called humanity but unable to find peace with others. We like to compete and destroy others through our own thoughts and emotions. Within us live the fight or flight mechanism, survival of the fittest and domination. How can we eradicate this world of war? We need a huge shift in our consciousness to be here. Mother Earth is in turmoil, her children are being destroyed minute by minute. It is like walking in death sentence. I heard these words from my Papa, he was a veteran and fought WW2. He described to me the Death March in Bataan, on which 7,000 -10,000 died or were murdered. A war that Filipinos experienced during the invasion of Japan in 1942 for over three years. Around 500,000 Filipinos died during the Japanese occupation period.
During my childhood, my Papa told me stories of survival and how he was able to survive the war. There was a time that he was put in a cage and was surrounded by four men, one by one a person is dying in front of him. He prayed and asked God, “please give me my life to see my family again.” This statement helped him through this ordeal. He had a strong faith. Looking back now, I knew my dream was related to fear of death. I was in darkness reaching out to the soul of someone that confided to me about her cancer.
Tonight, I was woken up with sweats and nightmares. It is not about the war but the souls of people who are going through life and death, the world of cancer. I was in the deep abyss of darkness; it felt like hell. I was reaching out to the soul who was captivated in fear of dying. I felt the anguish and despair of the soul. I got up and decided to write. I felt like a warrior to help alleviate the sufferings of the person.
Why are we suffering? Because we are not at peace, we are afraid of annihilation. We think we have control over our lives when in truth we are only traversing in finite times. This body is temporary. Our souls are eternal. Just like war, we are fighting the death and corruption of our body. What if we accept that we are not in control of our body, and totally surrender our life to the unknown mystery to the Source/God of all that is. To flow with ease and grace. To flow like a river being guided to release any fragments of fear. To fully live in faith that we can do it with the power of positive belief that we are always being taken care of even during cancer. This is the powerful stance that we need when we are going through challenges. We need strength, determination, and acceptance.
We cannot fight the war within our mind, but we can be an observer. We can witness how we are being paralyzed by fear. We can also alter our trajectory when we are aware of our own enemy. Our mind in the battle zone. Like the war that is happening in Israel and Palestine, this is happening in the state or condition of humanity’s mind. When our consciousness can be peaceful, we can shift our outer world. The world is showing us what we must do and change. The war is a metaphor of our own disposition. For our world to be at peace, we must be at peace, wholesome, and happy.
The suffering is endless in this world. But as an individual we can start with our own mind, then the ripples of our peaceful state will create the shift. We cannot change the world if we ourselves are not at peace. Start within, see peace and create the trajectory of your soul towards peace. Let us pray together that the sufferings of the world will cease. May all sentient beings find peace within. May all beings be happy. May all beings be at peace.
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