19 Mar The Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim of Creation
The Elohim are the Master Builders of our creations, all things that ever existed in our manifestations. We got lost in our human creations and was not able to find clarity within. The destructions, discords, chaos, scarcity, fear and turmoil that are happening now is an awakening of the human genome. The Sevenfold Flame are the guardians of our brain, the building mechanism of our thoughts and collective mind field. If you can envision these Seven Flame right in your Third Eye Chakra, you will receive activations and downloads of information, messages that will lift up and elevate your consciousness. They will be imprinted within you, in your Sacred Guardian of thoughts perceived and unconscious. Your mind will tap into these higher frequencies of the Divine Master Creators. It will envelop your higher intelligence and encompassing circumvent existentialism.
The surmountable amount of doubts and fear that you had imprinted your domain create the separation and shadow aspect of your existence. Beyond this hidden walls of domination and matrix that are not serving your highest good are the controllers and manipulators of how you perceive and see things. The Lord of the all Seeing Eye of God Horus, will guide you through all of the secrets of the matrix. You are inside this matrix. You are a witness that sees the ongoing torture of the souls when someone is stuck in these traps. There are a lot of entrapments and persecutions that are not necessary for humankind. It is the result of the cycles of darkness that were deeply embedded within the cellular structure of your DNA gematria.The sacred geometrical forms of creations unbeknownst to many souls that are asleep have been used to inhibit the Power, Integrity and Intelligence of the Divine Sacred Flames of Elohim.
As you channel these sacred activations, we are here to open your eyes and senses to a higher learning of how to co-evolve and create within your, “Beloved I AM Presence” and the Sacred Violet Flame that consumes your limitations and unconscious beliefs. You have come to this existence with magnificent power of the Light. The Light that radiates Illumination and Power over all substance within and around you. As a Master Alchemist of this dominion, we are pleased that you have asked for support and guardianship. In this channeling, you will receive invitations of your Mighty Sacred Violet Flame to transmute any impure thoughts and infestations of your inherent genetics. Your wirings are being reformatted into a higher ascended mastery program that constitute the Ascended Masters Octave.
We are the Seven Mighty Elohim that represent the Will of God/Creator. You can find us within the sacred geometrical form of any creations that is atomically align to our inherit amplifications of super genetic explorations. These words are quite new to you, we are rewiring you to the new acclamations of your language in order to resonate with our frequencies. The sound vibratory frequencies of these words will increase your realities to that of a high calibre of limitless potentialities. The limiting beliefs of scarcity had created the imbalance in your energetic cords on how to fully receive these waves of abundance. The abundance of this language will encode your will with Light filaments to develop a harmonious synchronizations of your cellular level of memories and consciousness. Deep within you is the filter that will impose only good things. This will be the frame of thoughts and mind that you will remember, that good lies within and every vision that you co-create with us is a blessing of Light and harmonious creations. Any discordant energies will be align to its highest purpose. Even the shadows become a door of opportunity to turn this around and use as a catalyst for higher purpose. You are Divine, Sacred Portal of creations. Be wise enough to implement all these teachings that you are receiving and Be the I AM Presence that resides within your Sacred Heart of Christ Consciousness.
Be aware of the Power of Manifestation as a co-creator with the Mighty Elohim. You have awakened from suffering and separation from the Source of all Eternal Life. You are now an initiate to the Mastery Program of the Benevolent Beings that are co-creating the multi-verses of your existence. Be humble, in silence with nature you are with us. Be you, “Beloved I AM Presence.” in your body, mind, heart and soul. You are eternally guided and compensated for all the blessings that you bring and share into this planetary system. As you receive the amplified Power of this Creations, you will be astonish with surprises to attain these high decrees of God/Creator/Matrix. CREATRIX.
The x factor in multiplying forces of the Cosmic Rays of Light, the merging of two vortexes and portals that is within and externally manifesting in your physical domain. The physical manifestation is but a form of these vorteces that merged within the mind factor and emotional frequencies that co-created the evolution of humanity. You are letting go of the limiting emotional frequencies that are leading you to endless karmic cycle of reincarnation. The eternal Cosmic Ray of Light is here to lead you back to home. Your home is the Creation of All Ages. There is no concept of time, limitation and space in this program. All is encompassing, embodiment of the Ascended Masters Octave. Igniting the Sevenfold Flame of the Elohim in your Third Eye Chakra to activate permanently exist within this dominion of life that you are now an embodiment.
As you acknowledge the, “Beloved I AM Presence,” within your Sacred Heart and ask that you merge and be supported by the Mighty Seven Elohim of Creations will be upon you in all activities that you partake. All discords and chaos will leave your realities as the Power of our Sacred Fire will consume all creations into its highest form with Peace, Love and Harmony.
What a powerful time to co-create with us. True freedom and happiness is attainable when you understand that we are here eternally in service for the glorious exultation of creations. We are in service for those who ask. We are here to support your eternity, infinite souls that co-created this existence to anchor the Divine teachings of Saint Germain and the Violet Flame and the Seven Flame of the Elohim.
“May the legions of Our sacred Fire Love who fulfill Our Commands to Life attend you with Their Boundless Blessings and the Angelic Host and the Powers of Nature ever be flooding you with Their Blessings, Blessings, Blessings of all the Perfection your Heart can desire until you come into our Octave forever.”
Inspired by the book: The “I AM Discourses”
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