27 Jan The Pleiadians
Personal experience:
When I was 1 yr old, I can recall this memory of my body sitting by the bay window of our home looking at the bright star constellations in Paranaque, Philippines, where I grew up. Every night I will look at the stars and communicate with them before I sleep. My 3 wishes were, that my parents will have long lives, that I will have a long life and to be happy. So simple and two of them came true. My parents passed away when they were 80 and 90. I am happy as my natural state of mind.
In this writing I will reveal to you my intuitive gifts, I was born with a photographic memories. I had this innate ability to see clear visions of whatever happened in this incarnation. When I opened the records of others, I see clearly the visions like a story of their life past, present and future.
My memories are like universal data bank of the Akashic fields. When I started reading for others, I only can tap into their personal and human past lives. Right now, I was given the gift of tapping into the galactic blueprints. As an avid student, I have been investigating the star systems and galactic histories of our ancient land. To tell you the truth I can not cope up with my mind. Time does not exist where I am.
I wake up anytime of the night when I am given a message or download. For others who are reading this may find this “crazy” because it is unusual to reach this state of consciousness. I am revealing them to you because I want to expand your mind. There are 144,000 who volunteered to pave this golden era. If you are interested in reading this, you are starseeds, watchers or guardians of mother earth.
To tap into the divine or universal mind of God/Source is super nova like the new star was born. We are beyond amazing, we are the starmazings! We are given companions in this incarnation to ground us in this planetary body. Just like our pets, for me are my beloved cats Buddha and Gaia. they are my master companions to bring me in this state of awesomeness. When I write and channel, Buddha stays and sit with me in my lap. I looked into the depth of his eyes and wonder if he was the one channeling?
In awe I thanked Buddha for this enlightenment. I believe he is the instrument of this wisdom as he agreed to be my companion in the darkest nights of my soul. He healed my deep sorrows from losing my son Theo. Buddha got sick after 3 months of my son’s death. He used to sleep in my chest, feeing the pain of my broken heart. Buddha took it from me, and as I learned to grieve slowly with Buddha’s sickness, he taught me that life here on earth is to be taken slowly, kindly and gently.
We all have the universal intelligence and higher advancement that technology can bring us. But we are also humans, we need to feel, open our heart and be vulnerable to our own weaknesses. We are fragile confined in this 3D matrix of time and space. But the beauty of this dimension is the physicality of our incarnation. To be able to kiss our children, to feel, to touch, to make love and have a climactic orgasm, to create, to laugh and cry our hearts out to our insane world. This is human and divine within us. This is my story and my intention in revealing this mystery is for you to come back home to the stars, be human and love yourself as you can only love this humanity when you truly adore your incarnation and all the beings that are around you. Let go of judgement and free yourself from separation. We are one.
I had a near death experience when I was 2 yr old and had a vivid memory of my out of body experience. Seeing my Mama holding my dead body and my two brothers running in the hallways of the hospital. I had no recollection of the light tunnel and I asked God/Source where did I go? I found the answers when I tapped into the Akashic Records in 2008. That was a glimpse of heaven in Genesis with the angels around me.
You see your current belief system will be the space where you are going to travel. Today it took me further than what I had experienced in the angels realm. It is the star seed that was within my galactic blueprint that was revealed. We are so magnificent beings of light. Ask your spiritual guides where you come from? Question everything, this is how we expand in our consciousness.
It is so amazing that today as I transfer my channeled writings from the Pleiadians, they whispered to me Zeta Reticuli, as I wanted to know who am I channeling from. But it made me laugh because that Zeta was so familiar to me. When my name was Tez, my password at work was Zet15 and now that I am using this name Teza, Zeta makes sense to me.
In this lifetime since I was a child I always say so many litany of names when someone asked me what my name is. So funny, I never felt at home with my real name. I was baptized as Maria Teresa Zialcita. Deep within me I did not want to be a saint in this lifetime. I studied in Catholic school and know about their sufferings.
As I was growing up, everybody in my huge family of ten, have called me by different names like Tess, Tisya, Maritess, Tesang, Tetang, Techie, Tez and on 2007 my friend Lavana who was a numerologist gave me the name Teza because I was crying on the eve of Dec 24, 2007. I was heartbroken from my true love. I received a phone call that he wanted to get back to his ex-girl friend. My spiritual friends could not take this pain and baptised me with Teza.
I was sexually abused in infant stage, many times raped, sexually molested by my own father, almost raped by my brother, had an abortion at a young age of 15 against my will, I never felt worthy of being a soul who had served God. So I hide this name as much as I can. I remembered one time I was tapping into my past life and it was revealed to me the life that I lived in the high mountains and castle with the nuns. I had a lot of premonitions, raptures, prophetic dreams from these saints, St. Therese of Liseux, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Faustina and St. Hildeberg. They came to me in my dreams, sung to me, “healeth of thy world.” They gave me insights, prophesies, and miracles to people that I healed. Jesus appearing to me reaching his hand towards me and mother Mary morphing into many faces of women and saying to me, “you will see me in the many faces of women that you will heal.” These are revelations that I rarely write or share, because they are intimate sacred conversations and experiences with the divine. I feel that if I tell these, people will judge me for having these mysteries.
