22 Jan The Sirians
The Sirians
- Netherland race, originated fr Vega Lyran community
- Astronomy, mathermatics
- Interlink with Egyptian history practices and traditions
- 6th Dimensional
- Lyran beings
- Sirius B water planet inhabited with Dolphins and Whales
- Healing practices, guardians and gatekeepers
- Higher spiritual values and involve with Galactic Federation of Light
- Starseeds
- Simple way of life, spiritual
- Well adjusted, peaceful, calm and secure
- Task oriented, quiet achievers, ambitious
- Internalized their feelings, time to reflect
- They honor their own truth, view and how they feel
- Emotionally repressed, they fear confrontations
- They love to daydreams
- Humorous, funny when they get to know you
- Attracted to cats, dogs, whales and dolphins
I have met this Sirian High Council channel Patricia Cori in 2009 when I opened my business. It is also the same time that I met a person who was reptilian. That day in the convention center, this lady approached me. Her name was actually Theresa, I looked at her and I knew that she was reptilian.
I did not have time to consult with her and so she asked me to do a reading via Skype after a week or so. During the reading, she was morphing into a lizard and other stuff. During the time when Avatar movie was out. I was having an intervention from this race. I will share this experience in the latter part when I share the Reptilian race.
Dream about the whales and Dolphins
I dreamt of these amazing beings and they were communicating to me these messages:
Free energy, everything is here, all your technologies are being channelled to these highly evolved beings who are receiving information and teleportation to our space. Beyond your wild imaginations everything that was created, currently being produce are by products of our intergalactic communications through these inter relations with your species. Times have now evolved that many are now receiving downloads of information regarding these out of space interventions. Anything that is not of this world as human consumption of the population is becoming denser.
We are not being teleported because of the pressure that we have been receiving. The internal stress of these beautiful beings especially the whales and dolphins are now having difficulty grasping the toxicity of humanity’s consumption of oil. They are now dying and being tortured in different parts of your world where the pain is too much to handle.
They are choosing to exit this dimension as the accident of oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico is occurring at this time. It is very sad that these supersonic hypersensitive beings are now experiencing the multi-levels of pain, and are actually carrying the “karma” of humanity. They are sacrificing their existence for humanity to wake up and see how they are denying the “homeostasis” of this planet Gaia. They have bled for us, wept with us and asked our attention to do something about our greed and cruelty to animals and our planet.
Our mind needs to align to our hearts, to be more compassionate to our Earth, plants, animals and all the living and non-living things that are connected to us. We are responsible for their pain. These are the karmic patterns that we keep repeating by looking beyond the problem, and not seeing that we are the root cause of this dilemma. We are challenged to align our actions, intentions and motivations toward love and light. Let us wake up to these callings. Be aware of your heart’s desires and create peace in every action that you take.
The Sirians
The keepers of the 6D are the Sirians, beings in the Sirius Trinary star system which is about 8.7 light years from our solar system. The 6D is the realm of geometric forms that replicate plants, animals, humans and material objects in 3D, which is called morphogenesis. This remarkable subtle-energy body contains the memory of our initiations and holds the records of the greatest potential for any person.
Sirius A transmits the laws of sacred architecture the science of building that model the 6D geometric forms. They say that great feline gods from Sirius periodically come to Earth to build their temples and found new cultures that can discover the vertical axis. Many cultures, such as the Dogon of Africa and the ancient Egyptians say that their ancestors originally came from Sirius.
Our bodies are aligned with our 6D morphonogenetic or morphic field (M-field) this vibrate with many frequencies and when our hearts are open, we naturally align with this 6D structure. Sirians like to infuse their intelligence into our 6DM-fields to encourage us to create things that resonate with the primordial forms.
The gateway process taught humans to harness their own electromagnetic energy waves which come from their body. How to control brain waves and use them essentially detach from time and space. As the body is turned into a coherent oscillator vibrating in harmony with the surrounding energy fields. The body entrains because of its ability to resonate with it. It includes the brain hemi synchronization, hypnosis, transcendental meditation or biofeedback. The activations of the pineal gland, to integrate the left and right brain hemispheres. It permits acquisition to the universal hologram. If everything is a hologram or one thought then we are one with the source or universal energy.
My holographic dream:
My holographic dream, today I woke up from watching my lifeless body lying dead in the corner of the room. In the dream I was this soul walking beside my children and hiding the fact that my human body was dead. I did not want them to see that my physical body is dead in one corner while I was communicating with them in full spirit but they only see my presence as a body with life force. They did not know that my physical body was already dead in this 3D. Interesting enough as I woke up from this holographic dream, it almost makes sense to me now that I am awake, because it speaks of my consciousness. This consciousness of my 3D body is now accelerated into my 6D holographic body which holds the cellular memories of my origination.
