12 Jun The New Paradigm
The fluidity of our consciousness is here as we embarked into a new dimensional way of our thinking. The parallel life streams that you are experiencing can be difficult to navigate when you do not understand the bigger perspective of your future timelines in the galactic community. You are never alone in this lifetime. You are genetically imprinted with all the galactic races that your human consciousness has reached. Scientifically and spiritually, you have crossed a threshold, the nexus points of your awakening. The star seeds are awakened simultaneously, in alternate and parallel universes.
Healing crises and purging the polarized dimensions of your realities. Debunking how your linear thinking works, by emptiness and stillness of your busy monkey mind. How are you able to do this consciously? By listening to the calling of your Masters. During the night, when your brain waves are in deep sleep. You receive a restlessness of the spirit that you must get up and download the streams of consciousness that is being conveyed to you. This is your liquid light or information that is being passed through the synapses of your neurons. Firing your neuro pathways to establish a new pattern of thoughts that are new to you. How you are integrating the polarized ideas of dark and light, feminine and masculine, good or bad, big or small. All in all, you are integrating these seemingly opposites sides of the spectrum to serve the unity fractals in our ways of thinking. In this assimilation of perceptions, you are creating a new holographic matrix that is unfamiliar to you.
The separation that you are innately feeling, this is the hibernation stage that you need to be. Like a cocoon of the caterpillar, you are imaginal substance creating the properties that will make a butterfly to manifest its freedom. This is the hybridization program of your genes. It was created in many laboratories unbeknownst to you. As you were unconscious for eons of lifetimes. You have incarnated in many time wheels or pockets of your evolution as human galactic hybrid. This time it is being revealed to you simultaneously in parallel multidimensional state of your being like a holographic matrix. You are being wired to think this way, there is no beginning or end, you are an infinite soul traversing all these multiple timelines all at the same time and space that you know. There is no time or space, but you must conceive it this way to understand the gist of this perception. The fractals are parts of your consciousness that co-created your hologram genetically programmed from the archetypal templates that each race and star systems have given in our original and evolutional collective consciousness. Why now you might ask? It is because our human galactic pool has reached a tipping point. The light frequencies of your DNA/RNA have accelerated its energies and reaches the peak of human transformation. Technologically bridging the robotic and human genome formation. You are linking your human system with the acceleration of technology and robotics. Is this going to extinguish our human civilization? No, it is reaching the galactic information center and creating a new hybrid program of the merging of human and technology civilization. It is now being created. Look at the latest inventions and movies that are being played in your social structure. You are being indoctrinated not to be shocked in this implementation of the new program.
Everything is interconnected. The seed of polarity is being dismantle right before your eyes. Self-observing what is here in the air. You are a part of everything. Do not be consumed with negativity, allow the fluidity of information and amalgamate the new timelines with acceptance. All is well. This is the new breed. The hybrid. Looked at your machine-like cars, they are hybrid. It is a mirror of you. Everything is energy. As your human genome is upgrading so as your toys. You are creating in quantum fields. Soon human can fly, you do this in your dream state why not in realities? Nothing is impossible, when you are living in parallel timelines, you experience the infinite wisdom of the ages. Life is an adventure. You choose what is light, joyful and loving in your experiences. You can shift what is in front of you. From the higher perspective of things like an eagle’s view in the treetop, you can see what is the highest good of all. What are you serving in this incarnation? Are you leading towards the unified consciousness of human evolution? Be present, share your compassionate wisdom towards yourself and others. Be here now.
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