25 Dec The Angels of Abundance
The Angels of abundance are here to help us realize that we are powerful and magical beings of Light. The transmissions that I am receiving is to continue the work of understanding how humans can shift and alchemize their unconscious beliefs into magical quantum shifts of abundance. Yesterday as we opened our Crystal Vibes shop, my partner beloved Milan stated, “it is slow today we are not going to have any sale.” I caught him saying this and said to him, “cancel, cancel and clear. We are magnetizing the highest good and potential of abundance.”
I caught the unconscious state of mind of Milan and reclaim the power of abundance in our midst. As the day continues, I opened my Tarot deck and receive the King of Earth, The Magician and Ten of Earth and I knew I was given the gift of abundance. I wanted to buy a Christmas lunch for our neighbor in the mall and when I did, the owner of the restaurant found out that I am buying a lunch gift and would not let me pay. My kindness brought a cycle of kindness and generosity. Then, people started coming and buying in our shop. To my surprise, two twin sisters from Agassi came at the last minute and bought the most expensive bracelet that I created a beautiful Rhodochrosite and powerful Akashic tarot card deck. We talked about their mother in the hospital and why they are staying in the near hotel. They also share their travels for 10 months together and enjoyed their time. I was so happy to hear about their adventures. And told them, “I hope your mother gets better and Merry Christmas to both of you and I handed them a free Palo Santo as a gift. They were very happy and even left a positive review in our Square system.
Milan went home and when he came back and pick me up, he was surprised that I made a great sale. Wow! What a magical journey. I am sharing this because I want to help others realized the power of their thoughts and how one can shift their reality into abundance mind set. We all have this innate power when we remember our sovereignty. We are here to experience the bountiful creations and love of the Source of all that is. We have this key to wealth; it starts with our mindset. Opening your mind to receive, to give love and abundance to others is one of the keys to success.
By being thoughtful of others, not only with gifts but with thoughts of compassion and kindness. To open your mind and heart to others who are suffering in their realities. To be present, listen to their stories and be empathic and thoughtful. The generosity of the heart and thoughtfulness of your actions bring the ripples of abundance. This is the formula to abundance. I feel so blessed to share this to you as I finish the book of angels these coming months, I was guided by the angels of abundance to share this experience.
Steps in creating abundance:
- Be mindful of your mindset. Are you thinking of lack and scarcity? Are you positive about the outcome of your work? Do you have any fear or doubt of receiving abundance? Do you focus on negativity? Are you contracted, restricted and controlling your circumstances? Are you open, generous and positive without attachments to the outcome? Are you happy? You can reflect on these questions and see how you are vibrating. Allow your awareness to help you become more conscious of what you allow in your mind field. Be conscious, present and mindful.
- Create a sacred space. Smudging your environment. Create a crystal grid around you filled with Citrine, Jade, Malachite, Carnelian, Vanadinite, Aventurine, Pyrite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Obsidian and Stromatolite. Place two Hematite magnet and Malachite in your pocket daily. To help clear your emotions and magnetized wealth into your electromagnetic field. Place 4 Citrine in the corners of your home and ask the Archangels to seal your sacred space. Archangel Raphael from the East, Archangel Gabriel from the West, Archangel Uriel from the North and Archangel Michael from the South.
- Call upon the angels of abundance. “ I call upon the angels of abundance to co-create and magnetized the abundance codes and keys within and around me. (Visualize a cocoon of golden light around your auric field.) I asked the golden light of Citrine to shower upon me the Source of light creations from the Great Central Sun. I asked the divine grace and blessings of the Source, Masters of Light, angels and Archangels, Benevolent Galactic beings of Light, Benevolent Ancestors, Crystal Deva spirits and Lady Gaia to nourish, nurture, provide, protect, guide and support all my needs and hearts desires for the success, highest potential and highest good of all beings and so it is.”
- Walk in nature and feel the presence of the plant, animal and mineral kingdom. Thank them for their presence and provisions.
- Bring nature into your home, like cedar leaves, cones, shells, stones, flowers and create a blessing ritual with the spirit and essence of these creations.
- Journal your manifestations and magical experiences to amplify their presence in your journeys.
- Share your magick. Be kind and let go of any judgements on yourself and others.
- Reflect and create an inventory of your blessings throughout the day. Say a prayer of thanksgiving in the morning when you wake up and at night before you sleep. Make this a sacred ritual daily.
- Rest, respect your body, scan your vibrations and chakras. Send healing to all parts of your body. Be an alchemist.
- Be thoughtful of others, give without expectations and be happy. Send happiness to money and be grateful when you receive anything from others.
Glenda-Ray Riviere
Posted at 21:25h, 25 DecemberThankyou for sharing, Teza!
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 19:55h, 03 AprilWelcome beautiful, miss you! Blessings, Teza
Susan Goodman
Posted at 23:30h, 26 DecemberThank you so much for your courage to share your gifts with the world. I have been reading one of your books. As I read I feel a deep soul connection with you. May your soul be blessed. May your purpose be blessed. May you receive an abundance of support in all areas of your life. May you prosper as you continue this ascension journey. Much love and angel blessings.
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 19:55h, 03 AprilAw thank you so much for all the beautiful and kind words that you shared Susan. We are all in this together! Blessings, Teza