05 Sep The Moldavite to open your heart
Known as the meteorite that landed in Czechoslovakia 15 million years ago, this magical being is super powerful in opening your heart chakra. Grounding you to understand and remember that your heart is where pure unconditional love resides. I am fascinated with this gem as it came to me from the year 2013 when I opened my heart to my former bf Kevin. For some reason, I stopped wearing it when I broke up with him, until 2018 when I was healing from my griefs from my son Theo.
I remembered meeting one soul brother Ciprian and we knew then that we were Moldavite brother and sister. In my meditation session, Cip came wearing his Moldavite and I started wearing my Moldavite pendant that same day as well. We journeyed with our high vibrational stones such as Herkimer Diamond, crystal skulls, Labradorite and Chrysocolla. It was fascinating as we were both healing our deep loss. Both our journeys went into full circle for what we needed to heal.
This summer of June 22nd 2022 I met this wonderful man Milan in my fave Crescent beach. I was walking home from being there for few hours enjoying the sun in my skin. I practice being a nudist since last summer when my cat Buddha passed to the rainbow bridge. I found freedom from judgement, shame, and guilt with my body. I became free!
As I walked home, Milan was also walking home beside me. I saw a wallet hiding behind a rock and I picked it up. I thought of the owner, and I wanted to return the wallet to the owner. I asked Milan, “did you lose a wallet?” He then replied, “no, but I also saw that wallet, but I did not pick it up.” I opened the wallet and saw the address of the owner and he was living in White Rock which is quite close to where we were. Milan asked if he could come with me to return the wallet and I thought sure. As we walked towards my car, I sat at the back of the car and was trying to get the sands out of my feet. I asked him if he can remove the sands in my feet with the towel and he did. We were both laughing so hard as it is funny that I let him do this to me, like a princess asking a prince to touch my feet hehe
We returned the wallet and found ourselves talking and laughing as we were driving. He asked me out for dinner, and we finally found a Sushi restaurant that is still open in the area. We talked as if we know each other from other lifetimes. I opened up to him about what I do and he opened up to me about his pain in losing his mom on 2019. I was touched by the depth of his love for his mom. I thought of my son and my love for Theo. It was an awesome connection, deep and loving. At the parking lot, we hugged and said our goodbye.
The next day, we talked and planned to meet the third day for dinner. That was the start of our love affair with Moldavite. This love story will be in my Sacred Sexuality book. I will explain what Moldavite brought us and the unfolding mysteries of our coming together. I gifted Milan with Black Tourmaline, Celestite and Serpentine the first time we went to Bella’s Happy People shop in White Rock. He was in tune with them and kept them inside his pocket. I gave him the names and he was devotedly studying these crystals. We both have the same small tumbling stones and kept them in our pockets. Milan’s Black Tourmaline was missing. After a month or so of this missing, we finally gave up of finding this crystal again. Crystals have the tendency to move around on their own accords. If it went missing it is because they want to go to others, and it had served its purpose with you. Your contract is over to speak.
One day, we were laying in the sand of Crescent beach. I heard a stone talking to me. I turned on my side and found a black stone and I picked it up and said to Milan, “this stone is trying to talk to me.” As I looked more around the stone, I saw the Black Tourmaline beside this stone. I was so happy and ecstatic to give it back to Milan. We were magically touched by this Black Tourmaline. It became a special moment for the two of us.
We went to Bellas’s miracle shop and Milan bought a small Moldavite. The next day, we went to NCA crystals shop as if the Moldavite wanted some company. He ended up buying 6 big ones and we were all so excited and happy. He cannot understand why he was doing this spontaneous buying. All he knows is that they make him feel good and happy. As went home, that night, while watching sunset in Crescent beach; we washed and cleansed our crystals in the ocean. We felt paradise. We put them together in a sacred geometrical mandala grid. They looked like they are a tribe and speaking together. They looked very happy to be back with each other.
The crystals journeys continued on.. we were driving on our way to hike but the traffic turned us around and we ended up in Deroche. There was a farmer’s market and stumbled on Wilderness Crystals. She has some cute selections of animal crystals, and I brought them. Unbeknownst to us both that we are going to Dragonfly gift shop in Harrison Hot Spring, met Jody the owner of the shop and ended up buying my sleeping beauty fairy that I named “dream” and beautiful Apophyllite. Milan asked for the cathedral Amethyst as he was attracted to this crystal. He ended up making a deal and we are going to pick it up soon.
The Moldavite created an intimate bonding between us. We planned to do a road trip last night and now on our way to Denver Gem Show. How cool is this!! We became seriously in love to sharing the magic and power of the crystals. The Moldavite creates an accelerating rapid change within us that make us move in this direction of our togetherness. What a lovely alchemy in my life to have someone supporting me in what I love. It was pure magic!
Moldavite’s message:
Star light beings welcome to our dimension. We are of the higher frequencies of light and we want you know that we are home with you now in mother earth. Our star codes reached out from farther dimensions, and we feel at home with you. The star seeds are here to activate your frequencies to higher dimensions. These light frequencies will shift the way you think and feel. You will feel light activations deep within your cellular level and memories that will recalibrate your memory bank to the universe. You have been asleep to your true essence. It is time to wake up and light up, activate the dormant DNA/RNA into being a galactic human hybrid. This is not new to you; you are just remembering where you came from. The stars! We are the star codes and light keys to help you in your ascension process. As you ground yourself into mother earth, your higher self or soul is fully embodied within your physical dimension. Integrate the light octave into your carbon-based avatar. In doing this activation, you will recreate a silicone based light body. The light can rewire your central nervous system and fully assimilate what it is to be a soul, anchored in this avatar. The light body holds the knowledge, wisdom of the ages. You have been traversing in the cosmos. When you dream, your astral body travels far beyond the galaxies. Visiting others who need your light emanations. You are a transmitter of light frequencies. Being around you, people feel electrical and joyful. You bring this joy and bliss to others. Continue to walk in this lighted path, be true to yourself and forgive all. Do not carry or harbor any fear frequencies. Be attune to the divine frequencies of love and light. It is you who will be leading the way to shine the golden light that your species need. Be open to limitless and exponential possibilities in this 5D matrix. You are a star seed and keep shining your brilliant light to the universe!
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