How fascinating concept this is? It is not easy to conceive this if you have not experienced out of body like astral projection. I have a lot of astral projections in this incarnation. I experienced looking down at my body and my son, while I am on top of the ceiling after I practiced yoga that night. I said to myself, “that is my body in bed, who am I in this ceiling?” Then, suddenly as I thought of this I went back inside of my body. I opened my eyes and my perceptions changed. I then realized that the things that I see in the 3D world is not the truth, I can shift anything in the consciousness of the morphic fields.
I looked at problems like my son’s addictions as not permanent. Nothing is permanent, I saw him in his highest good and potential. As my eyes shifted into this truth, my son started collapsing his addictions. I became the observer and he felt this in his energy fields that catapult him to change. We are vibrating in this high frequencies of light that can collapse any coagulations of the 3D unconscious beliefs. We have awakened for this deep love and core of our intelligence that came before us and that is us. We are powerful beings of love and Light. We are the alchemist and the master creator of our unified consciousness. It is time to be a part of something greater than what our 3D world is showing and separating us from our true universal Soul. We are a part of this strong force field, let us feel this in our being and be sacred in all our creations. We are co-creators of the universe, let us become the visionaries that lays down every inch of the bricks with deep love and compassion for our humanity; to build the mastery of our infinite unified generations to come.
Channeled Message:
As I channel the messages from the Sirians High Council, they want to introduce the crystals devas spirit that are surrounding me around the copper pyramid that I am doing the channel from. They are the Lemurians, Septarians, Apophylite, Dioptase, Lepidolite, Smoky Quartz, Ammonite and the dragons.
We are the Sirians High Council of Light, we thank you for revealing us through your system. We are here contacting through the shifts that your mother earth as your planetary choice to incarnate. There are a lot of races that dominate thois planet for eons of lifetimes and now you are being recalibrated to your genetics to the living library of your trillion of cells.
As you visualize your biological systems, see how they are working in synchronicity, harmony and unity to foundation in this human technology. You are made of electromagnetic fields, vibrations, light codes and frequencies that you emit. When you are going through challenges these are imprints from your karmic library and the gene codes of your ancestors .
You are part of this history and cosmology of your genes. As you shift into the higher dimensions out of being stuck in the 3d, this 4th dimension that we are referring to are the archetypal and Anunnakis. This dimension is where you are being asked to release any collective karmic bondage that you had incurred though your many timelines. I am seeing this whole hologram of your cosmological chart.
The astrological aspect of your human design, your interpretation and how you read others according to their birthdate and incarnation from the portal of your mothers’ womb. This is a minute significant manifestation for your galactic timeline. You are a star seed where you have travelled all along. You have come with the galactic blueprints that we are now expressing through Teza as she sees the cosmological aspect of your being, the more expansive and higher perspective of what you are going through. This is a breakthrough that have been implanted to many astral projections that you have experienced.
According to her own personal sexual and physical experiences of rape and molestations, unfortunately they were also happening in parallel timelines with the reptilians.
We are here to reveal the work of the dark force. The revelation came when the fire was ignited within her consciousness, “it is enough, why do I have to go through this? Why did I sign up for this?”
This is what is happening in your collective right now. The reptilians agenda is to how they can inseminate your genes. There are people that are walking in your planet that are hybrid with reptilian genes. They want to bring your vibrations lower with fear, disdain, anger and emotional instability.
The griefs that you are experiencing with the massive deaths of humans are due to virus Covid 19 that is affecting your collective vibrations. You noticed that you are crying for no reason, because you are tapping into this pool of sorrows. They want to manipulate and control your mind, suppressing and creating depression so you can be attached to chemical alternatives and medication. These chemicals are designed to suppress and lower your immunity. You become addicted and walking under the hypnosis of mind control zombie. You are poisoning your own mind and DNA when you succumb and buy into this domination agenda of the malevolent reptilians. How we can assist you to gain clarity to feel well and attain inner peace to attain the Christos blueprint in the golden era? These imprints will dissipate in the light and showers of the Golden age.
We are reminding you that you are never alone in your darkest night, we are here. Be true to yourself. Do not allow anymore toxicity in your system be it with your family members or whoever that is being trapped in the illusion. It is like a viral infection of your soul. When you allow these beings around you, they are showing up in your home to destroy you. Have the courage to move out and see these doorways open and don’t get trapped in your materialized world. You are not going keep them when you pass through this dimension. Love your cats, plants, crystals and the food that you digest. It is a part of your hologram and we thank you for being open to receive these frequencies, may you be light.
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