22 Feb The Telos
The Telos is a temple of lights in the sacred grids on earth. Some of these light beings were Lemurians and this ancient civilization sunk in the Indian and Pacific ocean. These Lemurians migrated into this mountain and created a city of Lights. Mount Shasta, is also a vortex and portal for extra-terrestrials that are contacting us. This paradise can be a sacred home for light workers to take their etheric retreat during sleep. This is a very high frequencies temple of lights where the spiritual hierarchy resides and you can receive their downloads and teachings.
The High priest Adama channels and invited us when you are open to receive these divine gifts. The higher frequencies from this portal will accelerate your holographic fields. The deep love of this portal is so beautiful and you will feel these activations as you read this channeling from High Priest Adama. I recommend that you record your voice and play the recording while you meditate in order to feel more vibrations when you are settled and relax.
Personal experience:
Since I was introduced to Telos, I have been seeing visions of this portal. On my escapades to the Crescent beach I was seeing a Pink flame in the sky. I winked my eyes twice to see if I was seeing right, and there it was a beautiful Pink flame! It activated my heart to open more, melt down in awe of the sacred and I stayed the whole day in the beach in this blissful state of ecstasy.
That night I was awaken around 3 am and decided to write after an hour I went back to sleep. Listening to a meditation from Telos, I saw this Galactic High Priest dressed in luminous light of purple and white, with high collar that signifies a high council of some alien race that felt like Andromedan. I asked its name and it replied, “Sonar.”
It was an androgenous entity and I felt this royalty emanating from this being. I felt so much love and welcomed like the sun that nourishes our presence. I entered this temple of light, seeing a chamber like a tanning spa made of crystal and you can see through this bed. There are empty beds around me and I am the only one that was guided to enter the bed. While I was inside the bed, I felt this moved and was going through a circle of motion like in a conveyor belt. I felt so recharged and rejuvenated when I woke up.
I kept researching this entity but was unable to find one. This vision stayed with me and I wanted to communicate more and be led to this temple of lights. I felt that I found a sacred space to recharge and call Sonar to guide me. This is so fascinating and I could not wait to tell my students in Akashic Records Level One about this surreal experience.
Guided Meditation and Activation:
We call upon St.Germain and the Violet Flame, visualize this Violet Flame around and within you, and the I am consciousness. “ I am the Violet Flame, I am that I am.” Releasing patterns from our planetary bodies and cleansing these lower vibrations that we had been holding within our gene codes. We ask St. Germain to unlock these heavy densities. Feel that release and visualize a water fall in front of you, cleansing and washing away any toxins that are not serving our divine mission. Feel that vibration and your luminous auric fields. Feel that radiance and your Higher Self.
In front of us is Mt Shasta, feel the vibration of the forest, waterfall, crystals and Blue Flame of Light from Ascended Master El Morya, who holds the Divine will of God. Within this Blue Ray of Light, feel your astral body vibrating higher and higher as we enter the crystals temple. Visualize this ladder of crystals stairs inside Mt. Shasta, climbing this crystalline fields of ladder towards the temple of Light. In the hallway, you can see the beautiful sparkling diamonds light and the ladder is made of all the crystals from mother earth.
As you stop in the gateway, you will see these huge beings of Light waiting for you. They are your guides to the city of Lights, they are wearing these luminous white robe. There are also three Ascended Masters that are welcoming you to the hall of the Akashic Records to remember your incarnations from all timelines. Ascended Master Melchizedek, the Alpha and Omega, Lord Thoth from ancient Egypt the Scribe and High Priest of knowledge, and Archangel Metatron, the scribe of the Akashic Records they are all inviting you to enter the hall of Akashic Records as you enter this gateway to the temple of lights.
Surrounded by the goddesses Isis, Quan Yin, Green Tara, Durga, Mary Magdalene, Charity, Hope and Faith, Kali-Ma, Lady Venus, the Karmic boards , benevolent Galactic beings of Light and together with the angels and Archangels. We now ask the Lords of the Akashic Records to open our collective book of life, our records are now open, our records are now open, our records are now open. See the gateway open, these huge doors of mystery open to welcome your presence. The doors are now open. Enter the temple of Lights. See the crystals all around you.
In this city of lights, there are crystals, dome shape like portals that are build to recharge our light bodies. Inside the crystal dome temple is a pyramid that stabilizes and balances your energy. Inside the pyramid is a merkabah, this is the vehicle of light that assist us to travel in all timelines, parallel universes, alternate and multi-dimensional fields of existence. Enter this pyramid and bring yourself inside the merkabah to begin the travel in the galaxies.
