10 Feb Self- care plan

Self-love starts with a care plan to help you navigate when you are vulnerable while going through some dark nights of the soul. You need to understand that it calls for a break or retreat to create a new pattern in your consciousness.
It is hard to believe, but it all starts with detachment. For example, you find yourself triggered by others beliefs and opinions about your self. You react and find that you are disturbed, not happy and reacting to their opinions of you.
Breathe, be still and know that it is a sign for you to stop. Reactions are signs that you are not in your element. You are disturbed and your natural state is peaceful. Somewhere along the way, you become vulnerable and easy to react.
When one is not at peace, one has fear. Because fear gives a state of separation, we are not attune to oneness and love. So when we react it means that there is fear hidden behind the mask of reactions. Vulnerability will get us there, bringing the core of our frustrations and anger. We sometimes become obsessed with our reactions and situations become out of control.
How can we help ground ourselves back into our body and understand where are these triggers are coming from? How can we release them in our consciousness? What are the roots of these triggers?
Questions that can help you assess and see clearly what is going on without getting involve emotionally and worked up mentally. It helps us in our understanding, how did we get to that space of confusion. When we stop and ask questions to be in a space of understanding.
Steps in helping yourself when you are in a toxic situation:
- Be light on yourself. Do not take things seriously. Laugh at yourself.
- Know what triggers you, understanding yourself can create a space of letting go.
- Take a walk, ground yourself in nature.
- Breathe, create a habit of meditation. This helps you detach from all your thoughts and become an observer of your thoughts. Do not identify with them.
- Nothing is permanent, know that even this situation will pass by.
- Flow with what you have, stop resisting but flow like water.
- Take it easy on yourself. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.
- Embrace your shadows and integrate them with your self. Knowledge is a tool.
- Things happen when you least expected. Be flexible.
- Rewrite your life story with empowerment. You are a leader in your own field.
- Create and build from your creative self expression. Be who you are.
- You are complete and wholesome. Everything you need is within you.
- Love and serve others. Great tool to let go of depression.
- You are here for a purpose. Be happy.
- Forgive and let go. Cutting the cords to help you become light and free from the old story.
- Inspire others. You have a gift within you that only you can give. Shine!!
“May your true Light shine upon your path. May you release fear and allow your radiant Self to be open and serve others. May you be at peace. Namaste!”
Blessings of miracles,
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