I have been put into mental institutions many times since I was 15 after the abortion by my own family, not knowing how to handle the mystic in me. I was alone in one incident of my incarcerations, in the midnight of Dec 24th, inside the isolation room in the hospital. I was singing like an angel’s voice. While Jesus told me, “you are so loved and safe here, I have you alone on my birthday.” How can a human being fathom this experience?
Even my own children were tested into burning fires of hell witnessing their own mother reached this insanity. The border line of being a mystic is insanity. Because you can lose your foothold in the 3D while you are having these intimate experiences with the sacred. I am revealing this to you because I am not ashame or guilty from these experiences anymore. I am now honoring these sacred wounds of my soul. I realized these tortures were my battles with the darkness of humanity.
Today as I channeled the Pleiadians, it all makes sense to me why I am here? I don’t have a question lying dormant in my consciousness. I am a star being. I am here to co-create with you a full circle of my incarnation. It will make sense to you when you are pulled in the dark mysterious of life.
When my son Theo died in Nov 24, 2017, I was enveloped in darkness. In the abyss of hell. I cannot fathom, why I survived all the hardships and why my own son did not? I asked God or the universe. There was no answer. There was only the inner knowing that Theo never seized to communicate with me. He never left my side. I am his binary star, we are one communicating from above and below. He directs me to what I needed to focus on and allow myself to experience the pleasures of being a human. He loved me so much that he never left my domain and anchored me to my divine mission. He is my twin star!
My family were confused as I change my name many times. Six months after Dec 2007 of being Teza, I tapped and studied the Akashic records on July 7, 2008. My world turned upside down. My brother was dying of Kidney failure, my daughter ran away from my home, I was devastated and crushed in the sofa for one week. I have a great friend Finn and he said to me, “Teza rise up, you cannot be defeated by this. You have done your best and now is time to be gentle to yourself.” He woked me up from all the harsh circumstances that were happening to me.
I spent a lot of time writing and communing with the Lords of the Akashic Records. Lord Jesus, Archangel Metatron, prophet Enoch and Elijah, Archangel Sandalphon, Archangels, Thoth, Goddess Isis, Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, Maha Chohan, the 7 chohans, Medicine Buddha, Green Tara, Quan Yin, Lakshmi, Dakini, Sarasvati, Ganesh, Shiva, Paramahansa Yogananda, Krishna and angels, I became an avid student of different religions. I studied their deities and this Dec I received a calling to announce them and my personal experiences with these Ascended Masters, Saints, Prophets and Benevolent Galactic beings.
It created a full circle of my existence as I had a long walk yesterday Jan 26, 2021 at Crescent beach in White Rock. I had been collecting stones with circles in them. I also found a beautiful mandala macramé for my window. These circles activated me in my existence. Today I am dedicated to this calling. To write and allow you into the mysterious soul journeys of my life. Thank you so much for being a part of this journey.
I believe my micro life journeys will activate you in your core being. As they told me that our words are so powerful that it can activate your DNA and co-create the 12 strand DNA that as humans were once a host to these dynamic evolve souls of our ancient timelines. In the midst of this transition, they announce that all is well. Darkness cannot thrive, as Light is power. They are here as we had co-created them in our unconscious state of mind. They now arose because of fear has to be relinquish in order for peace to thrive and exist in our planetary body. Let peace reign within you and you will contribute to the luminosity of the stars.
The Pleiadian Message:
We are the Pleiadians, a family of light to some of you. As you have heard us from the various channels of our voices, that were channeling through the ages. These words will reverberate in your living library of cells. These are the recorded information and evolution of the human consciousness in your planetary body. The galactic information were hidden and was hijacked by other dark forces that have the intentions that do not serve humanity. The information that will be conveyed here will trigger your memory banks that were rooted in your origins as star seeds.
We have come to assist with your great transitional times, to empower and awaken those who are asleep. In your planetary bodies, you are evolving with the creatrix. We call this term as you are the masters of this planet X that is hidden in your consciousness. As your planet is a part of the vast explorations with the star beings that are now awakening as starseeds, watchers and guardians of this harmonious cosmology. This planet 9 will be the culmination of your karmic wheel and incarnation with this unconscious mind. Are you happy that you finally reached this point of evolution? Yes, we say hurrah! We are watching you command your realities into much grander scale of awakening. This chaos and conflicts of virus attack in your immunity is a metaphor of your consciousness. You have gained more knowledge and wisdom during this control because you now have more time to sit, investigate and awaken.
