14 Feb The Orions
Orion Characteristics:
- opinionated and critical
- compassionate activist
- inspiring entrepreneurs
- independent and sensitive
- logical and task focus
- judgemental towards themselves
- knowledge seeking, they use this to influence people
- they can experience emotions in relationships
- humorous and funny
- vivid blue eyes
Orion constellation
The Orion was named the hunter, the Greeks gave this name. The three stars are called the Orion belt. Not all stars are in the same colors, some are brighter and some are less bright. In ancient cultures they see the stars are of different origins. Orion was a giant and a hunter the son of Zeus and fell in love with Artemis goddess of the hunt. Gaia the personification of earth, she summoned the scorpion and Orion was killed in the war. Zeus agreed and put him in the sky. There are 8 primary stars in this constellation.
Betelgeuse originated the hand or armpit of Orion red star, 15 times massive as our sun. Scientist predicts a super nova in 100 thousand yrs or more, a red super giant star nearing the end of its plasma burning in nuclear fusion. Hydrogen atoms starts to diffuse and producing helium. The energy release gravity and it will explode. Betelgeuse is turning into helium, the light is dimming and the surface expands. Explosion of super nova, scientist are not clear what will happen. The remnants are neutrons, a singularity black hole is produced and it is not sure it will do that. A massive explosion outside the galaxy and we are able to see this. It will show up for two three months and it will not kill us because it is 700 lightyears away from us. It will dissipate in space.
Orion Channeling:
Beloved star seeds, we are the Orion star beings that are communicating in your bandwidth. We are magnetic beings that had come to assist your energy fields to attune to our higher frequencies. During the ancient and present timelines, the pyramids serve as our tele portals, communicating telepathically informations through the apex center. The pyramids have the capacity to broadcast the higher frequencies.
In your transition to a higher dimension, you are going through so much altercation of your old cellular carbon receptacle. Transitioning into the crystalline field matrix of your new template. The activations that your physical body are receiving will need to assimilate and rest with these light codes and keys. To open your trillion of cells to our highly infused decoding light system. It is not easy to comprehend how this occurs, it is in being and knowing that you will regenerate your new activations like a plant receiving sunlight to create the photosynthesis, to sustain the plant kingdom.
You in human form, will open and expand more in receiving this knowledge of galactic body. The light body will be more active in this timeline as it is important to keep with the acceleration that earth is receiving. The electro-magnetic force is so powerful that you will need to stabilize and ground more during these shifts.
Do not be alarmed into the changes that your body will be going through. Flow with the light informations that you are receiving. You are turning into the crystalline light formations. As you open your crown portal to what is. Let it be. Become a conduit by being who you are. You don’t need to be someone that you idolized. You are a unique pattern of sacred geometrical formations before you came into this realm. You hold this innate frequencies. You are not alone in this walk. You will meet your certain tribe or soul group in order to feel at home.
This home is your new current frequencies that do not attach to drama or conflict. You are observing the erratic changes around you. You sometimes wonder, is this for real? The atrocious governance and restrictions that your human genome is experiencing right now is but a tactic of distractions to derail you from your divine mission.
Do not give attention, there are more coming. But your goal is to stay still. Be an observer. Do not give away your freedom. It is in this incarnation, that you will remember your power. It will be channeled through you. You will find yourself attracting what you needed at the right moment. Nothing is in vain. You are here 100 percent or more in your body, be happy. Do not think too much of what you look like. This body is transient as well. You have all the power to co-create with your physical outlook when one believes and surrender all polarized thoughts. Be one with all that is.
The dichotomy that you are being challenged is to make you see differently how you can shift into wholesomeness. It is time to truly feel that you are divine, sacred and beautiful creation of you. The co-creative energy is accessible anytime you desire. As we are part of your divine matrix. You will feel one with all that is. When you have done the work to feel at home within and around you. It is time to relax, and know that all is well.
You lose your sense of 3D matrix when you are in this higher realm. You become detached to drama and other worldly affairs. Which is a telling sign that you are activated. Remembering the light codes activations will bring you inner peace, joy and ease in all transactions. Your emotional body will be lighter and wiser. Listening to others, you will know how to shift and accelerate the vortex so as not to get caught in the mundane. As you send these ripples of light, you will master the art of letting go of things that are not serving your highest good and others. You will only allow things that are vibrating in higher frequencies. Shifting, transcending and alchemizing heavy densities into golden liquid light of this new template that you are co-creating in your new realities.
You lose attachments to others draining and victim story. You are not attracted to this situation. You free yourself from quantum entanglements. You are sovereign. You think wisely of your incarnated time in your 3D. Why waste time? Create what you want and stay focus. Do not misuse the gifts that you receive. You are being guided to your lighted path. In your dreams, you are given signs to take the higher path. You are receiving activations as you relax into our galactic space. You become a master of creations. Meditate, stay still and be. Om
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