13 Jan Reptilian Draconian Codes
Reptilian Draconian codes RDC
Dedicated to the #LAFIRES my son Theodore Terence Hill who transitioned on Nov 24, 2017 had been presently communicating to me the hidden secrets of the Elite who are ruling our world and other planets. This is called ONE WORLD ORDER
These are hidden agendas from these beings. It is challenging to go through this life stream and not able to decode what they are imprinting our human consciousness. Today as I rest my mental health inside Royal Columbia Hospital, I realized how huge this is. We are imprinted in our consciousness and when you try to escape or tell the truth, you can be dealing with these malevolent Reptilian beings. What is their intention? It is primarily to dominate us and placed you in a matrix that traps your consciousness. I will develop a protocol plan to thrive within this 3D matrix and remember to stay grounded, balanced and aware on how they can manipulate and targeted your being. They are insidious and will do anything to hypnotize you without your permission or consent. They are here to bring our sexuality into global exploitation, manipulation, control, deception, forceful, bondage to hostage us into the tantric energies that will infuse access to our soul. It will consume your whole being if you succumb to their skills. This drawing is to let you know and see how huge this RD codes are wrapped around our Mother Earth and humanoids.
The acronym for HADES is Hidden Agenda Dia-bolical Exploitation of Sexuality
This is huge part of human trafficking and prostitution with children and adults. They are here to exploit us and bring the global exploitation. The power hunger RD codes is to shift us into tantric and electric human with RD codes in our
The following Archetypes are animated right now in our collective. We have to be aware of their shadows in order for us to shift fully to integrate become a bright light body to help and serve others.
Addict/ Victim/ Dominatrix/ Femme Fatale/ Exploiter/ Pedophilia/ Remote Viewer/ Voyeur/ Chameleon/ Survivor/ Predator/ Parasite/ Insectoid/ Controller/ Pimp/ Prostitute/ Seductress/ Trickster/ Temptress/ Shaman/
Breaking down these codes and learning to understand how they are activated can help us in navigating these turbulent times. The way they show up in our realities can be daunting for those who are weak. They can infiltrate your essence by communicating internally through your senses and body. Crawling like electricity and making you feel good is one sign that they are hooking you in their traps.
RD Codes and Genesis
We have been imprinted by these ancient stories about Adam and Eve. Out of Adam’s ribs women were created! Really? How subordination was implanted right at the get go. Wake up and smell these codes, we have been under hypnosis of these Elites.
Portal of inception:
mindset/ fragmented thoughts/ confused/ delusional/ tantric energy/ pleasure/ children’s innocence
Domination: To proceed with their secret agenda though fellowship and brotherhood. To depopulate humans especially those who are weak and unaware of this interference of our sovereignty! They attack you when you are asleep, become vigilant and do not give in to their offers. This is so ridiculous that a lot of humans are going through these rituals that are not serving our highest good! Be vigilant and awaken to these RD Codes. The ether is also being manipulated to interfere in our Shuman Resonance. Ground yourself, be centred and fearless, we have done this many eons of lifetime. Together we can decode what they are up to? Just be and listen to what others are pointing out to you. This timeline is manifesting simultaneously in many other timelines. You are the One who has this super powerful will that no one can enter your Akashic Records. Be free from these shackles of deceptions and lies. We are magnificent beings of light and beyond.
Practical Protocol Intervention:
- Go into silence meditate and be aware of your thoughts.
- What is the vibration? Is it coming from fear or negativity or is it coming from love? Which is about love and light this is where your power resides.
- Scan your body, mind, heart and spirit. Be simple, don’t overthink but be in your heart space.
- Name the trigger. What was your condition before you were triggered? Name the place condition and your disposition.
- Are your thoughts, fragmented and confused?
- Are your energy centres open or blocked?
- Are you happy?
- Are you pressured? What are your triggers?
- Name them and journal. Reflect and open your Book of Life to clear any confusion, doubts, fear and entities.
- Stay in the light, call your spiritual team and guides. Ask for divine intervention and stay calm.
- Remember you are always protected by the masters of light.
- Call for help with your trusted friends to pray for your intervention. Close your Akashic Records. Ground, earthing and cleansing with your crystals companions to help you in your transition. We are O N E.
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