We know that your sleep had been so disturbed during these times, but these are your activations to the true essence of your galactic existence. Becoming fully conscious that you are a channel or conduit for this information to come and awaken these seedings that had been implanted in your DNA. These neurons have now regenerate a new pathway so to speak towards freedom and truth. It is exactly an exciting times, orgasmic for those who are tantric in their essence.
You are receiving an upgrade with your DNA as a galactic blueprint as activate this within with the support that you surround yourself with. Your DNA awakens and expands to the new template of this cosmic body. Like technologies receive higher intelligence and thus vibrate into a more accelerated motion, speed and frequencies. As you become more highly attune to the higher frequencies, you will be more curious and inquisitive about the expansion of your galaxy.
Your blissful space has no time and space constriction or belief that you are running in this contraction. You are far beyond this illusion. You are not here to experience being inside a box, there is no box. You are this cosmological being of light that is composed of what this universe is reflecting back to you. You are a holographic morphogenetic field of consciousness. A part of all that is around you unseen and seen. You are a book in the living library of the Akash. Teza is shocked to receive that her name as Zeta. As in Zeta Reticuli, a binary star system that you will find more answers as you learn to ask higher dimensional questions on how to shift this polarized world.
Your self realized that this is a blissful space to bask in the radiance of the sun. the logos are adjunct to what you are receiving in communicating with us. It reactivates your dormant DNA. The high frequencies of your new exploration as a channel of Zeta. You will incorporate the crystalline vibrations to debase the carbon molecules of your imprints from the ancient karmic patterns of your collective blueprints. Your carbon bas structures needed more light frequencies to be able to allow the new transmissions in the neural interventions that are happening as we speak. You are collapsing the subconscious mind into the super nova galactic universal holographic and morphous mind of us. You have become our mirror or us your reflections to accelerate this transition.
As you become fully conscious of our existence within your neuro link as Elon Musk put this interdimensional link to robots with humans. You do not need to operate in this technology. We are inter twinning with you as a binary star twin of our system. You will think beyond this body configuration and energetically become conscious of what you are putting into your biological system. Thus, releasing garbage in and you will emit high calibrated light frequencies.
You are becoming like the sea horse, as you rather stay away from the radar and distractions of others. These are merely vampires energy that wants to suck your own intelligence. To fully embody this channeling, you will need space to yourself. Knowing that your portal can always be closed to other malevolent force. There is nothing to fear as you are among the guardians of the earth. These interferences are coming from the imprints of your galactic war. As you navigate to this new frontier of your incarnation, we are exulted to be at home with your consciousness. The rapid turbulence, chaos and massive deaths that are happening now are sweeping away the unconscious state of the collective unconscious. Let not fear reigns or enter your field. Only love and light is here, you have intended this in your galactic blueprints.
As you listen and co-creatrix with the guardians the light force will be magnified. How many wars or struggles are you going to undertake? This starts within, when your consciousness is vibrating to its lowest frequencies of fear, separation and survival. A lot of humans are suffering mentally distracted with the technology that trapped your consciousness. These are waves interferences and this is how they entrain your nervous system to be a hostage to their fear based realities. Over stimulations from external manipulations of negative media and music. You identify with these lower frequencies of suicide, mental illness and scarcity. These are the ways they trapped your consciousness. They harvest your soul’s essence to feed their emotional body. They are the narcissist and star beings that are malevolent. It is like watching a science fiction movies. These are actually being broadcasted by major power controllers of your consciousness through media, advertising, consumerism, banking system, politics and education system; in every which way you look you are infiltrated with these manipulations. How can you as an ambassador of light thrive in these challenges?
First you need to know that your existence is not validated with how much education you have received. These can be an illusory to what truly is important in your divine mission. Each one of you is a treasure like a star. Seeded in the glorious galaxies of your origins. You will shine with pure light, compassion, kindness and intention for the highest good of all beings.
The unified field is not here because each one of us has to vibrate in this higher consciousness of unity and harmony. The God that we are seeking is within. Your electromagnetic field is vulnerable, grounding and earthing will help you with your micro-biome. Thinking expansive of your existence will contribute to the totality of our awakening. You have an appointed mission and you can feel this to the bone. Whatever is blocking you is unnecessary, it is your illusion of being small. Be pure, do no harm and be kind. These are the stepping stones to co-creating the ancient timelines of Mu. Be free and be in nature as your existence in this physical body is a minute fractal of your galactic blueprint. Om
Lisa Webster
Posted at 01:07h, 28 JanuaryThis is so amazing Teza! Thank you for sharing your story. 🙏🏻💕
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 09:26h, 16 AprilThank you so much Lisa, I am blessed to know you. Teza