23 Nov The Mighty I AM Presence
As the saga continues, it felt like this human was consumed with darkness and discord. My friends announced to me the continuing defamation and label about me. I was disturbed, I tried not to. My heart desires harmony and peace for this human. I continue to read the book Ascended Master Light. Last night, I asked Archangel Raguel to give us harmony. This darkness came like a thief in the night, wanting destruction and chaos, it felt disgusting and sickening to the inner core of my being, like a punch in my stomach. How can a human be consumed with such hatred and curse? But I know this is his not doing but the other force, this binding incarnate or entity of false beliefs and lower vibrations of emotions such as jealousy, envy, harming substances that can only derive from no self-love. How can this human be in such a state of agony? I pray for his soul, that the darkness will be enlighten and forgiven, that he will forgive himself for such anger. That the arrows of this hatred will bend and be released to mother earth, thrown out in the fire of the Seraphims for the highest good of all beings. It felt like what the collective is going through, the innocence is being attacked with such animosity and there is no fairness for all victims. I pray that this war and suffering of these innocent victims will stop with the Power of the Legions of Light of all angels and Archangels, and the Universal Cosmic Light will consume such fear that is lingering in the world. We are in this predicament right now; we are being targeted without our knowing until it is given to our attention. In this reality of duality, we have to face this shadow work.
I asked myself many times, why this human had come to attack me? The answer was written right even before I ask, because of your radiance of light this human needed your light to feed him. It is like a parasite lost in the space without a vector. To stay in this world, this lost soul has to claim your light in order to feel good about himself. He needs light. This dominion will perish when all the souls had freed themselves of wrongdoings. But it will take millions of years to accomplish until all have acknowledge their Mighty I AM Presence, the Power of Divine Perfection, Strength, Courage and Wisdom. We are being tested in many ways, but you are always clothed with this Divine Power of Mighty Protection of God. The Highest Good of yourself and others is here within you. Do not be disturbed with such nonsense, it is a disturbing force only when you allow it. Believe in your Mighty Power, with the League of Light that covers your embodiment, this will stop according to the Law of Cause and Effect. The only way to stop this discord is to focus always within your Powerful Light. No one can disturb you. You are a Powerful Being of Light.
The Limitless Legions of Light now move across the face of the earth, and all human darkness disappears. Mighty I AM Presence, I call on the Law of Forgiveness for these mistakes. You take command here; solve these problems and keep my attention on You until it is done, until it is fully accomplished. No power in the universe can longer bind or hold you. Let the great Power from the “Presence” flow in and through you; washing out, dissolving, and consuming everything within your human form every discordant thing; replacing all imperfection by the Limitless Energy and Self-luminous, Intelligent Substance from the Presence. It will cause your body to be strong and well; filled with limitless energy, power and enthusiasm. Then as the Light within your Heart expands, illumines the mind, and continues, the density within the structure of the brain steadily and surely dissolves, until you become alert, aware of these great Finer Vibrations which touch you. They are Promptings from your “Presence” which will direct you unerringly in every move of the day, as you will come to know.
As I read these words from the Ascended Master Light, I felt the powerful Mighty I AM Presence within me. It helped me to be still and know that all is well. There is no power in the darkness, it is but a part of this duality. We are living in duality but with our awareness we become Powerful Warriors of Light, there is no war within only in the outer creations of humans. When our spirit is consumed with the Fire of Love and Divine Light, we are at one with the Source of all that is. Together we will bind this Force of Light here on Mother Earth, we will banish all discords and chaos. We won this in many timelines, in all dimensions, space and realities, we are the Living Force of Divine’s Light. We are clothed with the mighty Armor of Light of Archangel Michael with the Sword of Truth we proclaim our Freedom from any harm. We are Victorious Mighty Beings of Light. Blessings!
Posted at 17:00h, 23 NovemberThank you for sharing. Practicing & being daily in the I AM presence is the best way to navigate. Not only in stressful situations but just daily life. This is my practice now 🙏
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 18:30h, 23 NovemberYou are welcome soul sister! Yes, practicing in our daily life, it is our guiding Light! Namaste!