27 Jul The Eagle’s Flight
The Eagle’s flight
As I write the last chapter of the Collective Awakening book, I was touched by the Heron. I ran outside the cabin and was heading towards the ocean to thank Theo my son, the heron and Mother Yemaya. I ran as fast as I can, reached the edged of the water and in my left hand was a crystal smokey quartz skull and in my right hand was another crystal Iolite and sandstone combination.
I squat like a mother giving a childbirth, with my hands and the crystals being buried in the sand and my feet as well is moving deeper down in the sand. I was screaming loudly, “Ye Ma Ya!” I repeated these words until I heard the sound and voice of my beloved son Theo saying, “ye Ma, yah ma, yah ma!” Wow! I was stunned and shock to hear him. Theo when he was alive used to call me Ma. Here in the midst of my ecstacy I can hear him again!
I wept more as I heard Theo’s voice. I picked up myself, washed away the sand from the crytals and raised my hands up high to the universe. Suddenly, I was in the presence of two gigantic eagles approximately one foot away from me. They were so powerfully massive, creating this sound of whoosh, these two eagles were driven towards me. I felt somewhat insecure but kept my stance of my raised hands. I was caught off guard, with their strong presence. I was shocked to experience this marvellous creatures hovering above me.
One eagle swooped down to catch a shellfish, the other one rotated around me. As the eagle encircled me, I was also going around in its presence. Created a full circle with the eagle and then the couple left me. I was in a standstill. I just witnessed a divine intervention. These eagles are totem animals that had come to be my messenger of strength, power and protection. I know that in the midst of turmoil, is this sacred space between me and my Divine Creator. Telling me that I am never alone. I am always guided, protected and loved.
As I was mesmerized by this Divine intervention, I was in awe of the Divine revelation that I felt humbled to be in this sacred union with the messengers of love and Light. It brought me inner strength that I can be whoever and whatever I want to be in this dimension. I am given this gift of innate knowing that I am the co-creator of all my experiences. What I choose to experience depends on how I want to see the world. The lenses of my perception is within, the observer and the experiences is one when one is align with this universal Light and energy.
We have the power to shift and change what we see if it does not resonate to our highest vibration. By being in the heart space, we can remain open to all the loving, abundant and kind experiences of our lives. We are these magnificent beings of Light. In this Light space of our existence, we are boundless and timeless. We can let go of the bubbles around us that we created with our ego. This is the restriction that we have put in our dimension. These walls are old imprints of old beliefs from our ancient ancestors. We are now being invited to the quickening space of our existence.
Here you are being given this window of time collapsing. As you enter the third linear timeline, you are caught in a huge surprise that the universe is co-creating a different timeline for you. This is co-created by your Higher Self and meant for you to wake you up to where you are supposed to be. This is a quantum shift of your divine appointment with the creation. They paved the way for you to understand what multi-dimensionality truly meant.
I had personally experience this time collapsing and what the universe wants you to be. I went back to my nursing when Covid hits this year 2020. In April, I went full time back to my nursing job. I was contracted to work till the end of July. On July 25th I went to work and contracted some what of a skin disease. My skin started having an insect bite like and it got really bad that I was swollen and infected. I went to see my Dr and I was prescribed anti-biotics to prevent further damage to my skin.
In the midst of this, I asked the universe what does this truly means for me. I came back to work the next day, only to find out that my name was not in the list of nurses. I asked the staffing and they told me that I am booked off sick. Which I had no idea that I am. So I ended up going home for that day and was also booked sick for the rest of the week.
This opened my eyes that my skin was talking to me. That I am not comfortable with my surroundings and I am no longer needed to serve there. My skin is such in a bad shape that it literally woke me up, enough is enough. Stop playing small and contracted. I am being called for a bigger purpose. To be able to read others Akashic Records is huge. I am able to help the souls to surpass this linear dimension and help them see their highest calling.
I received the message and fully open my service back to those who needed my message. I am a messenger of love, divine compassion and healing Light. Today as I lay down in Crescent beach, where I had experienced seeing my life review right before my eyes in 2010. I am here recollecting the magical times of my life. My ascension process was out of this world and I am given this gift to share and not dim my Light.
As you read this book the Collective Awakening, my prayers for you is that you will be able to release these illusions and fear codes that were deeply embedded within us. We are beyond this and the QUICKENING is happening as we speak. There are no limitations to what we can co-create in this timeline. As we are given so much love and assistance from the Masters of Light, we will navigate this dark night of the soul with mastery, humility and deep compassion for humanity. We are bigger than what we think we are. We are expansive souls that volunteered in this timeline to raise our vibrations and co-create this magical world we live in.
We are these messengers to the universe. We are encoded with this within our divinity. When we receive these initiations from the Masters of Light, activations of our memory banks we recalibrate our frequencies to the higher realm of existence. This is the Akashic field where all forms of manifestation are recorded in this realm of creations. The substance of our divine origins of our existence. The soul’s journey from the Source and return back into our Source of Life and Light. Be one with all that is and find what works for you to co-create a magical life. Namaste!
Photo credit: https://unsplash.com/@jcotten
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