02 Feb Reflections on parenting and happy 30th birthday to my daughter Tiffany!
Today I reflect on what a privilege and blessing it was to parent to the children that I bore. I looked back at all the mistakes that I made and the harm I caused. I forgave myself and made sure that I asked forgiveness from my beloved children. Looking back, how would I know how to parent when I was only 19? What an immature time to parent, but that was my choice. I unconsciously took that path of responsibility and parenting. With that came difficulties and challenges to being a mother to three and married to someone who had addiction problems. How did I manage to get out of the marriage? It took a lot of courage, strength and strong faith to totally surrender to a force greater than me.
Everything were steppingstones to where I am now. To break down the rules of society of what family should look like. To know that there is clarity in times of confusion. To claim back my strength and have the integrity to live in hardships and find liberation from any bondage.
My children were gifts to me as I learned how to prioritize what is important in this lifetime. My relationships with them and how we can be vulnerable, raw and loving at the same time are the beautiful gifts of our bonding. We take each other for who we are, supportive and encouraging in our endeavors. We look at our differences and create space of tolerance and acceptance. We learned how to love unconditionally. Losing our Theo, made this more in depth as we learned that nothing last forever. We cherish every moment that we are together.
Today is the 30th birthday of my daughter Tiffany and I looked at her and see how strong she had been through all these years. How she became an exemplar of intelligence and compassion for others. She is a very sensitive and emotional being, sometimes that can be a detriment to her wellbeing. She has a brilliant mind and focus oriented to what she desires to be. Unstoppable! She is well ahead of her timeline! She declares to me when she wants something and see this come in fruition. She is now on her way to getting her doctorate degree. She has a dream of having a healing center to help others. She is connected to the force of all that is. She got it!
For those who are in the midst of parenting, know that whatever you do creates a rippling effect in your children. If you make mistakes, it is part of parenting. Accept and ask for forgiveness. Be true, let go of control and ego. Love yourself and share this love with your beloved children. Be happy. Learn from your mistakes and move on with courage, integrity and wisdom. Cheers Tiffany, happy 30th birthday my daughter you have done exceptionally well! xoxo
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