12 May Shiva Lingam
Shiva Lingam is a crypto-crystalline member of the Quartz family. This stone is found in only one of seven sacred Indian rivers. Villagers visit the Narmada River in Onkar Mandhata and polish these river rocks to better define their famed Lingam shape. Shiva Lingams can range in size, with pieces being found as tall as 10 feet. In Hindu culture, the lingam is a representation of the Lord Shiva in Shaivismand is believed to be a representation of their phallus. In Sanskrit text, the word Shiva mean “sign” or “symbol” which translates to “Shivas sign”.
The Lingam represents the Brahmanda, which means “cosmic egg”, symbolizing the creation of both the divine male and female energies. Oftentimes temples are built with a single Shiva Lingam residing in the center, resting within a Yoni representing the female organ. Shiva Lingams’ balancing effect can also assist in your own sexual relationships. Great for fertility and sexuality, confidence, grounding and balancing polarities. It helps expands our understanding of who we are and how to transmute our energies towards the ones we love.
Shiva Lingam Message:
Beloved children of Light, welcome to our temple of truth. You are magnificent Light and do not dim your light. It is you that will change yourself and this world. The truth lies deep within your seeds of life. This seed is the fire “kundalini” that ignites your sacred heart. No one can tell you what to do, no control or manipulation can dominate your existence. You are a free spirit living inside your avatar. Your body is a compilation of stardust, memories from your living ancestors and bloodline. You are the generator of your engine. Be well in mind, heart and soul. You are one with all creations. You create what is in the collective of the whole. You are an aspect of this grand creations. A minute existence on Mother Earth, do not waste your existence with your consumption but be friendly with all living beings and inanimate objects that you surround your home. Your home is within your heart. You live inside this amplifier, the Magnificat!
You are home in the celestial bodies and on Earth. You are a cosmic soul. You belong nowhere but a spirit that lingers and founded a body here in 3D matrix to find home. Your body travels in the night when you sleep. Your dreams are your dimensional range of the subconscious. When you are resting, your mind is in altered state of consciousness. It synchronizes with the multidimensions that you traverse. You can do this too while awake and you must ground yourself. Create a safe and sacred space when astral travelling. The malevolent force is everywhere, they are insidious ready to contaminate your mind and body when you are not aware. Your awakening starts with this awareness. The leakages in your energetic fields, send signals to these negative entities and beings. It is like having a hole, they see it and zoom down to feed in your system. It is not a very healthy way of living. You do not want to get caught in this matrix. You have to seal your avatar with the sacred geometries known to you and the Masters of Light. Study your Akashic Records and reunite with the remembrance of your soul where you came from. Returning to your home, your pure Light. Your soul.
What are these holes in your energy fields? They are the frequencies of your being. Your being consists of all your thoughts, words, actions, emotions and intentions. Everything is energy. The vibrations of all these aspects of you, have corresponding realities or matrix. The lower vibrations such as anger, separation, suffering, jealousy, sloth, lust, craving, worries, are some of the lower vibrations that we inherited from our ancestors that had been carried on through generations and generations to come.
How can we clear these energies and codes in our blood system? By being conscious, aware, awaken and evolve. It takes courage to be in this space, because you will meet challenges, dark nights of the soul and distractions. It is your relationship with your higher self that will set the foundation for your ascension. It is all created in your mind. By tapping into the Divine Mind, you will feel an elevation of your consciousness. You will be reunited to the shadows of yourself and integrate the light and darkness of yourself. When you have done the work and create relationships with the Masters of Light you will balance the masculine and feminine divine energies that resides within you. You are a powerful co-creator of all that is. You begin to live in the 5th dimensional body of your light system. Your light body is your avatar to attain a higher frequency in this timeline.
The sacred activations that you are receiving from the Shiva Lingam is my emanations. I am transmitting these sacred frequencies with this manifestation in Holy River of India. You are connected and emancipated from the distractions that surround you. Like the hurricane, you are the stillness in the middle of chaos. You are a messenger of love and Light. Be free from illusions of the mind. Be in your heart and live well with all sentient beings. Namaste!
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