The multi-dimensional state of being

The people that are experiencing mental health challenges are experiencing multi-dimensionality, which means they are going through timeless thoughts of past, present and future timelines that are happening simultaneously all at the same time without being anchored into the body. 

Multi-dimensionality can be all aspects of your being from all dimensions and higher frequencies like the Angels realm can be accessed when you co-created an agreement with these Beings of Light. You have a frequency that resonates with their essence. You bring this in the earth 3D matrix to assist others with remembering their true nature of multi-dimensionality. You are not only physical but also spiritual who have the capacity to access other realities. Our Third Eye activations will help us remember all these timelines. As we become more conscious of all our creations and expressions. The earth angels are the people that are experiencing mental health challenges. They exist to help us remember our true nature that we are spiritual and have access to our multi-dimensionality. 

The people that are mentally challenged have separation from their true essence which is from the spirit. The soul consciousness holds the blueprint of this current incarnation. When the mind creates separation from the truth, it holds a space of separation. This pain was experienced from the deepest memory of being separated from the Source. The holographic memories are embedded with these fractals. The mind became fragmented and lost its clarity with their purpose in the current timeline. 

The body is the map of all our timelines. The memories are stored in the cellular level of our consciousness. They are like time capsules embedded in our memory bank that is tapping into the universal energies. We are the receptors of our collective. We can feel and experience others while we are experiencing our own memories. These memories are in the air, and it confuses someone with unconscious pain body. This prevents the thoughts to be grounded in the body. It creates scattered thoughts in the mind and barricaded these thoughts from connecting into the heart chakra. These painful experiences are triggered when we need to face reality. It all depends when our thoughts are rooted in fear or love. You can ask this basic question as you experience confusion in deciding or choosing which direction to take.  Are my thoughts coming from fear or love? 

When we see our thoughts clearly with our new filters and awareness our reality changes the result. What keep us repeating the same theme or stories of our lifetime will be revealed to us. When we dive deep into our reflections, find time in silence, contemplate and see the shadow aspects of our being, we will find the answers. What are we escaping from? What are our denials?

The separation between the mind and the heart is preventing people to feel their pain body. This helps to temporarily forget because they are not ready to face their pain. This somehow creates an illusion in the mind. Without grounding the truth or pain that they must face, they continue to live in the illusory field.

Create some space to breathe, some time to heal and time with yourself to be able to face the unknown. Facing the unknown is a space where you can surrender to what is. There is a mystery waiting to unfold for much better is yet unknown. What is the worst thing that can happen to you when you face your pain? Old memories can resurface to your conscious awareness, remain here, present and your acceptance of the present condition will help you alleviate any suffering. You become anchored to the now. Fear is being dismantled as we rise to the divine wisdom of knowing that we are sacred, and powerful magnificent beings of Light. 

These memories of ancient knowledge and sacred wisdom were stored in the Crystal Skulls in the Golden Atlantis timelines. They were hidden to us and as we evolve in our ascension, raising our vibrations, they will materialize and show up to assist us in our return to the energy of Atlantis. During Golden Atlantis, 13 life-size quartz skulls were like advanced computers into which the twelve tribes recorded the history and knowledge of their region.  They beamed their light knowledge into these crystals because we will need and use them in these future timelines. The highly technological age is here as a continuum of this rising golden era. 

I dreamt of a high-speed train along the ocean. I was in this bullet train open, and I was tied up lying down into this rapid train. I can feel the ocean waves and it was exhilarating. It felt intense and yet connected to the waves of the ocean. It was nothing that I have ever dreamed of. It was out of this world. I feel that this is coming from the future timeline. This technology that we possess are beyond our wildest dreams or imaginings. We have been using the Crystal technology, combining with sound, light, mind power and healing power of our body and spirit.

As we remember our natural ability to heal, we were gifted with this in the healing Temples of Atlantis. We participated in this communal of healers. You are one of them, when you are interested in helping our planet earth to heal. Healing had been our purpose to anchor this in our present timeline. We have been doing this for eons of lifetime. We are in a melting pot of all our experiences. When we can stop, pause, reflect and contemplate of what is unfolding in front of us. We become more attune, we listen to the signs, calling of our soul’s longing to co-create in this existence. Whatever it is, it does not matter what kind of expression you present. It is a sacred gift, to be attune, to receive, and share this gift from the unseen. What is unknown to us can bring fruits to others. Unbeknownst to us, we can be a lighthouse to those who are lost. It can help them in their own journeys. By focusing on yourself, your light, you become a master of your own life’s path. Everything that is unfolding in your path is what is meant for you to be. In the midst of confusion, you will find clarity and direction. It is this fog that will help you see clearly what it is that is blocking you from seeing the true essence of your journeys. You are here, present, loving, and compassionate. I thank all these mental challenges that I had for me to see the truth of my essence. Anything that was rooted in fear beliefs helped me transformed and access what my true heart wants to co-create with the universe. I am free.  It made me self-realized that behind these thick clouds is the pure bright light waiting to shine upon my soul. And so it is. 

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