26 May The Vampire Archetype
During this week while reading for some friends and clients about the vampire archetype, it just dawn on me that this is prevalent at this era. I had researched many years ago about the current lifestyle in US well probably international also that there are thousands of people that belong to this group. They literally drink blood and live through this archetype. How crazy our world had become. The vampire is a living entity that can consume your own ways of thinking. How does this archetype energetically affects you?
Remember that these archetypes are neutral, meaning they have shadows and light aspects. You had agreed upon the soul level that they will manifest in your situations and relationships. It can drain you or empower your life. So what are the signs that you had signed for this agreement? Here are some spiritual insights:
- The person that is with you talks about their miserable life. They are victim of circumstances. They contact you and tell you about what happened and how it affects their condition. They have a tendency to blame the external environment or others. They whine and complain.
- After talking to them, giving solutions that might help them or even to the point of comforting their sorrows, you realized that you are drained. Your energy is heavy. You had absorbed their negativity.
- Vampires suck your light. They are powerless and unconsciously feel that they have created this life and that they cannot get out of this situation. They vent in order to feel better about their conditions. In the meantime, you get sucked into this spiral of victimhood.
- Your lesson is to create a strong boundary. In order to feel positive and good about yourself, you have to know the toxicity that the other person is giving is not healthy for both of you. It created a co-dependency relationship. You become the enabler of this addiction of helplessness. To be in a space of contamination for either the two of you is powerless.
- The recognition is about how you can be clear with your boundaries and what are you allowing in your fields. This is a great lesson to have. Looked back at your childhood and how you were also a victim of your parents or others unhealthy relationships. The venom, stayed with you and how you co-exist with others and relationships that you built.
- You attracted this condition in order to point out to you what is needed to release and forgive from the past. To let go of the painful stories that you are still unconsciously holding. The vampire is your mirror. What are the things that you are not letting go? Why do you give your power away? What are your boundaries? These questions can help you reflect within yourself to know that you have the power to say no to toxicity.
- Take your power back. Claim it and acknowledge that the vampire had helped you see what is needed to clear. Thank this archetype and tell the vampire that you did not need this anymore. It served its purpose. You want to be healthy and surrounded by powerful and authentic souls that only wants the best for you. This is a start or new beginning to create healthy relationships.
- In every situations there is a magnet, this is you. Opening your third eye chakra and see that everything around you is a mirror. A fragment of your holographic fields. These souls have a sacred contracts with you. Love them unconditionally but you don’t need to be dealing with their unconscious state of mind. You have the choice to empower yourself and be fully conscious of all your intentions, thoughts, actions and emotions for these are important aspects of your Akashic Records. Every moment you are writing them in your soul’s vibrations. Be conscious of what you download so you can have a lighter path towards your ascension.
- In every transactions, you create entanglements. Be conscious of what you are signing for. I like opening my Akashic Records and asking what is this contract that I am signing for? Is this going to give the highest potential and highest good for both of us? If you have a feeling or doubt that there is something to clear with this contract, you need to pray for the Masters of Light to help you forgive or release the vibrations that were imprinted in your past lives or karma that is now ready to be in a full circle of love and light.
- Feel lighter and know that you are guided to see clearly what you have co-created with this person. Set them free. Give space for yourself. Spend time in nature and create a sacred time for you to heal. Be loved and stay centered, balance and grounded.
- Ask Archangel Michael to cut any cords of attachments to people, things or places that are not serving your highest good. Visualize Archangel Michael and his blazing silver sword cutting energetically these cords between you and the other person. Ask your angels to infuse you with golden light and create a bubble of light around you.
- Ask Saint Germain and the Violet Flame to transmute these energies that are not of light. Visualize the Violet Flame around you. And so it is.
photo credit: https://unsplash.com/@sammywilliams
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