02 Apr The angels that walk amongst us
I heard this inner voice to talk about these angels that walked amongst us, I ask further, and the answers were given to me that these are the people who are experiencing mental health challenges. Why are they angels? Because they are messengers of non-judgement and unconditional love. Through my experiences as a nurse in long term care, I was caring for the mentally health challenged elders. In my spare time I took some time to walk with them in the garden and listen to their stories. We became intimate friends. I see them as beautiful souls who had experienced challenges from the past and didn’t have the love and support from their family. They found themselves as victims of isolation. It is not an easy path. On top of their conditions, they also must cope with their physical health and the medications side-effects.
What is the truth behind these cycles of suffering? The truth is when a person experienced trauma it creates a separation of their mental and emotional bodies. They become fragmented, disengaged, and disassociated from their present moment. This prevents them to deal with what is the painful situation. They learn to hide their feelings and feel incapacitated to function with their daily living. Their feelings are not validated, insufficient and depressed with their situation, they accepted their life as mentally sick. It is an escape from the pain. It served a purpose but can also become a habitual pattern. When things around them happen, they become incompetent of their reality. How can someone be in a better disposition when things are chaotic? These are some points that can make sense and help someone who is going through this challenge. I experienced them myself and realized I need to share how I find balance when things are tough. I also realized that I need to be gentle, kind and compassionate to myself.
Here are the steps to create balance and clarity:
- You are triggered when you feel emotional about someone, either things that are said to you or how you are treated. You took things personal and find yourself over a cloud of heaviness. This can be your family member, co-worker or friend. It can be hard to engage when you are in the situation. As you listen to the other person, you become aware of your feelings. How do you feel inside of you when this person is talking? Do you take things personal? Are you reacting instead of facing the facts? Do you need a space to be alone? There is no right or wrong, these questions can help you find some clarity when you are feeling boxed in or confuse about your state of mind. Finding peace within is a space that we need and not to be triggered more from the patterns of the past.
- Know your patterns, cycles and relationships. What are the ways that you take in coping with stress? Are you able to express how you deeply feel? Does your spirit leave your body? Do you have a sacred space that you can go to when you need to be alone with yourself? Spend some time in nature, remove your shoes and start walking bare feet. Earthing can help you clear and ground your thoughts and energies. Releasing what is bothering you to Mother Earth helps you clear your energy centers. This prevents pollution in your mind. It keeps you in alignment with your physical well-being. Walking with the thoughts in your head helps release the burden that you carry. You are free.
- Check your physical needs, are you having difficulty sleeping? Or do you sleep so much? Rest and sleep are important to your health. Watch your eating patterns if you are emotionally eating and neglecting your physical body. Exercise and movements create balance and release in your heaviness.
- Create a sacred space and breathe. Meditate, light a candle and connect to your Higher Self. Call upon your spiritual teams and guides. Call your angels around you, to help you in your dark nights of the soul. You are never alone. You come here with your guardian angel, and you leave this material world with your angel as well. We are spiritual beings experiencing being humans. Find peace within you. Do not lose hope and believe that you are always loved, protected, and guided.
- Surround yourself with things that you love, buy some flowers for yourself. Be happy in your small little ways. This will guide you back to yourself. Loving yourself starts with you listening, imagining and creating. Find some time to do arts or write your story. This helps you to reconnect and journal how you feel. Putting your emotions down in paper clears the way.
- Being alone is sacred. This helps you to connect back to your spirit and God whoever God is for you. The higher power helps us to know deep inside us is a connection to this magnificent power of light. We are a spark of light and love. This is the truth and when we are judged we forget to hold unto this truth. We become separated from the Source of light. We get lost in the mundane things around us. Get back to your spirit.
- Bring back and call all your fragmented parts, the spirit of joy, hope, faith and love that left you when you are in the dark. They are a part of your wellbeing. Ask the angels to infuse them back in your soul’s hologram. Ask the Golden Light of Christ consciousness fills your auric field. Let no drains or fragmentation happen around your energy fields. Protect your vibrations and soul from any harm.
- Connect and surround yourself with crystals. They are high vibratory companions that are here with us to help us in accelerating our frequencies toward light and love. Open your communications and relationships with these crystal beings. They are here to be with your path no matter what happens to you. Become one with the crystal kingdom.
- Know that you are in a dream. Dream with positive life. Anyone who has harming thoughts around or about you is not needed. They don’t help you in your journeys. They will dissipate in your path. You are light. You are love. This is the truth of your existence. Your spirit knows the truth. Be at peace with your choices and decisions in life. You are strong. You have everything within you to walk this path with your soul. You are always guided. Listen and open your mind and heart to what is the most exhilarating experience of your sacred union with yourself. This is the truth. You are a soul embodying this physical dominion. You are a powerful co-creator of your life with the spirit.
- Be of service for others. Depression is passing emotions that are stagnant. Serve with the present moment your time and energy for others. You forget about your dilemma. Your service becomes a lighted path for you. You release the attention to darkness by bringing your energy to support others, you bring light back to your life.
Posted at 14:56h, 02 AprilThank you Teza for posting. This information is good reminders. Bottom line – love thyself ❤️
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 19:53h, 03 AprilHello Jane, you are welcome. Yes it is about loving ourself! Blessings of love and light, Teza