14 Jan The Lyrans
To oversee the creation of the first world, the Universal Founders created a race in which to seed their consciousness through onto earth, and this race is the Lyrans. The Lyrans utilized the genetic library of the races to design the core manifestation template for the first seeding of the original human 12 strand DNA prototype, which was designed to be the Guardian lifeforms intended to protect earth. The Lyrans further down stepped their consciousness into the next lower density by creating another identity, and these race lines were designed to exist within the dimensional layers of the monadic spirit plane. This race was created the Lyran Founders to specifically oversee the projects of the Lyran-Sirian genetic seedings occurring on earth, and these particular groups are known as the Elohim. Further, the Sirian High Council was organized by and then appointed by the Lyrans to be the main overseers of seeding life on our planet in next lower dimension.
The Lyrans and the Sirians brought the genetic material together to create the first Diamond crystalline template body in matter for which is the original angelic human body that all earth humans are actually genetically descended from. The Elohim acted in a supervisory role of protecting the creations from the monadic spirit plane, while in the soul planes the Sirian High Council orchestrated the genetic seedings. As the root races of planet earth were originally seeded into subraces, we were entangled with other races.
During these critical events happening on the earth now that have opened access into previous timelines, we are going back in time to observe humanity’s original seeding and genetic ascendancy that is sourced directly from the cradle of Lyra and its civilizations.
Lyran Message:
Beloved children of light, we are here to assist you to remember your true galactic embodiment from your multi-dimensional seedings. As you experienced the shadows and light spectrum of this timeline, you will be awakened to the core of the true Universal Holographic Timeline. You are becoming a galactic human. You will become curious, to why things happened to you in the astral? Why you have to suffer these attacks in your sleep or paralysis under the control of the dark force? Your human genome had been invaded for eons of lifetimes. Undeniably they are here in your awakening, to pursue the truth of your existence. Why do you think you are here? You are not here to be weak and to succumb to more mind control of those who are working against your race. You are a part of the whole because you were seeded in these different races of your origins.
In order to unify your true self, you needed to awaken to the galactic origin template of your nature. The reptilians or layers of challenges were part of your cosmic memory from your cellular level of war and destructions from the past galactic war. You are tapping into the Universal Time Matrix and you are being activated to know deeper and gain wisdom from the galactic masters that you have been invoking. We are here to awaken you to your galactic templates and resurrect the 12 strands DNA that were manipulated and controlled.
The spiritual warfare that you had been going through is to help your soul and others back to the Christos template. As this was hijacked by many fallen angels who are not serving your highest good. They are blocking you from reaching this oneness. In the Universal Law of One, there is no separation from the Source of creations. How can you help discern the tactics of these mal intentions around you and within you?
You have to know that they can infiltrate in your mind, body, heart, spirit and soul consciousness. There is no time and space, but their core agenda is to instill fear. They are here to take away your soul essence so you will be attached to the karmic wheel of false matrix. You will not ascend to your sovereign soul when you are trapped inside this matrix. This is the power to understanding and wisdom. If you feel, sense, smell, see and dream of negativity or fear coming from these beings, you are aware that this will not serve your highest good. They can use your family members, loved ones, teachers or anyone that is closest to you. It is important to be protected energetically and physically. The Merkabah and 12 rainbow shield light will encapsulate you from these interjections. By daily protecting yourself with this shield, you will reinforce the strong unified force of light around and within you.
“I am a part of God matrix, I am sovereign and I am free. Any beings that is not in full alignment to this resonance is not allowed in this hologram. And so it is.”
There is a radical change that is upon you right now. Do not be mis-lead. Listen to your inner guidance and ask the Ascended Masters and Benevolent Galactic Guardians and Watchers to assist you in your discernment. Be true to yourself, forgive and have compassion for those who are ignorant of their true essence. You are being called to remember and become aware of your participation in Universal Matrix. We are here as you remember your divine mission to lead and serve others in the Unity Consciousness. Be one.
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