24 Nov The New Template of Creation
We are in a profound transition that our collective consciousness has co-created with our infinite mind. Unbeknownst to many of us that we are unconscious of our state of mind. We as a collective have been infested with corruption, manipulation, control programming and conditioning from those who are working with the dark force. This is not new to us because we have been imprinted within our DNA and RNA. To counterbalance this dark energy, we have to remain vigilant of our Light. Focus on the divine mission that we have signed up for. How do we get there?
Firstly, we must go through the transformation of our consciousness. This massive shift was accelerated by the Covid -19 virus. This is the metaphor of fear and our density, the way we create our intentions, think, emote and act as lower vibrations of our incarnations. It is time to shift this consciousness into the awakening of our conscious being. We co-created this fear as we cover our faces with a mask to hide from the truth.
The truth is we are infected by our own ego. The ego separates us from our true essence which is the spirit and it is beyond space and time. The eternal state of our being is a fractal of the Source of all that is. If we are a part of Divine Creation, we need to shift to receive this gift. To share our own unique gifts to serve others, to benefit all sentient beings by doing so, we create a full circle to our true home.
It is a challenge to comprehend this perception as we are separated from our true identity which is the spirit or soul. Once, you fully acknowledge and reclaim this aspect of you, you will be able to fully understand where I am coming from. This is not new, for eons of lifetimes our sages, prophets and seers have been telling us about this. We create Science to prove our existence and separated spirituality in the midst of this search. Now, we have come into a threshold of collapsing all old paradigms and restructuring from the spirit of being one with the force of the universe, the Creator and all sentient beings inanimate, plant kingdom and animal kingdom. We are all creatures of the Source and have to rebuild a new template of cohabitating on Mother Earth.
Our home, mother of all creations is waking us all. It is time to be conscious of all our thoughts, emotions, actions and intentions in the energy fields. This is the blueprint of all our creations. The Akashic Records of all that has been created here and in future timelines are all here co-existing in our space-time overlap.
Time and space do not exist anymore, we are awakened to our multi-dimensionality. We have everything that we need to co-create a beautiful harmonious world within and externally. How can we collectively think of this new template? I will enumerate some of the ways that as an individuated expression of the collective can bring some new perspectives and light to the way you perceive the world and help others co-create these new thoughts and patterns.
How-to live-in peace, gain clarity and be conscious of your creations?
- Journal and contemplate on all your intentions before you create and act. This will help you navigate with clarity and precision to what you want to create with others. Are you creating with service for others? Do you contribute for the highest good of all? Are your thoughts in alignment with higher frequencies and vibrations of love, harmony, kindness and compassion for yourself and others? What are your dreams, aspirations and contributions to the collective?
- Remain vigilant for any distractions, entanglements and confusion. When you get stuck with these, your mind is not focusing on your creative expression. When you are scattered, it is easy to get distracted with family and friends. Schedule your projects. Prioritize yourself. Unplug from social media.
- Create a ritual, light a candle, play high frequency vibrations in your energy fields and call or invoke the Masters of Light that will work with you. By creating a sacred space, you can access your blueprint and receive guidance from your spiritual teams and guides.
- Disengage yourself from those who do not value your work and service. Pay attention to your worth and core values. Write them and stay engaged with people that support, care for you and build a sacred circle of friends, mentors and clients.
- Study and continue to learn about yourself. Listen to mentors, people that have accomplished and mastered the ways you want to improve your skills, knowledge and wisdom. Do not be boastful of what you know. Stay humble and preoccupy yourself with things that makes you curious. Curiosity is the door to expansion.
- Do not compare yourself to others, you are unique and gifted in your own way. Be happy for the success of others around you. Keep your work in service for the highest good of all. Practice compassion.
- Simplify your life. Purge your body, mind and spirit. Live within your means. Materialism can be distractions to your illumination. Your wealth and legacy are your footprint on Mother Earth. Leave something that is of high quality like wisdom, kindness, compassion, generosity and inspiration to others. When you leave this world, they will have you in their hearts and spirit. Not the things that you left but the love and essence of who you are.
- Be true and authentic to yourself. Accept your shadows and grow from them. Through the dark night of the soul, we gain freedom of the spirit. As we become detached from confusion, we know and feel what others go through but, we are here as reminders of our innate Light within and the universal energy.
- Be happy. Spend time in nature. Love your pets. Know yourself and neighbors. Be courteous and respect all things.
- Love yourself unconditionally. This will help you love others, forgive easily and let go of the old story of being a victim. Today we courageously face our fear and grateful for what we have. Fully embody our incarnation, knowing that we are divine, sacred and human, all in one encompassing being on our planet Earth. We are one.
Photo credit: https://unsplash.com/@evgenit
Alex moynham
Posted at 16:17h, 24 NovemberIt’s core values and guiding statements like these that align people and give them inspiration to be the best spiritual version of themselves. Teza has gifted us all the facets to create our multidimensional selves, staying true and humble to the collective challenge we are presented with. This sacred template she has imprinted will guide us with light and love. I’m thankful for the reminders on how to spiritually fortify ourselves in these challenging times🙏✨💚
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 14:33h, 08 JuneOh wow!! Thank you so much beautiful earth angel! I just read this and I am so touched! Love you so much Alex 🙏♥️