Seraphim Seraphina

Today I was woken up early and I did not want to get up. I listened to Kryon and this medium from England named Nicky Alan. At our Crystal Vibes Magic I opened and lighted a blue candle for peace in our collective. This candle is for peace within me, family and our world. The angels are telling me to pause, stop and let go of thoughts of separation and darkness, we already won these many timelines. There is no time and space and surrender to all that is..

As I lighted the candle, these 4 earth angels entered our shop they brought with them two girls aged 7 and 11. I know one of them and she remembered me as of two years ago when she visited me. We talked, laughed and had fun. They invited me for lunch and as we were ending the day, I asked the 11 yr. old, “what is it that she wants to be?” She said, “I want to be an entrepreneur.” I was excited to hear these words and gifted her some crystal beads for her to start making bracelets and present herself with us in a pop-up shop for the coming summer. 

I remembered my childhood; flashbacks showered my memory bank from when I was early as 7 yrs old. My Mama had a family restaurant business, our family members would put me by the sink when they ran out of dishes, and I would gladly sing along and wash the dishes. I will be compensated with money, and I will keep the savings in my wallet that I pinned in my dress. What a vivid recollection of my happy life. 

This Vernal Equinox March 20, 2025 with the current Mercury and Venus retrograde and the 7 planets aligned in the New Moon energy in Aries I felt it is time to publish this book and end with this chapter of the earth angels and Seraphim Seraphina. The message was very clear, to let go of destructions, noise and declutter. Purification and detoxification state, to be in silence and be in the heart. Seraphina invites us to build the bridge to the Source. There are 144 Seraphim in our mother earth. They used to be around the Source the creation, because of the density of our unconscious state we needed them around us now. Seraphina holds the scrolls of our collective. Archangel Metatron works with her, as we evolve, everything that we harbor any harming thoughts need to dissipate. Let go of any ill thoughts, envy, jealousy or energy of competition. To build confidence and guide others in their ascension process. It can be challenging for earth angels; it is time for reckoning and remembering. It is an emergence; Seraphina reminds us that we won this in many timelines. If you are a parent right now, you want to bring the children to bring them to the vibration of the paradise template. To surrender or forgive your elders, remember to forgive so we can be blessed. It is easy to call, you just have to ask, and you shall receive. 

In our crystal shop I created a portal for Egyptian timelines, to remember our sacred knowledge and wisdom that we inherited right from the get-go. We are all in this together. Create a community that will support each one of us. Let’s build the bridge to the Source of all that is. From the strangers that we meet, those people that are sent your way, each one of them carries a message of love, hope and faith. Let us become a messenger just like the angels, we are their hands, feet and mouth to speak of their words of love and light. Let us beam our brightest lights into our collective and know that we are worth of every love and light that we deserve. Together we can co-create the Golden Era, it starts within you. This Golden Light of Christ consciousness protected by the sacred Violet Flame of Saint Germain in the tube of Light of your Higher Self and The IAM Consciousness we can serve our highest potential and highest good with all that is as you navigate this experience of being fully human and fully divine. And so it is. 

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