19 Aug Qualities and disciplines of reading others galactic blueprints
Reading others’ Galactic Records is a privilege. We must consistently check in with our own selves and detox from any egoic structures of the mind. To become a clear channel for the messages to come through for the client is our main goal. Here is the list of disciplines that I practice being a clear conduit for love and light:
1. Boundary- we need to have a strong force field of boundary to filter our relationship with our clients. Do not be attached to the story or messages that you are receiving. You are a channel, like a funnel of messages to flow through for the highest good and highest potential of the client.
2. Discernment- it is necessary that you check if the message is coming from the light or not serving others highest good. Allowing thoughts to come through, can be a tricky business. If one is not aware of who you are receiving the messages from. To start with the intention, “I only allow the messages to come from the love and light for the highest good of this reading. Anything that is not serving or raising the frequencies and vibrations of this individual is not allowed in this sacred space right here, right now, and so it is.”
3. Purity of the heart and soul- sometimes it is challenging to relay the messages especially if it is a negative experience that you are seeing or receiving as a reader. It is wise to know that everything that you say must come from this heart space of purity. There is no harm when saying the truth, even if it hurts or not. The purity is delivering the message with pure compassion and understanding that you are delivering something that is necessary for change to happen within the person. Deliver with pure intention that this is for the highest good of the client.
4. Surrender- surrendering to the flow of the messages and reading for the other person. Do not judge, resist or be afraid of the messages. You are here to be a channel not to judge what is being relayed to you. Surrender to the divine guidance.
5. Detoxification- preparing yourself before the reading is necessary to be clear conduit. Your mind needs to be clear, free of any attachments. Your body, I like to fast before reading other records, so I don’t feel heavy. Your heart, I do not do healing if I am going through an emotional crisis. Your physical body, I feel good after a workout or walking in nature before reading others, so I am grounded in mother earth and my planetary body.
6. Listening- be a good listener to your client. It leads you to the answers that they need to know. Listening to others helps me to understand what type of vibrations they are carrying. Most of the time, they are telling their victim stories. It is your guidance that will transcend the person to be empowered. To be able to point out the parts of them that need reclamation. To reclaim their divine birthright and sovereignty.
7. Compassionate wisdom- we are here to help others see their light. Our compassionate wisdom can transcend darkness into light. Without judgement, we see only love for ourselves and others. Practice kindness and gentleness to yourself and others. This is the path to liberation.
8. Understanding- seeing the bigger picture helps us in guiding others. Their highest potential is within and when we help them see this hidden perspective, they awaken from their sleep.
9. Generator- the reader is the generator of new ideas, a rebirth and new template for the client. You are a genius in co-creating the stories that are about to rebirth in the person’s blueprints. Rewriting the old story into a fresh new start with wonderful possibilities of abundance and joy.
10. Activator- maintaining your multi-dimensional state of being at one with all that is activates the DNA blueprint of your client. This awakens the 12 strand DNA that is now being reformatted into our system. You bring new life and reset the soul’s hologram of others. You become a bridge for others to live in their multi-dimensionality.
12 Strands of DNA
As a galactic human hybrid, we have now reset our bio template into the activated 12 strands DNA/RNA that we have from eons of timelines. The liberation of our souls birthing a new galactic human hybrid free from any constrictions and limitations. We have been reprogrammed from the benevolent galactic beings to upgrade our system. To receive downloads of keys and codes to help us activate our galactic human hybrid avatar body.
12 Strands are innate gifts from the masters that we inherit from the genetic experimentation:
1. Clairvoyance- seeing images with your inner eye’s vision. It comes like a story or archetypes that is being downloaded to you as you open the Akashic Records.
2. Clairaudience- hearing voices or receiving messages that are very clear as if someone is talking to you.
3. Clairsentience- innate feeling like gut feeling or instinct. This is a very strong sense of knowing.
4. Claircognizant- inner knowing or recognizing intuitively what is being given to you.
5. Clairalience or clairolfactance- the ability to access psychic knowledge through the sense of smell. It means our sense of smell is strong and distinct that connects to past memories or clear smelling.
6. Accelerated manifestation- living in no time and space, you manifest so fast and it feels like magic.
7. Telekinesis- you are able to move things by using your mind and concentration.
8. Telepathy- receiving strong transmission of information from one person’s mind to you without physical interaction.
9. Astral projection- an out of body experience (OBE) the subtle body or astral body through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body travel through the astral plane.
10. Teleportation- the transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them.
11. Invincibility- is the state of an object that cannot be seen or invisible. It has to be able to bend light around itself, so that it casts no shadow, and it must produce no reflection.
12. Interdimensional communicator or channel- you are able to receive in hyperspace and communicate with all things minerals, rocks, crystals, plants, animals and entities without barrier.
The legacy of ascension is being able to be a clear conduit to help reconnect others to their galactic blueprints. The clear intention of the client will create a new template. We become a curator for this to manifest. We are the messengers and generator of portals to open. We tap into the universal data bank and download the information and messages to others. It helps the rebirthing process to accelerate in a higher frequency of higher dimensions. Activating the dormant DNA that is asleep and recharging the 12 Strand DNA template within is the new you. The new paradise and source of higher vibrations will be the new avatar. The awakening from a long slumber sleep. Cosmic reformation of our earth, radical transformations, galactic tidal waves, raising our frequencies for our highest potential and highest good of all beings. The process of rebirthing with effortless flow of ease and grace. Stay centered in the heart. The great purge is passing, and all will be reformed. Chaos-peace-sorrows into joy. The divine recognized the Divine. The spark of light ignites within you. You are a powerful majestic being of light. Live your galactic human hybrid blueprints for the highest good of all that is. “May you encompass and embody all the sacred gifts within you and live to the fullest with joy,love, and peace. Blessings cosmic souls!”
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