27 Oct Sacred Sexuality
Sacred sexuality is about claiming our power as women and releasing the “prince charming enchantment” that has been imprinted in our feminine psyche in the collective consciousness. Claiming back our self-worth, value and sacredness of sexuality. In order to have this power, we have to recognize the different ways that we build walls around our sexual issues and situations.
I grew up in a huge tribe. I was number 10th, with 6 brothers and 3 sisters. I looked at my 6 brothers with adoration and wanted their attention and affection. I remembered anticipating them coming back home after work. Preparing myself, I had a shoebox of Johnson baby products to beautify and make myself smells good. It was strange that I was creating this space when I was a child to gain the attention of my brothers.
Why was I craving to have this adoration? Who knows, I probably had a past life as a prostitute. As a matter of fact, we all have this survival archetype of a prostitute! We will explore this archetype as I flow with this book, it is different from the rest of what I have written about. This is sharing my shadows that have been playing around in my existence as a Scorpio with 5 planets in the house of Scorpio. It is quite an intense soul’s journey diving deep into sexuality and death.
This is my sexuality and how it became tainted from my sexual abusive experiences with men. This book is not about condemnation, but a tool to help eliminate the clutter around women’s values about their own sexuality. How as a collective, we have given our power away? To help you become clear about your sexuality, values and courage to claim back what has been lost.
Our submission to others comes from our ancient lineage and the generations of mothers that were taught to be submissive to their husbands. Religions have constrictions about sexuality and have used guilt as a fear factor, preventing us from owning our own sexuality. Prostitution has become the oldest profession. Why? Because this sells, sex is like an addiction. The more we do not talk about it, the more curious we get. It is like a snake behind our back. Deadly and played dark, when it is actually something more powerful and sacred.
I will take you on a road of vulnerable truths, shadows and bare openness to reveal to you what has been lost. Sexuality is about how we value and see ourselves. It is sacred if you give it value, honor, and know who you truly are.
As a victim of sexual abuse in the infant stage, I had a near death experience at 2 years old, which was the same time that I was being molested by my babysitters in the Philippines. Isn’t it ironic that I came back to life and sexuality is the deepest mysterious catalyst of my existence? Abused by my own father, who is my sacred contract in this divine incarnation. I listened and took this courage to bare my deepest and darkness nights of my soul.
Today, as I cleaned my room of stuff, I cleaned my soul, baring all the BS that I took from all these illusions from my family, society, and others conceptions and perceptions about sexuality. Today, I relinquish all that does not matter to me anymore. I am true to myself. I am true to my sexuality. I honor my history of sexual abuse, with this I became who I am today. I have sacred sexuality and the power to release the “prince charming enchantment” imprints in my neural pathways. To claim my power as a divine woman gifted with the feminine divine goddess energy.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you divine mother.
Bonita Roy
Posted at 19:09h, 28 OctoberTeza you are such a beautiful soul. This is such a powerful post. The insight you bring forth to others is incredible. I am so very blessed to call you my friend. Much love and light💖🌟💫💖
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 20:19h, 16 MarchAw thank you Bonita for reading my work, I am so blessed to have you in my path. Blessings! xo