13 Sep The Voice of Saint Faustina
I could not sleep and so I opened my You Tube and found Carolyn Myss my favorite spiritual teacher and listened to her. As I was listening, she was talking about her mystical experiences, and I realized I needed to share my sacred experiences with the Saints. I thought of what to share in the angel book, I was led to the experience that I had with Saint Faustina. She was the first Saint that was canonized in the 21st century. On the day of her announcement, I was on top of the Mission hills in Saint Benedictine Abby having a silence retreat with monks and priests. It was announced that Saint Faustina was canonized as a Saint on April 30, 2000 by Pope.John Paul 11. I was in ecstasy; my heart was leaping in joy. That night I had Jesus visited my room; in the dark corner of my room I saw the Divine Mercy. I was in shocked; I did not know what to do. I was overwhelmed.
Prior to this vision, I had been studying the life of Saint Faustina. I read her autobiography. I was enmeshed with her life. How the vision of Christ with gushing blood and water were coming forth from his body. I recited the prayer of Divine Mercy every 0300 as a night nurse walking in the dark hallways of the nursing home. It was a summer in July, as I did my rounds, holding the rosary and praying the Divine Mercy chaplet. It came to me that there were 27 souls that departed during that month. It never happened before that so many souls transitioned in a month.
On my break for an hour, I would go down to the basement of the building and nap in the recliner chair with my blanket. That night, I asked Saint Faustina if this is the work of the Divine Mercy, about the souls transitioning as I pray in the hallways to relieve them from their sufferings? I went into a deep sleep and had a lucid dream. I was running with a bible in my hands. The background was green grass in front of a white house. On top of this house were three angels. I can see vividly the design of this Hispanic house. Then, a nun dressed in brown habit approached me and asked me, “pick up the rose petals.” I asked, “where are they? I cannot see them.” She pointed to me in the grass, there were covered with different coloured petals of roses. I was in awe and filled my basket full of petals of roses.
My sister-in-law came to me and asked, “who was that nun?” I said, “I am not sure because she was dressed in brown and was asking me to pick up roses. Which according to our Catholic religion this is Saint Therese of Lisieux who is a Saint that symbolizes roses. But I was also praying to Saint Faustina, so I don’t know which one.” I woke up from this dream and was eager to call my sister-in-law to tell her about this dream.
The next day, I called her and told her about the dream. She started crying and told me that she had been devotedly praying to Saint Faustina and that she just bought a white house. Wow! I was so happy that I connected to this vision and made her so happy. After few months I came to visit my family in LA. I was shocked to see the white house was the same vision that I had in that dream. I had picture taken and told Dorie that this is the house that I dreamt of. What a miracle! There was another time that this Saint visited me in my dream, I heard her voice. She sung to me, “Healeth of Thy world, Healeth of Thy world!” These words were about Jesus the Healer! I created a song about this and sung it to my friends. I was in love with Divine Mercy. I used to have an image of him 6-foot-tall standing in my living room. I donated this picture to the church in Our Lady of Mercy. There are a lot of synchronicities regarding this church. This was a convent that is connected to the Convent of Our Lady of Mercy of Saint Faustina in Poland. My three children graduated from the school of OLM. It is fascinating to see how our past lives and karmic imprints are still affecting us in this current timeline. We are living in multi-dimensions, happening simultaneously in multiverses. The more we can understand this concept, we are able to see the bigger picture of our lives and why we come back to this earth school. We are powerful conduits of love and light. We have spiritual guides around us and available within our reach. The more time we spend in silence, we become attune to their voices and frequencies. Listening to these spiritual guidance help me in making sense of what life is all about. It is complicated layers of past, present and future timelines that are all happening at the same timelines. Our body is the anchor to regenerate, recalibrate and reactivate those dormant seeds of potentialities that we can attain in this lifetime when we are open to receive, to accept and allow these higher beings of light to penetrate our mind, body and soul. By sharing these sacred moments that I had with the Saints when I was a devout Catholic I am able to receive their divine grace into my vessel and feel at home, with inner peace and love with my incarnation. That I am born to bring you back deep into your mysticism and know that you are not mentally ill but you are experiencing a grandiose sacred time with these Benevolent Beings of Light. May you live your life fully knowing that you deserve to be a vessel of light and love. May you honour these sacred moments with the divine. May you be free from any fear or doubts of your sacred presence. And as you walk this physical planet earth, may you walk with peace and joy in your heart that you are fully divine and fully human. Amen.
The Prayer of Divine Mercy:
Eternal Father, I offer you the body and blood, soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our Lord Jesus Christ. In atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
For the sake of his sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
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