24 Jul The Angels ask me to write a book
There was a pattern that emerged since 2019, at the end of the year my spiritual teams and guides summoned me and tells me what my next focus and project to come for the next year. You probably wonder how I am able to publish a book every year… literally I have 5 books that are on my file. Every story that unfolds to my reality becomes a chapter on one of the books. This is how I roll. I go with the flow of energies and stories that were handed to me by the universe. They seem to overlap as everything is revolving around me. I feel like we are the magnet of the sum of all our experiences.
I see myself as a Blueprint Curator, that I have been given the chance to rewrite the victim stories that our collective had been going through. And how we can transmute them and alchemize into a higher vibratory experience of our lives here on Mother Earth. As a conscious Galactic Human Hybrid, I am still human, so I have to go through the sufferings that we inherited from our ancestors. But I also have the choice to be detached from the drama, conflict and chaos that these timelines had brought to us.
What I see is that we have to release these old systems in order for the new higher frequencies to settle in our new earth. The 5D matrix is here with us as we awaken, embody and become the new hybrid. That is the oneness that our ancestors have been speaking about. We are all ONE. We are mirrors of all that is. Once you have acclimated yourself as a multidimensional being, you will shift your consciousness into this reality of higher frequencies. This is the portal of light that is now showering us from all the benevolent Masters that are with us. One of the realms is the angels realm, it is not a religious made up but the spirit of the angels are the messengers that are around us. We have to ask their intervention as we have the freewill as sovereign beings. We are so loved that we can have the divine grace in a blink of an eye.
I am here sitting and finally editing this book of angels activations here at Starbucks closed to my brother Marty’s home. As I was walking on my way here, I had a surreal moment. It took me back all the way when I was 17 yr old, strolling here at the same neighborhood in Eagle Rock. We had migrated here from Manila, Philippines a huge fam of 10. At that time I was with my 3 brothers when we flew here. My family never changed, they settled here for decades..here I am at my 60th yr and reminiscing how life was then. As a young immigrant, experienced all kind of darkness and how I am able to overcome all the hard stuff…
This book will take you to my true experiences with the angels realm, they come to me in dreams, voices, insights, all different form of communication. I became an antenna to their service and work. As a nurse for 34 yrs, I have experiences deaths of 100 or more patients, I stopped counting, I realized that I was a guide to help them in their transition.
This book is a compilation of my work as a nurse, a channel for their messages, a spiritual teacher for the 12 Weeks Atlantis Archangels Ascension Activations that I based from the work of Stewart Pearce. Our crystal shop named Crystal Vibes became a portal for some magickal experiences that will also be a part of this book. All in all, my personal experiences of their powerful healing and transformation that occurred in my timelines here on Mother Earth. The interventions that happened when we are connected and aligned to their vibrations. You will notice that I put dates around the chapters so you will know which timeline I am telling you about. We will start with the message that I received from Nov 25, 2023.
The angels ask me to finish the 44 Archangels in the oracle deck of Diana Cooper. To draw three cards daily and announce their work and service to humanity. I started this on Nov 25, 2023 and continue to summon them in my presence. I told Milan my beloved partner that this is happening. Today as I invoke Archangel Raphael and the green Emerald Ray of Light. I was filled by this mighty being’s presence. As I was revealing this project to Milan, I placed an Emerald stone in his hand and touched his Third Eye chakra with the oracle card of Archangel Raphael. He asked me why suddenly he feels sleepy. I said, “Archangel Raphael is healing you.” The angels want me to be with them daily as I finish the angel book. I was given this title for this book, ANGELS ACTIVATIONS!
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