18 Jan The invasion of darkness
The invasion of our consciousness in the astral realm or while we are asleep can be a dangerous interference. That is why it is important that we have a relationship with the Masters of Light. Today before the book launch of my 4th book Collective Awakening, I was attacked in my sleep by a huge beast that looked like a giant man with gorilla features. He was at my back and was holding a knife against my throat. Slowly he moved the knife to my chest and I felt it against my skin.
This is a lucid dream, I was observing myself within a dream and simultaneously feeling what is happening in the story. Then the beast proceeded to lick my nipple and I could feel his tongue, my body was aroused. I then felt his tongue inside my mouth and all the way down to my throat, it left a gross taste in my mouth and I suddenly woke up. I was frozen in shocked and I knew I was in a portal.
Last year I had an experience with a reptilian. This happened on Jan 8, 2020 the eve of teaching the Atlantis Archangels. I was in a black sports car driving fast and I hit the wall. The car turned into a spaceship and I felt trapped. The doors slammed shut around me and then I saw my skull being opened. Around me were all these of entities, on my far left side was pure darkness with the glowing green eyes of a lizard. After I gazed at his eyes, I felt pain in my vagina like a hammer trying to penetrate me mechanically. I screamed so loud for Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron to help me. Then everything turn white, like a blank slate. I woke up in shock to what I felt was an abduction from the reptilians.
I got up and I knew there was something bigger happening in this dimension. What I learned is when I opened myself to help others in bringing illumination to the world. I experience a challenge in the astral. I have no fear over this. I am this brave and courageous warrior of the Light. At the back of my mind is the inner knowing that I am always protected and what harm can they do to my soul? I know that if I die I will always be in the light of Source because I am focused on my divine mission here on earth. Nothing can disturb me. I am stronger when I experience these challenges.
I had a colossal download today, I realized that there are a lot of people that are not aware of these entities and that they exist in the astral realm. You are so vulnerable and have no defense against their interference especially if you don’t have a relationship with the Masters of Light, who can protect and defend you? How are people coping with sexual trespasses?
Some of the cases that I had with clients started with their sexual abuse at the age of three and it was their own family members who were the perpetrators. These family members were into child fornication, sex occult and prostitution. There was even a case of someone being killed in front of them and it became a continuing nightmare for this person to deal with throughout their adulthood. It is quite an intense emotional and mental disturbance that these victims are going through.
In the midst of their healing journeys, theyfound spiritual healers who were able help them understand the bigger picture of their lives and find inner peace to move forward. What about those who don’t have access to healers? I wonder how they can go beyond these traumatic events in their lives. I also realized that these imprints can also contribute to suicide. The person goes through a very dark space where they cannot find a way out. The spirit of this entity lives within their psyche, emotional trauma and mental psychoses. It is a live virus of the soul which attracts more predators because they are emitting the lowest frequencies of guilt, shame and fear. It becomes a cycle of horrific and painful experiences for those who are suffering with these tortures of the mind.
I feel that as conscious human beings we need to be aware of the spiritual world. We need to awaken others who are not conscious that the realm of the dark force exist. It can challenge you while you are unconscious or asleep. I feel that every soul needs spiritual guardians and protectors. When someone is going through interferences, you are able to defend yourself with the assistance of the spiritual guardians.
We are living in multi- dimensions, simultaneously we are tapping into parallel worlds. We have to be aware at all times, vigilantly watching over our own self and others. We need to have a strong discernment because sometimes these entities can also enter others around us. They can manipulate and create chaos or conflict around your own group. Discernment is the key to our existence. We have to follow what our gut feeling is saying, even if it does not make sense. We have to be strong with conviction that we are the Creator/God/Source co-creators of our lives. We are becoming conscious as we evolve from these experiences.
For me a challenge is a door of opportunity to help me open more to other possibilities on how I can create a higher vision for this challenge. How I can use this to help others who are in the same predicament? How we can all contribute to the Light of our world? By transmuting the energies that are not serving us and not for our highest good. We can let go of the stories that do not make us stronger. Let us help others to understand things that are not of this world. They will be enlightened when we share what kind of darkness we go through. This courageous act will dissipate the dark. As we go through the process of our ascension, we shine our pure Light to help others remember who they truly are.
We are one.
photo credit: https://unsplash.com/@rohanmakhecha
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