26 Feb The Savior or God Archetype
This God or Savior archetype can be tricky. I had seen this with epic teachers in the New Age era. I watched some one who ruled the metaphysical literary world of divination, came out from her “throne” and run to the opposite of extremes which is the fundamental Christian church. What happened to this situation?
This archetype had unconsciously believed that she can save the world from evil forces. In her works and services she became obsessed and out of control. She expressed to the world that she can help others save them from shadows or darkness. The downfall is when something out of control happened to her own life, like bankruptcy as an example; she was unable to face her own shadows. Instead of claiming her own out of control life, she then turn around and claimed that what she was teaching was evil. Now, she found a new territory of trying to save others through a new venue without acknowledging that the saving has to happen from within her psyche and existence. Unconsciously running away from one obsession to save others to another ways of saving.
In order to save themselves, they run away from what they are proclaiming and into another attachment of their own complexities. The Saviour complex of trying to save others and not being able to save their own sanity is the shadow of this archetype.
The positive aspect is that they are bringing light and healing into the world. They are helping and supporting others rise up from their challenges. To be balance and in moderation in helping others will be the key for peaceful existence for the Saviour archetype. To know that there is no need to save but others can empower themselves through guidance without attachment to the outcome. The healthy way of helping others with clear boundaries.
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