14 Aug The Gift of Grieving
There is a gift in grieving the pain in your heart that breaks open. It gives space in order to allow more, feel deep and be a space of compassion for those who are mourning. It is in this experience that you will find kindness and empathy for those who are in the same shoes. There is a deep humane quality that you feel deep inside that you belong. You are one with others. It fills your heart with love, knowing that there are others that support you. It shifts your perspective to what is important in your existence. Time and relationships became precious and meaningful.
What a gift to have this in our lives. The pain of separation turned out to be the most intimate depth of the soul’s journey into darkness. The dark nights of the soul are the brightest light in the world. It is through this path that we wake up with what is the truth. That life is uncertain and can be taken away in a blink of an eye. To recognize this fact, we are able to treasure every moments and relationships that we have. Each one of us is capable of being present in the moment, to be and feel at home in your own body, be at peace with your mind, be open to love deeper.
I am humbled by this experience. It is eternal love that I feel every time my son Theo comes to my consciousness. It has no time, no space just is. It comes when it wants to awaken you from your sleep, it has no rules or control, just is. We are all living in this pool of love, when we are open to receive this gift we become free. To allow grief is to open your heart and soul to receiving love. This eternal love, that knows no boundaries, time and space.
We are one in eternal love, there are no barrier to experience this. It is the wall around our hearts that separates us from having this bliss. Knowing that each one of us is here to feel loved, experience and receive this, we are blessed. For those dark nights are the portal to see the Light that penetrate our being. The shadows are companions of Light. Without the other there is no one. It is a part of being human, our inner shadows become the direction of our highest good. In allowing this to flow, there is acceptance. You cannot resist the darkness, it is a part of our existence. To know the dark is to allow the Light that wants to dance with our despair. It is the dance of the soul that intertwines these two polar opposites. Flow with what is, dance in the dark night of the soul. There is hope in every step that we take the courage to face, move forward and be. A time and space that we allow grief is eternal love that we receive. For this divine love is our truth, our inter link to who we truly are eternal souls.
Do not despair that you can be in darkness at some point in your life. Take this, let go of resistance, flow with what is given. Open your mind and heart to receive this divine time. It is in these times that we truly magnify love. It amplifies our being, we feel deep and free our grasp to this dimension. We free ourselves from what are illusions. We crack the code to divine love. Our loss is what makes us value our lives more. It is a dichotomy of how we are going to see it as a door of opportunity to love more. Feel your pain, offer them to allow openness and lightness in your life. To breathe free of heaviness in your heart. To share in the grieving of others is a humbling act of being human. We are one, never separated in one Source we came. We breathe the same air, this oxygen of life that takes us here with our beating hearts we can shift this darkness. We can allow our mind to open and receive the gift of grief. We can set free the chains that hold us down. We can be divine in experiencing the darkness. There is power in when you break open.
Our grief is not personal, it is a collective experience of being human. When we share this vulnerable part of us, we allow healing in our mother earth. We become humbled of our darkness and allow others to see their own true Light. We are the ambassadors of this bright Light. Let us shine upon each other this eternal Light that our loved ones left us with. This glowing love within each of our broken hearts will remain in the flames of eternal hearts. We have eternal memory of our souls, we are one remembering those who left us with so much love. Let us continue to Light up this eternal flame, and let us remember to love.
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