11 Jan The Elohims
The Elohims are prime creators of our universes. They have co-created with the Creators or Source of all that is. The universal energy that bond us through the higher frequencies of love and light. As we go through our ascension process, we are able to master our soul’s divine mission. Our galactic embodiment is guiding us through this major transition in our current timelines of chaos, to redirect us into our Golden Light ascension. Collapsing old timelines of victimhood and reemerging the new timeline grids of highly evolve souls that are here now to liberate us from control and interferences from those who have implanted our human genome with negative agenda. This is crucial time to wake up and remember and claim your sovereignty.
Messages from the Elohims:
Beloved co- creators, we will explore with you how to co-create with your Higher Self? The things that seem to block you in your current timeline is a discordant energy that is misaligned to your Higher Self. This is the part of you that is stuck and unconsciously creating things that are not healthy and it does not bring you joy. You are misalign to your highest potential.
When we want to create, we want to acknowledge what is it that block us? This is anything like behavior or any addiction that we seem powerless over what we truly want to do. The saboteur archetype, and how we can find the roots of this situation.
In every situation there is an underlying energetic imprint that brought up this behavior. Usually it is from the past and when we have doubts about our own self, we create excuses or escape from the things that we cannot believe that we can do. To release us from moving forward we get stuck with whatever substance or behavior we put up. This is like a defence mechanism that we have to hold us back. Fear from the unknown or our powerful light. We stay in our comfort zone, the shadow work of our life.
This vortex of energy is like the eye of the hurricane, we get sucked in the cycle of this uncontrolled wind. We blind ourselves from the attractor, the magnet within us. There is nothing out there that we received if we did not have this within us. We are the attractor, unconscious thoughts can bring unwanted realities.
Being conscious and stepping back from the situation and asking yourself, “why do I create this?” Simple question that can lead you back to your truth. Facing fear and shadow work can be an eye opener for those who have the courage to move forward. We end up doing the karmic wheel when we don’t stop and self-realized that everything comes from within. But the foundational work is from being honest to yourself. Can you be still and know why you keep repeating self- defeating behavior? With stillness and letting go of judgement about yourself, you can find some sacred space to reflect and be open to receive any insights from within.
Our body is the map of our consciousness. This is the summation of all our interpretations, perceptions, judgements, and how we take things personalized and project things outside of us. It creates a pattern like a map, we can be automatically running from these old paradigms. If we are not conscious or aware of our patterns.
Take for example one of your pattern, then disentangle it with clear seeing eyes without being emotional or rationalizing your reasons why you do the things that you do. Watch how your thoughts will create a defense mechanism. What are those triggers? Sometimes we avoid the answers because we have shame or guilt about pleasure or pain. We do things because we get something out of this gesture. We cannot keep doing things and excuse or blame others for what happened to us. We are accountable and responsible for the things that we allow in our energy fields.
If we are not resisting, the answers will flow smoothly. Let is come up for you. Open your mind and heart to what is. What is unfolding in front of your eyes? Stay still and ask the universe what this means for you? In peace, we can hear our inner compass. The spiritual guides that you surround yourself, they are here for consultations. You are always with them, ask and it shall be given.
When you find yourself contradicting your path. This is a direction in which you can see with clarity, what the parts of yourself that you have not perceive as wholesome? The shadow is the part of you that have not received love. Because you are always wholesome in the spirit, the body or ego separates you from this truth. You are indestructible.
One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachments, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind.
(Excerpt from Bhagavad Gita)
When we are materially contaminated, we are called conditioned. One who is free had liberated his bodily conception of life. Liberation means free from the contamination of the material consciousness. Purified consciousness means you have attained the level of affinity with the Supreme consciousness.
We can release all these sufferings if we are present to our breathe. Let go of the old story of being a victim. You are wholesome and love. You are imperishable and eternal soul.
This timeline is the full circle of your infinite, boundless and limitless dimensions. They are all part of creations in the universal energy. We are participating in our co-creations with your new earth timeline grids. As you vibrate higher in the new frequencies of the celestial beings. You attain the full understanding that we are creators with the strong force of the cosmic light showers, watchers and guardians of planet earth. There is no separation from us, you are tapping into the universal mind and anchoring these frequencies to human genome. To upgrade the level of expansion and how you see things around you with the filters of love. You become integrated, illumined with the Source of all that is. The half of the circle is the shadow that you need to see that is a part of the dichotomy in the third dimension. This becomes a path to see the the other half as light that transmits and transforms the darkness into light.
The higher frequencies burn away the old paradigm, restrictions and any suppressions in your blueprints. You are an extension of our existence. You are a channel to provide this lighted path. The mind is a powerful instrument of creation and receptor to receive the cosmic downloads. When you are open to receive you allow this transmission to flow. We are the force of mighty Creator speaking thru for illumination of the human consciousness.
Galactic ascension references from Energetic Synthesis
Verse fr Bhagavad Gita
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