We are surrounded by the Masters of Light. You are guided, protected and love. Your Merkabah is spinning counter clockwise to release toxins and when you feel that the clearing is finish you can stop. Now it is time, to infuse the light into the void, spin clockwise to seal this Merkabah with pure light. You are ready to receive downloads of information and messages.
The 4 directions are with you to anchor and seal the divine space, Archangel Raphael from the east and the Green Emerald Ray of Light for healing. Feel this healing energy in your cellular body, memories and consciousness. Like the plant kingdom reenergizing, recharging and replenishing your crystalline fields light body. From the west Archangel Gabriel and the White Diamond Light. Sparkling plasma of fluid filled with intelligence and insights activating your 12 strands DNA. From the north is Archangel Uriel and the Ruby Ray of light, filled with ancient knowledge and wisdom to illuminate your mind. From the south is Archangel Michael and the Blue ray of light, his enormous presence fills the space with so much strength and protection. Activating our ancient codes to enhance our intuition and divine sacred gifts. These Archangels are here to activate our 12 strands DNA to recalibrate and renew their codes and keys within our holograms. These divine gifts are telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, bilocation, remote viewing, astral body projection, clairvoyance, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizant, pattern decoder, synesthesia these are all encoded in your 12 strand DNA right here right now.
Surrounded by radiant crystals, feel the vibrations around your heart chakra opening and absorbing these healing energies. This chamber of Light is where you feel at home. Healing your physical, mental, emotional, etheric and astral bodies of the hologram of your soul. Activating your crystalline fields to vibrate in these higher frequencies. You are assimilating all these energies now, breathe deep inhale and exhale three times. Feel the cleansing and healing vibration within you and around your sacred space.
As you look around the temple of light, see the white flame of Light in the middle of the city of lights. This had been lit up for thousands of yrs. This is to assist the planetary and body ascension from 3D to 5D. To gain freedom and release any limiting beliefs that you had put into yourself. Asking the High Priest Adama to help us in this ascension process. Visualize Adama in our presence.
Channeling of High Priest Adama:
Beloved children of the light, we thank you for entering this temple of Telos. We have been calling you in many lifetimes as you are ready to receive this divine grace. You are now initiated in this temple of light. Around you is your healing chamber to upgrade and raise your vibration. To remember that you have a home, where you can feel free from any human suffering. Be light. We are hopeful for the evolution and changes that are happening in your human genome. These activations will help you to assist others, but first you are serving yourself. And live in unconditional love with compassion. Visualize this pink flame upon you, the sweetness of this pink flame of love. Like a rose, feel at home in your body, mind, heart, and spirit. Your soul is like a fragrance of the flowers that are around you. Each one of you have your unique essence that lifts the human condition. As your veil is lifted you are able to see through the illusions of the ego. Melting down any separation from yourself and others. You will see yourself with beauty, acceptance and pure love.
Like seeing a child pure of innocence and joy. It is time to feel at home. We are here to support you. Connecting telepathically through the waves of love. You were seeded in ancient timelines many of whom from Lemuria and Atlantis You are here now to volunteer as an ambassador of light. Loving your mission, full of awe and bliss to the beauty that is given within you. You are surrounded by your spiritual guides, nature, animals, plants, crystals and children. Some of your family members are not awaken yet, they will come in their own divine time.
Do not take responsibilities for others. Be conscious of your own freedom to set yourself free from any harmful thoughts. Stay in your loving heart. This blue flame is to heal your mind and the pink flame is to heal your heart. Visualize these divine flames merging and integrating together. The divine wisdom and the sacred heart together as we fully integrate, we are able to receive the violet flame that sanctifies our soul and the healing energies of the amethyst transmuting our neuro- pathways reenergizing our crystalline light body. Receive the love and warmth of Telos thank you beloved children of lights.
As we close our book of life, we are grateful for the messages of Adama, all these spiritual guides, Masters of light that we invoked around us. We are now closing our collective book of life. See yourself coming out of the chamber and see yourself wearing a white robe in significance of your purification. Feel light and we thank our Higher Self, our body deva sprit, the Lords of the Akashic Records, Lords of the karmic boards, angels and Ascended Masters, enlightened ancestors, goddesses, galactic beings of light. We thank them for this initiation to the Telos city of Lights and receiving this divine gifts. Thank you and now visualize yourself coming out of the temple and coming down to the ladder. Stepping down from the light city and all the way down to the ground and beside you is an ancient tree feeling grounded, closing our crown chakra and anchoring our golden light all the way down to the core of mother earth gaia. We ask the lord of the Akashic Records to close our book of life. The Records are now closed, closing our Crown chakra, the Records are now closed. After meditation, you can journal and write any insights, sensations that you felt and this will help ground yourself and center you back into the 3d. And so it is.
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