03 Oct Scanning our systems to vibrate higher
What are the things that block our highest potential? Can we shift this state of lack into abundance? Where do we start to shift our consciousness? How can we tap into our highest potential? Can we trust and totally surrender to the universal force? Are you ready to shift into a more awakened state of being? What are the steps to align into our highest vibrations? How can we co-create with our Higher Self? These are some questions that can guide us in releasing blockages and unconscious negative beliefs. Our collective is awakening and rebirthing our new Self. It is time to shift and anchor this new energy that is empowering us. We are in the new templates of empowerment with our Higher Self in the universal energy.
When things are not working for us, we seem to get confused and distracted even more. We get into a cycle of old beliefs about our existence. The roots of these lower vibrations are coming from fear and insecurity. Fear has many faces, it can be fear from the unknown, success, failure, not being good enough and many other illusions that we unconsciously inhabit as human beings. We are in our unconscious state of mind most of the time. We get stuck inside the box, surviving and forgetting that we have every answer within. We forget that we are magnificent Light fractals of the Source of all that is. We are beings of Light eternally gifted and incarnated in our multi-dimensional bodies. We are bigger than this body. We are not this body.
Stop, reflect and ask questions that will lead you to your liberation. We have imprints from our ancient DNA, we get lost in the mundane and believe that this is the only reality that we can create. Creation starts with the energy fields, we co-create the blueprint from the ether and starts with our intention. The shift of consciousness starts with knowing what we want to create and put our attention to it. The energy flows where attention is. Creating with positive thoughts, words and vibrations will create foundation of a harmonious beginning.
Our collective awakening is shifting into being and letting go of doing and separation. We became blind sided to what our true essence is. We are not machines. But we are eternal beings, who are powerful and that we are able to manifest and anchor our highest, limitless potential here on mother earth. We are waking up, to bring in the highest vibration, compassion, love and Light into our mother earth.
First we need to stop, and see where we are coming from? What are the things that block our highest potential? Be open and see what is hidden in our thoughts, emotions and actions. Our unconscious negative beliefs can block us from being in our flow state. Our survival mechanism kicks in when we are put to tests. Our old patterns of thinking get us stuck into our old ways of perceiving. We are unconscious that we are coming from the old paradigm. There are things that we inherited from our ancestral lines like old beliefs of survival. Our survival comes from fear of not being able to provide or be in abundance state. There is resistance to receiving, to struggle is necessary to prosper; these are some examples of unconscious state of mind.
We cannot flow, when we are stuck and blocked. There are a lot of clearings that we are going through. Things that are not working for us, it is time to let go. Letting go of things that do not serve us anymore. These are old imprints, we have to acknowledge and feel where our energy is? Are we draining? We drain our power when do not claim our values. We forget our boundaries when we try to rescue others. We are enabling others when we do this. We have to create strong boundaries in order for us to become sovereign. Claiming back our power, naming those energies that are stagnant and then releasing them in our blueprints which are the Akashic Records. We are waking up collectively as we clear our soul’s Records of old imprints in our ancestral lineage. We are releasing energies that are not needed. We have the power to shift these energies.
Our mindset will create the visions that we have been dreaming of. But first we need to know what are the roots of our blockages? We cannot move forward if we don’t know what we are releasing. These issues are patterns of lower vibrations. When we are distracted, we cannot see what is in the present moment. We are stuck when we tap into worries of the future. We are not present with our heart and mind open. Opening to what is in front of us is a blessing to be anchored in the present moment.
Our gifts are here now, deeply embedded within. When we put our attention to our gifts and present moment. We forget that we are not about survival, we are Light beings thriving abundantly and flowing with the universal energy. This is our true state of nature in connection to the Source of all resources. If we take the time to reflect and contemplate about our thoughts, we will discover the roots of our suffering. It is the vibration that we hold. This vibration needs to calibrate in the higher frequency of love and Light in order to co-create a world of peace. We cannot share this if we have not done our work. The work is through the energetic level of our being.
The moment we start thinking of harming thoughts, our own vibration goes down. If we hurt someone and send these harming thoughts about another person, we oppose the universal laws. Because our true nature is being one with all that is. We receive compensations through this act of kindness. Be fully conscious what kind of thoughts you are hosting.
Emotions are also markers of what we are allowing in our emotional body. Clearing these lower vibrations will elevate our consciousness. Once we tap into the vibrations of our emotions. Name it and if it is low in frequency, clear and release. Transmuting this energy all the way down in the core of mother earth Gaia. We are supported by the Masters of Light. Opening our Akashic Records, ask for assistance and clear. We are powerful beings surrounded by our spiritual guides. By being fully conscious of our thoughts, emotions and spirit we are living in a higher vibrational frequencies of love. Be mindful what kind of frequencies we are emitting. Be align with our true essence, at one with peaceful state of mind and open heartedly receiving the gifts of the universe.
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