21 Dec Solstice Message
As we enter this new timeline, we are reminded to find some stillness and reflect on what we had created this year and what are the things that we want to explore more. We are blessed with the increase of light frequencies and higher interdimensional connections throughout the universes. Becoming a conscious co-creator of our multidimensions, to understand and become wiser as we experience the no time and space zone. It is about time to acknowledge that this is here, the zero-point field of existence. We begin with your thoughts, they are in synch with nature and the universal energy is recalibrating your wirings, to eliminate thoughts that no longer serve you. These are the fear-based survival modes of living in old timelines. It is the thriving, joyful and deserving of love that is being implemented at this juncture of transition.
In the darkness, you will find more time to slow down. The snow around you is a reminder that slowing down gives you the privilege to reinvent your new self. This self is aligning with the higher frequencies of love and light. Lightworkers are anticipating the turnaround of your society, to gear towards a harmonious unified consciousness but there are more works to do. It is starting with your mind consciousness. It is a garden of seeds, and you are the gardener of this mind field. You can choose what you want to plant, these seeds in time will blossom like flowers, they are the medicine of your soul. Their pure state is like you, you are here like nature flows with its process. The birth and death of the physical existence. You are eternal infinite soul experiencing the universal nature. Some souls are choosing to exit this dimension in tragedy, losing their balance that cause a lot of pain for those who are close to their physical existence. Humans have been doing these eons of lifetime, but it becomes a surprise to all of you when one does it. It is a reset of your own timeline. When are you waking up?
As you evolve into your dimensionality, you will be more aware of your energy fields. It is your own signature that will recalibrate your experiences into a higher dimension of love and light. Being aware that you are always co-creating in infinite timelines with your soul matrix. Your soul is expansive and able to traverse and tap into multiple timelines simultaneously. Creating a holographic matrix within and around you will be your map into your consciousness. What are you putting into your hologram? These can be relationships with your environment and people, projects that will enhance humanity’s evolution and places that you want to travel and activate your memories with the earth’s electro magnetic grids.
You’re building a crystalline light body that is encoded with higher frequencies of the Galactic matrix. It is your understanding that will bridge this into your physical manifestation. When you are vibrating in a higher frequency, it is cohesive towards the light empowerment program that is being imprinted into your DNA. The crystal kingdom is here to help humanity to vibrate higher, harmoniously, and peacefully. When you want something, wait and it will create that heart’s desires when the perfect timing is here. It is in love, power, and wisdom the three-fold flames that will create your reality in its highest state. It is not by force but by the power of innate knowing that all is well. Deeply surrendering to what is unfolding in your reality.
The force of attraction will guide and nudge you towards your awakening. To be in stillness and empty yourself with attachments that leads to imbalance. Your ultimate nature is balance and integrated to your higher self. Chaos or distortion can reflect your inner chaos. Go within and reconnect with the flow of wholesomeness. The illusion of fragmentation can be distractive, change is inevitable, let go of your strong attachment to old safe ways of doing things. Your solar consciousness is asking for you to integrate all aspects of your being, heal holographically to be wholesome, be gentle and kind with yourself and watch as your world will be lighter and be filled with divine grace as you consciously co-create with all that is.
Blessings and miracles,

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