27 Jan Recharge Restoration Recalibrate
These 3 Rs are important practice to help your soul’s growth towards our ascension process during planetary retrogrades. We are receiving intense energies from the planetary system. They are our guardians like messengers sending us activations and attunements from their presence in the sky. Their founders, the ancestor astrologists had brought their metaphors and downloads into our collective consciousness. Knowing the movements and alignments of the planets can help us in our navigations here in mother earth as humans. When we are going through retrogrades like Mercury that happens 3 or 4 times a yr for approximately 21 days, we can best utilize this duration of time by taking a break off our daily routine. The mundane, delays, miscommunications, appearance of past relationships, blockages, dark night of the soul, griefs or any unresolved issues will be in our face until we get the lesson. For me I take advantage of this timeline to turn it around for the highest good of my soul’s evolution.
I go into seclusion, mostly nature like forest walks, feeling the spirit of the elementals, talking to the fairies, crystals and mountain spirits. I spend time with them communing and relating. I ask for support and I feel their kindness since I was a child. I have this innate ability to understand rocks, animals and plants. For me they are sentient beings that we need to respect and love. Their presence is vibrational, tuning into your energetic level. When you are open like a child, you don’t lose the essence of magic. It is a very high frequency of joy. When you have joy in your heart, you have compassion for everything. This is what is missing in our collective. We become so busy accumulating things and creating animosity with each other that our hearts are closed to experience joy and magic. We lose our innocence and purity. We become hard on ourselves and to others.
RECHARGE your batteries. We are energetic beings, we drain and deplete when give ourselves. We need to recharge to fill up our hearts with love and healing Light. The elementals can help us ground ourselves to mother earth. Our electro-magnetic fields need to ground to manifest our hearts desires and our purpose is interlink to anchoring this to mother earth. Releasing blockages in your chakra energy centers is a daily practice to support your well-being. Protection from harmful or toxic substances, people, environment or things is purification of your system. Earthing or grounding helps you clear your energy fields. The electricity that runs in your kundalini channel around your spine and Central Nervous System needs to be grounded to receive the healing power of our planet earth. The gravitational pull or magnet of earth will release the tensions and neurosis that can rise up when you are bombarded with stress. Our elemental bodies composed of 5 elements: such as air or mental fields, water as in our emotional fields and circulation like blood, fire as in digestion and passion, earth as in our physical bodies and minerals, and ether or Akash as in our soul’s blueprint need to be balance and grounded. Your awareness of their presence will help you recognized if you are over working or depleting. Meditation is the balancer, when we connect to our breathe we go back to our natural state. It helps us to direct our attention to what is going on with our systems. How we can implement self-care in the midst of crises? We will burnt out if we do not pay attention to these elements that contribute to our wellness. There are a lot of alternative healing modalities that can help you with balancing your chakra energy centers and understand yourself. Ayurveda, acupuncture, energy healing, opening your Akashic Records, sound bathing, forest bath, earthing, grounding, eating lifestyle, yoga practice, meditation these are some tools to help you tap into your highest potential and great health.
RESTORATION is management of your holistic health. Studying what works for your nutrition, exercises, mental health, emotional health and spirituality are aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing. We need the help of holistic practitioners to assist us. We do not need to be alone. The support of these healers will make your life a lot easier, to flow with love and grace. Sacred rituals help you connects to your higher self or soul. By daily journaling you can see your growth and soul’s progress. It is cathartic and a form of therapy for your mental and emotional health. Detoxification like taking “Wild Rose” helps my gut and liver detoxification. I gain clarity, feel light and happy after this detox. Your relationship with others are important to see if they are balance or toxic. If it is not flowing or the exchange of energy is not balance then, you need to assess if this relationship is something that you need in your life or not. Draining energies are like vampires sucking your light. It is a form of co-dependency. Healthy relationships need boundaries, respect and sincerity. Lacking integrity is not worth your value, your time, energy and life is precious gems. Treat your life as a treasure and those people that value your worth will come to you. But first we have to value ourselves.
RECALIBRATE is an act of alignment with your integrity. When we deplete our energies, we become misaligned to the higher frequencies. You will notice this, when you are surrounded by people that gossip, you adapt into the energies and it is very toxic if you are ungrounded. That means you have a scattered brain, not in alignment to your integrity. Scanning the people around you, environment and your body, mind, heart and spirit can help you gain awareness. Then, shift the energies into the opposite spectrum like gossip can be shifted to appreciation of others. This is recalibrating into your higher self for the highest good of all beings. We become so casual about this act that we are hurting others. It is an intense examination of our conscience how to maintain our purity. It starts with our thoughts, become aware of these thousands of thoughts that are like parasites. After you acknowledge their presence, then you are able to release them. Do not identify with the negative thoughts, they are habitual imprints from your DNA and ancestors. Your awareness will bring the shift. Letting go of heaviness and toxicity is powerful tool for our growth. Maintain your holistic health by paying attention to all aspects of your multi-dimensional self. Namaste!
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