07 Feb The Arcturians
Arcturian characteristics:
- Fantastic Teachers
- Sustainable living in planet earth
- Interest in the structure of the universe
- Throat chakra, communication, divine purpose
- Soul purpose awareness since childhood
- Investigate metaphysics
- Feeling of dissatisfaction
- Competent public speakers
- Highly creative, poet and artist
- Keeps innermost feelings to themselves
- Loved to travel
- Extremely passionate and caring
- Technology, astronomy, geometric patterns
- Sensitive to environment, chemicals, delicate skin
- Prone to low BP
- Desire lasting change
- Not too many friends, distant
- Likes freedom
- Ask deep philosophical questions
- Love planning, organizing and building
Personal experience:
Today is Feb 6, 2021 and I was called to go to the ocean Crescent beach in White Rock which is my portal of ascension. As I experienced my life review in this lifetime while standing beside the water. As I took my walk, I was greeted by 13 eagles dancing in the sky. I was shocked because I only see two eagles by the top of the tree on my other visits but today was phenomenal a show of eagles flights.
I was in awe, took videos of the flying eagles and included it in my facebook album of pictures. I believe in sharing the images that I see, I am able to transmit the higher energies of these experiences with the divine to others. I chose to go on a personal retreat. I started channeling the Arcturians and the name of my grandfather on my father side came “Martin”. I remembered when I was a teenager, during my lost and confused stage in life, I end up meeting an elder guy named Martin. I knew that he was one of my guardian, today it was palpable that he is leading me to this channeling.
The topic today was about the 4 A’s (Access Absorption Assimilation Action) the 4 Light codes of accelerating your frequencies. And as we access these codes within us, we become an embodiment of this light healing frequencies.
I handwritten the channel as I didn’t bring my computer with me. And the following channeling is so strong that my whole body is experiencing electricity. As I live this current timeline, I feel that I am in a higher dimension which words cannot describe the mental and emotional state that I embody. I have pristine clarity where they want me to be, my emotions are clear of entanglements and I have a strong command or power with my life. My heart and mind is open, without attachments to the mundane, I am here as a pure conduit of higher vibrations of love and light. They said, humans have a lot of illusions and fear. When they are able to release and purify these lower vibrations and entities they will experience these synchronicities with the eagles, nature and wisdom keepers or guardians of mother earth. Together we will be flowing with the divine Source of all that is. There is only harmony, unity and joy in this blissful space. My intention in sharing these channelings is for our generations past and future to vibrate in higher frequencies of the creations. Om
Arcturian Message:
We are the Arcturians, together we will co-create your world with inter- dimensional knowledge, information and highly advanced technologies that will assist you in your conceptualizations as humans. You are always more than what you think, as your mind had limitations from your ancient ancestors in the human form. Now that the veil is lifted for those who are activated, there is no more separation from all of creation.
How many times have you seen the acceleration of repeating numbers today? Did it catch your attention? For the new bees, this may not make sense at all; numbers are our mastery. We are the mathematicians, geneticist and scientist of your race. We had come and imprinted your human experimental genome with this sacred geometry to assist in building and constructing the gene pool with various races.
We are assisting you to remember the encoded numerological signs that are embedded in your gene pool. When numbers were created in the living library of your soul, these played a major part of your awakening. The numbers are activators that were infused with designs from the master creators. The universe runs in order of the mathematical patterns of your existence. In the galactic blueprints, were recorded configurations of your unique patterns that co-create your body shape, biological functions, IQ, emotional intelligence and many more aspects of your manifestation. You exist here in the body form template but you have these fractals of light blueprints in the Akashic Records.
This information can trigger your sleeping keys and codes that needed to be recalibrated to tap into the super conscious. The way you think are layers of unconscious, conscious, sub-conscious and the super conscious mind. The super conscious mind will bring you into the infinite and limitless potentials of your creative expression while you are in the body form. Tapping into the hidden hyperspace. These are components of the unseen factors that co-create your body form. It is like a quantum pool of genes from your planetary ancestors, trillion of cells that contains the DNA and RNA from your ancestors, combined with the star seeds and galactic confederations implants within your sub-atomic particle from the quantum equation of your 5th or higher dimensional self. It is like this holographic mirrors in the hallways, when you move and walk in the hallways, you will find a reflection of yourself and many altered state of existence that is being broadcasted in infinite hyperspace.
The planetary body needs an upgraded acceleration of knowledge. When you have done the work of transcending your lower frequencies, cleared your karmic bondage and become conscious of your star seeded existence. You gain freedom and liberation from all the manipulations of your 12 strands DNA. This pre-existed way back eons of lifetimes as a galactic soul.
You are now remembering your true version of your highest self as a star seed. You have come here as an ambassador of light. You have come to volunteer in the transition of human journeys into the golden era. Your human drama that you previously experienced with your family will be transfigured into a more expansive version of your life story. You will see the bigger picture of this lesson. Able to forgive, move on and courage to speak your true essence. Not all of you will be a communicator for this body of galactic information. You have the choice and free will to do so.
As you upgrade your perceptions, your galactic portal is opening for the expansive version of your Akashic Records wired in the galactic blueprints of your journeys. This is what is happening in mother earth. The souls are elevating their consciousness, and releasing a lot of karmic bonds. The energy vortex is convoluted as we have to understand the laws of the universe.
We are govern with these laws, when we are ready we will be called for this galactic mission. Commitment, consistency and compassion will help you ground this divine mission. Humility takes you into a road of inner peace and joy. As you speed up with what you needed to accomplish, you will be given signs and clear directions on what to do next. Do not be overwhelmed, we are asking you to take your time to rest. As your mind can only accommodate the frequencies of higher consciousness. The information activates your higher self, and anchor this imprint into your body deva. As this information flows into your human system, you will feel elated, sometimes light headed and grounding will help stabilized your incarnation. You have a lot of things to accomplish and we want you to be stable, grounded and have a strong discernment.
When accessing light information from our galactic station, you will feel like you are not in your body. You become a keen observer that witnesses the synchronization of the harmonious unified field of intelligence around you. The eagles that were dancing in front of you, were signifying the shifts that you are experiencing. You are guided to remain true, strong, and perceive with the eagles eyes. Only these vibrations are allowed to occupy your domain of creation. Times are accelerated and it is a challenge to keep up with the demand of others. You need your focus and retreats to deliver these messages.
You feel that you keep coming back to this portal where you witnessed your life review. This is a significant event in your lifetime, it is not easy to comprehend but we ask you to continue with diligence. You had opened a star gate portal. You had quantum jumped into the future timeline when you were given this gift of revelation. To understand that time do not exist, it is in your imagination field that you co-create whatever it is you want to manifest with the Master Creators.
You are eliminating the carbon based elements in your DNA. Shifting into the crystalline fields and as your 5D holographic matrix is installed in your program you will feel the huge acceleration in your receptivity with the messages that are being relayed into your super conscious state of mind. It is time. There are a lot of new seedings that are coming in earth to obliterate the egoic closed minded and contracted ways of thinking of mankind. You are being liberated from all of these shackles in your ancient imprints of slavery. You are free like the eagles.
Your mind can only take so much. You are still humans after all. Be human with discernment and avoid any drama or conflicts in your energy fields. When you have approached a situation with conflict, and the other person is not replying. That clearly states that this person is in a different octave of vibrations. So let it be, let go and focus mainly on what guidance you are receiving and deliver with love and grace. You are being watched and guarded by your enlightened ancestors cheering for your success. Be open to the expansion that we are showing you. All is well and you are so loved that we have come here to assist you whenever you need us. Call us the Acrturus at your service beloved beings of light. xo
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